Sunday, May 13, 2018

Apartment Life #27

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

This week I thought I'd expand on the problem I've been having with a lot of the kids in my courtyard. First off, the parents don't watch them. The parents like to make them go outside and leave them unsupervised. I've asked repeatedly if they would keep their kids away from my door and they always say sorry and call the kids away, which works for about 5 minutes. There were three different apartments that have kids who play outside unsupervised and like to stand directly in front of my door and bark or scream at my dog but one family moved out about a week ago. The only thing I can do is document it and shut my door. So here are some pictures of the little darlings who like to stand in front of my door and bark or yell at my dog. 

My daughter and grandson was over for a visit and they saw this kid standing in front of my door taunting Falcor. I even told the kid to get away from my door but as you can see, he just stood there.

This kid was riding one of those motorized cars but every time she'd ride by my door, she would stop and scream at Falcor trying to get him to start barking. The kid in the background was throwing rocks at my screen door and was scooping up some more in this picture. I said something to his mother and she said sorry and told him not to do it again but of course he did. 

This kid comes by my door all the time when I have it open and he barks at Falcor trying to get him to bark which he is doing at this time in the picture. I told him to get away from my door but he just looks at me and says no. 

This is another little darling who was standing to the side of my door so I couldn't see her from my couch and was taunting my dog. They do it pretty much any time I have my door open on nice days and even when I say something to their parents they do nothing.

Again she was riding by, stopping to taunt Falcor so I just let him bark for a while and the parents finally yelled at the kids to get away from my door. The barking dog seems to bother some of these parents more than people coming to tell them that their kids are standing in front of peoples doors bothering them. So I let Falcor bark for a while sometimes.

I don't care that the kids are outside playing. But when they continually stand directly in front of my door and bark at my dog or yell at him trying to get him to react, it's really infuriating when their parents do nothing when they're told about it. Watch your damn kids. Ken and I along with 3 other apartments went to the manager's office and complained about the parents not watching their kids. We found out all 3 apartments were 3 months behind in their rent and 2 were getting evicted. So far one family has moved out. 

And 2 nights ago we had a domestic disturbance at 10pm where the couple was actually fist fighting. They beat each other up and the cops came and the woman was taken to jail. No pictures though because I was already in my pajamas and getting ready for bed.

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. It is sad, but I always get stressed when neighbors move out about who I'll get in their place. We got lucky with the young family that lived across from us because they kept a good eye on their kids. Next door, its a sometimes thing. I don't have a dog, though, so maybe that would draw out the annoying traits.
    Yikes for the fighting couple.

    1. Even back when I didn't have a dog, if the kids had no manners and stood in front of my door yelling and screaming it would irritate me.

  2. I agree, it's one thing for them to play outside, but to taunt you and your dog is just not cool. Despite all that, sure hope you have a Happy Mother's Day! Hugs...RO

  3. Ouch to the fighting couple. Parents who don't watch or correct their kids need to be fixed so they have no more.

  4. Invest in stink bombs, might solve your problem if they are correctly placed

  5. Wow, instead of rodent problems you got major kid problems. Now if their was only a pesky kid number you could call.

  6. Btw that look on that second kid's face is particularly menacing. This gives me a novel idea.

  7. If it's just three households causing the problem, hopefully things will improve when two of them are gone. On the whole it sounds like a bad area, though, Is there some reason you can't move?

    1. We've been here for 20 years and know that we outlast most people. Most of the area isn't all that bad but my apartment complex has a lot of cops around. We've looked at other apartments but haven't found one as cheap as this one.

  8. They wouldn't be in front of our door long, the Dad would zap them with a taser, seriously.

  9. Oh having all those kids so close to my door and especially bothering the dog would upset me. My dogs would be going nuts which would drive me nuts and put me in a nasty mood with a few parents!

    1. I've tried talking to the parents and they just don't care. I end up shutting my door.

  10. That would seriously drive me insane. But I'm cracking up that you were taking pictures!!!

    I've had my fair share of telling kids I don't know to stop doing something because their parent is nowhere to be found. Maybe you need one of those air horns to blast at any kid looking in your door.

    1. I was actually thinking of buying an air horn. LOL

  11. It is amazing how terrible neighbors can be. I hate that I can't keep my door open on nice days but it is my dogs that are the issue. I don't like it when anyone comes to close to my door. A little surpervision is a good thing.

    1. I feel bad for my neighbors who don't have metal security doors because I've seen some of the really young kids just walk right into their apartments and the people have to take their hand and make them leave. It's incredulous.

  12. I say let him bark! That will teach them

    1. Yeah but it just eggs the kids on to keep doing it.

  13. Oh my gosh those kids would PISS me off lol. Brats! And the kid that says no? What a little asshole *snort*

    1. lol I get pissed off all the time.

  14. How utterly unpleasant for you. And irresponsible of the parents.

    1. I put sole blame on the parents. These kids are too young to be outside with no supervision.

  15. As a mom I would be so appalled if my kids did those things but then again, I would never be able to leave them unsupervised, especially at such a young age! So sorry they are teasing your dog, that really is horrible.

    1. I never let my kid out of my sight at this age. I just don't get it. at all.

  16. I bet the parents would have something to say if their kid got a nice bite from your dog. Ugh, people are SO ignorant and are raising future ignorant humans.

  17. This is the kind of crap that makes me thankful we got a house last year. We did have a neighbor's kiddo (when we were in an apartment) that did that kind of stuff.

    1. People all over are having to deal with this kind of crap and it's ridiculous.

  18. Scummy evil kids. And idiot parents. I don't know how you handle the stress.

  19. I hope so. Yeah they were hitting each other in the face. Both had black eyes. So crazy.

  20. Omg! The domestic abuse is actually the worse. I feel sorry for these kids. The parents are to blame, really.


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