Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Why Is My Electrical Outlet Sparking and Popping?

The electrical outlet on the wall in my kitchen started popping when we had the microwave turned on. So we plugged the microwave into a different outlet thinking that would solve the problem. It didn't and this outlet started sparking when nothing was even plugged into it and it was still making popping noises for no reason. So one night when it popped and I saw sparks coming out of the outlet, I called Ken who removed the outlet and replaced it with a new one. 

We've lived here for 20 years and in all that time this outlet has never been changed so it might have just gone bad or something. Ken has done apartment and Hotel maintenance for more than 20 years so he knew exactly what to do thankfully. He said that the good news was there were no burn marks on the outlet or any of the wires in the wall. 

As you can see this outlet was old and I feel much better now that we have a new one. It's been 2 weeks and there have been no popping or sparking going on from the outlet so now I feel much better. I think seeing those sparks flying out of this outlet shaved a few years off my life though. lol 


  1. lol seeing those sparks would cause me to pack up and be ready to go in case of fire, until it got fixed. Great he can fix it.

    1. I was ready to call for a motel room. lol

  2. Dang, snap, crackle & pop isn't always a good thing!

  3. I can understand that you feel better with a new one. It looks really old

  4. I don't blame you for wanting a new one. I would too!

  5. I was electrocuted once when I was a kid so whenever a switch or an outlet sparks, you can expect I'm already on the other room seeking refuge hehe

  6. Thank goodness he knew what to do, and could fix it! Wow! Hugs...RO

  7. OMG glad you got it fixed, electricity scares the bejeezus out of me.

  8. Glad it turned out okay. I'd be tempted to replace all the outlets after that!

    1. We have been talking about that. lol

  9. Elec problems can always been scary

  10. That's kind of scary. Good thing Ken knew what to do. I hope you don't have any more trouble with it.

  11. eep! Electrical problems like that are scary.

    Glad it was an easy fix.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad it wasn't serious as well. That would have scared me too.

  13. Kudos to Ken. My grandparents had an electrically heated home and once the inside of the wall caught fire..very scary.

  14. I'm glad Ken knew what and how to do it. You didn't have to call an expensive electrician!

  15. Oh yes! Thank goodness it didn't start an electrical fire and Ken got it settled.
    Last fall, when I went out to California to help take care of my grandmother's things and get her house ready for sale, I was amazed she never had an electrical fire. Her plugs were so old all through the house that they were still two-pronged and she had converters everywhere with major appliances plugged in and using them all the time (they tell you not to do that). All the plugs had black scorch marks, too. Oys!

  16. I am glad that you were able to get it sorted out. Shortly after we bought our house, we needed electrical repairs. An electrician told us that we need to get it fixed soon or we would probably have a fire. Scary!

  17. Glad you're safe. Probably the lines to all the plugs in the kitchen runs through that outlet. I might suggest they put in a GFP plug that would, if there was a short, pop out. Only one in the circuit would be necessary and in most places, they require them in places like kitchens and bathrooms (where water is present)

    1. That's a good idea. I'll tell Ken to get one of those and insatll it.

  18. That sure sounds creepy seeing the sparks come out of your outlet. That's great Ken knew how to handle it and replaced it.

  19. Oy yes. A scary thing for sure! I had one in my kitchen doing the same. Probably just as old. lol Glad yall were able to take care of it quickly!


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