Sunday, January 28, 2018

Apartment Life #12

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post. 

This week I thought I would share this video that I took of my neighbors arguing. But then the cousins who live directly across from them come out and there's more people yelling. This happened last month.

I took this little video when my neighbors started arguing outside a couple of weeks ago. It's only audio because I'm not gonna go outside with these crazy people. But you can hear how loud they are 3 doors down. This actually lasted for well over 3 hours. They would quiet down for a while and then all of the sudden be at it again.

Well that's it for this weeks Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Three hours?!? I guess they have good verbal endurance powers. My poor friend, Mary. Hugs!

  2. Three hours is a lot of arguing.

    1. It is and it seems to happen a lot.

  3. They must drink a lot of water or have strong vocal chords to go on like that for 3 hours.

  4. That would make me a nervous wreck and I'd be in hiding!

  5. Dang - 3 whole hours?! That's just so sad. Hugs...RO

    1. It is. Especially because they all have small kids who saw it happening.

  6. Meth, not even once

  7. The madness continues. We need to start a gofundme and get you a place with some peace and quiet!

  8. 😂 Oh wow, that'd drive me nuts!

  9. Crap likes this drives me crazy! I always want to do something rude in response (like put a radio in the window and blast heavy metal) but I'm married to someone who thinks that could get me killed!

  10. That's not any fun. I have had neighbors wake me up in the middle of the night by yelling at each other close to my window.

  11. I never saw or heard any actual fighting but they sure do like to yell.

  12. I don't have the energy to argue that much. It wears me out just listening to them.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads


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