Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Book Discussion: Cliffhangers

I've been wanting to start a discussion about cliffhangers for a while but so many readers don't seem to have as much of a problem with them as I do, or maybe I'm mistaken. A couple of weeks ago I became so mad at some of the 'freebie' ebooks I had read from Amazon that I deleted all but 3 ebooks from my Kindle and decided to start over with no freebies because too many times they end with a cliffhanger and to me, that's just unacceptable.

It seems like the reasoning behind the cliffhanger is to entice the reader into buying the next book in the series because you just have to know what happens next! But that's not what happens with me. Nope, I just get mad and put that author on my 'never read again' list. I think most of us readers and bloggers have a list like that.

Seeing so many cliffhanger endings lately in books has me wondering what authors are thinking? Aren't they aware that we readers hate that? Are they aware that some readers will completely write them off if they leave their book in a cliffhanger and never read their books again? I mean, they do want to sell books, right?

Let's get one thing straight though. I'm not talking about a background story arc for the entire series that doesn't get solved until the last book. That I can understand as long as the main story in each book in the series is resolved and no huge gaps are left open. A book should have a beginning, middle and real ending that closes all the gaps and leaves no questions open about the main story. When I pay for a book, I want a full book with a complete story, not something that is left wide open so I feel like I just read half a book. If I invest hours of reading into a book and it abruptly ends with a cliffhanger, that will be the last book by that author that I ever read. To me that is so incredibly sleezy, so selfish and I am so tired of it. Authors need to hear that we don't like it and it's going to cause them to lose readers if they keep it up.

I do realize that a continuing story arc is different than a full out cliffhanger and I'm fine with that. There is a way to keep readers interested and coming back for the next book without frustrating the hell out of them and pissing them off. All of the loose ends with the main plot need to be tied up so we get a full, complete story. If you plan on leaving a "To Be Continued" at the end of your book, just don't.

Cliffhangers make me feel like the author is trying to force me into buying the next book to see an ending that should have been in the first book. If you are going to have a cliffhanger ending then you should be required to put that right on the cover.

So what about you? How do you feel about cliffhangers?


  1. The whole "to be continued" or just abrupt end, where you know they are only trying to get you to buy the next book, gets a pfffft from me and a see ya.

    Main story should be wrapped and some loose threads left to tease the next one. And yeah, character arcs are certainly a must through the whole series. And some foreshadowing of things to come is great.

    To me it kinda shows laziness/greed that they can't finish the main story in one book.

    1. I agree. I can understand a few loose threads being left open in a series...I totally get that but at least the main story should be wrapped up. I've dropped so many authors over the last couple of years because of cliffhangers.

  2. No, I wouldn't like a book to end on a cliffhanger. I record my TV series so I can watch it all at once!

  3. Lol, you REALLY do hate cliffhangers! I truly haven't come across any books like that, but I can see how it would be super irritating!

    1. I've come across too many of them lately. So irritating.

  4. Usually the novels I read aren't parts of a series, so the issue of cliffhangers doesn't arise, but I can see it would be really annoying. I probably wouldn't stick with an author who did that. It can only be a gimmick to push people to buy the next book, as you say, but if people like the book they'll look for others by the same writer anyway. If they annoy readers with a cliffhanger or not bothering to write a decent ending, well, there are plenty of other writers out there.

    1. I've stopped many authors who ended with a cliffhanger. it's just too annoying.

  5. If I'm reading a series I like some finality even if there is a continuing plot line, however if I'm reading a trilogy like Nora Roberts The One that began with Year One I expect one. If I don't want to be bothered by trilogy cliffhangers I'll wait until they're all out before reading them. So no they don't bother me like they do you.

    1. Trilogy cliffhangers are different as long as the main story line if closed up...a story continuation is kinda expected but the main story should at least have an ending.

  6. I think cliffhangers definitely make you feel like you have to buy the next book and let's be honest, they are sort of mean! Easpecially when you have to wait months or even years for the next book to come out.

