Sunday, January 21, 2018

Apartment Life #11

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post. 

I have a couple of things for you this week.

I waited a while to post this because I have to wonder just how legal what they did was. They handed out these notices on a Friday and didn't come to check out the fire alarms until the next Tuesday. So it was much more than the 48 hours they said they would be. I wonder if they can just come anytime after the 48 hours or if it legally had to be that day the 48 hours was up on. Anyway, I just thought all of the added nonsense after the "I'll be checking your smoke alarm in 48 hours" was really not needed and a bit over dramatic really.  So I'm posting it now. If you can't read what it says, I'll write it out below. 

This is a 48 hour notice to let you know I will be entering the apartment to inspect the fire detector. If you have a pet, your pet must be put in the room or cage. If I'm not able to access the apartment due to any reason a charge of $50.00 will be charge to your rent. If locks are change I must have a key to the apartment. If I don't have a key I will charge $45.00 to change the locks and will give you your new set of keys. I must have access to the unit at all times. 

Right of entry owner may enter the premises during reasonable hours with or without notice in order ti inspect, make repairs, provide general or preventative maintenance, replace filters and leave any notices o other reasonable business purposes while resident is present in the premises. If resident is not present at the premises, then owner will have the same right to make such entries by duplicate or master key but will leave written notice of and the reason of any such entry made. If, in the owners opinion, there exists an emergency or a violation of this agreement, owner may enter without notice at any time for any inspection, repair, or to determine the condition or occupancy of the premises. It is the intent of the parties hereto that this provision grant to owner immediate access if resident is in default of any term of this agreement and that this provision be interpreted with the existing law to grant as broad and timely access as possible and permissible. 

Thank you, 


The second thing I wanted to show you is this. 

The police were on my street again. People were fighting and the police showed up and arrested one woman.

Her three friends were not happy about it and were all yelling at the police as they arrested her. 

The police kept yelling at them to get back and be quiet. All the while the woman who was being arrested was fighting and struggling with the police as they handcuffed her. 

Well that's it for this weeks Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Some of that doesn't sound legal to me. It's been a while since I looked over an apartment lease/rental contract, but I'm pretty sure a manager cannot just walk in at any time with no notice or reason as it seems to imply before this fire alarm inspection notice. I guess it comes down to what is in your rental agreement.

    That woman's three friends aren't doing her any favors by riling up the situation, but angry people...

    You do lead an interesting life. :)

    1. We now have a new manager from the one that wrote this so I'm sure the next notice will be different.

  2. In france they can't do that in any case.

    1. I wish they couldn't do it here too.

  3. lol you sure had a show.

    Not sure about the laws there, but here they have to give you 24 hours notice before coming into your apartment no matter who it is or what it is for.

    1. Yeah, I think that manager was just nuts.

  4. Maybe those fighting people had a problem with getting their smoke detectors inspected!

  5. I have to agree with Sophia. Her friends didn't do her any favors. It is best to just go with them and then work it out later. I would be scared to fight the police. They have itchy trigger fingers lately.
    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I agree. The police out here are very trigger happy.

  6. We had a problem once with a landlord who was showing our duplex whenever he felt like it with no notice (we had given him notice that we were moving out). Landlord responded that we weren't home, so he didn't think we'd care! Yeah, I want strangers walking around my place while I'm not there! The guy was an idiot.

    1. Omg that doesn't sound legal at all.

  7. That's why I'm glad I own a home. If I ever find a stranger in my home, he'd better have more strength than I do if he wants to make it out.

  8. Your neighborhood is crazy! No way would I live in a apartment for this reason.

    1. It's definitely interesting living here.

  9. I lived in an apartment for a few years and I do remember that their was a clause that they could enter the apartment at any time without notice. I didn't like that and was glad they never did it. People are crazy!

  10. Oh man, you could start a daytime soap opera with your apartment drama, lol!! -

  11. I really don't like how that sounds. Not sure if them entering your apartment or changing your locks is legal.

    1. We have yet another new manager so Im sure that her rules will be different.

  12. Anonymous3:33 PM

    This makes me really thankful for my old doublewide mobile home on my own lot! It ain't fancy, needs work but it's all mine and no one has a key but me and the Mrs.

    1. I lived in a trailer for a while.

  13. I'm not sure if all of that was legal or not. Good thing that manager is no longer there.

  14. They came and only stayed for 2 minutes. lol

  15. You sure live in an interesting apartment complex.

  16. Well that doesn't sound right at all. I think the only time at ours was if there was an emergency or if they'd given notice of entering and scheduled a time. Glad they're gone!

  17. Wow. Not sure if it varies by state but in NJ it is required for building with 3 or more units that a reasonable written notice (at least 24 hrs) is given with a specific date for entry. The only exception is if there is a legitimate a water leak or something.

    1. That's what I thought it was here too. I think she was just making stuff up in the letter.

  18. We had an apartment that always did that yearly. They'd send out a notice a day or two before they checked the fire alarms.

    1. They only seem to do it when we get a new manager. lol

  19. I am glad the cops kept it together when they arrested the woman. We hear on the news when this stuff goes bad but not when the officers maintain protocol.

    1. That's very true. They did keep their composure.


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