    1. Yeah, it's just not something I care to be bothered with anymore.

  7. Yep, LOL! I've deleted or avoided a few freebies and even books I would pay for because I read reviews and saw people upset over the cliffhangers. I just don't want to deal with it in new series. If I was all caught up and the series is already completely released I might consider it. But nope, don't like them, generally.

    1. Yep, I'm so over the whole cliffhanger phase.

  8. Well yes I hate them. I get why they are there but there is alway the chance that the author takes YEARS writing a new book. Then that cliffie has no point anymore for me cos I bloody well can not remember the book. I get that everything can not be resolved in a series, but leave me with a good for now ending. I will still read more

  9. I hate them. HATE! Now if a book actually grabs me enough, I will get the next one. It still pisses me off when they appear though

    1. That's why I think there should be a big disclaimer on the front of the book.

  10. I used to hate them all the time as a kid in tv shows. Especially the ones that would not be on for another year. But guess who showed up every single time?

    1. Yeah, the season enders are the worst.

  11. I feel the same way. There's just no reason for them.

  12. I know exactly how you feel. If I am aware of it before hand and I know the next book is releasing with in the same month then it is not too bad. Apart from that though if the next book will not be releasing soon then the author is off my list.

    1. Exactly. If I know beforehand then I can wait to get the next book but all too often there's no way to know.

  13. I don't like cliffhangers either. But just think about it: The T.V. shows/series that you watch quite often enough have cliffhangers on them. I don't mind those. It makes it exciting. Now, if a book series is already established and I know I can read the next book fairly quickly then I don't mind it.

    1. Tv shows and movies are different to me. I know there will be cliffhangers before I start watching. With books I expect a beginning, middle and true ending where all the main story is tied up.

  14. I can deal with a few unresolved issues but I do really want some kind of resolution. I remember reading a book that left the main character in a lot of danger and then book it was over. Not cool. I never pick up serials because I don't want to be forced to buy more to get the rest of the story.

    1. Yeah I don't read serials. That's exactly what Im talking about. The main story has to be resolved. A few loose ends is fine but a main character in danger and the book ends is not ok.

  15. I feel like you. Cliffhangers drive me crazy. I feel as if I'm being manipulated into buying another book. I want the whole story and I want it now :)

  16. I read a book that ended in a cliffhanger last week, and there was no warning or indication in the blurb. I certainly didn't move on to book 2. It irked me and I muttered a few naughty words. I straddle the middle road. Sometimes, if it's an author that I know and enjoy and I'm aware that there is a cliffhanger, I'll give them a pass. BUT I like to know that the story IS continued. Stories that stop and are never resolved irk me too.

    1. Yes, exactly. If I know beforehand that there's a cliffhanger and I like the author I might wait for the next book and get them both. But for a cliffhanger to come out of the blue with no warning is not a good way to end a book.

  17. I understand what you are saying. I'm not crazy about cliffhangers either. I can't stand to not have things resolved.

    1. I just think a book should have a real ending not a cliffhanger. I bought a whole book not part of one. lol

  18. It makes me stabby. I've quit a few authors over it. If there's a cliffhanger I want to know in advance, too.

    1. Me too. I really wish authors would stop with the cliffhangers already.

  19. Yep, abrupt endings and brutal cliffhangers roast my nuts. Full on rage. If I'm forewarned, and all books are available, then I'm cool with it for I'll just get all books at the same time and binge read. If it's a surprise and then I have to wait on all the books I'm out.
    I LOVE overarching plot arcs that take many books to resolve but I'm in complete agreement that each book has to have it's own plot that has a beginning middle and end with the overarching plot moving along slowly in the background.

    1. Exactly! That's exactly my thoughts too.

  20. I hate cliffhangers. A few years ago I gave up almost 40 series because they all kept having these cliffie endings and I'm over it. lol

    An open or abrupt ending pisses me off even more though.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I can understand that. I just want a good book with a real ending.

  21. I'm not a big fan of cliffhangers, either. I've read a few books that felt like the author was giving you an idea of where the next book in the series might go, but that still isn't a cliffhanger. I had one, onetime, that ended in the middle of a damn sentence. That was probably my most frustrating.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Oh no, that's no way to end a book.


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