Sunday, July 02, 2023

Apartment Life #273

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

I heard yelling and screaming coming from across the street in the same courtyard as before when the two guys have been fighting darn near each week for a few weeks. So I snapped a picture of the ambulance as it arrived while I was outside. 

When I got back inside, I snapped a picture from my bedroom window.

Then I saw the same man from the last few weeks being brought out on a stretcher again after fighting with the same guy from the last few times I said this happened. I don't know if it's domestic, friends, roommates, family. I just know they fight a lot.

But this time the police showed up and I was able to get a picture of the police car as it was driving by and going into the alley in the back of that apartment complex across the street. I wanted to get the ambulance in the same picture so you'd see they were here at the same time. I don't know what happened once the police were in the alley though. 

The high this week was 110F/43C
The low this week was 70F/21C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Those fights sound serious.
    Your minimum this week was higher than our maximum.

    1. Yeah it's getting pretty warm around here.

  2. Drug dealer gone, new kind of trouble ensues. You can never win...

    1. Also, 43C???!!! 🥵

    2. It's crazy just how much stuff goes on around here. Even with drug dealer gone there's still so so much stuff to report. Yeah it's hot here.

  3. Sounds like it's time for the two to separate, end living together before things escalate beyond a ride in the ambulance.

    1. You would think, after finding like this that they would separate and go their separate ways.

  4. Sounds like a couple of stupid men. A hot one this past week for you.

    1. Hopefully they part ways so this doesn't keep happening. Yeah it's been really hot here

  5. Stupid people are the worse. We get a lot of police coming out for so many reasons. It's kinda of insane. I hope things get better.

    1. Thank you I hope so too. I do see a lot of police patrolling this area now

  6. Fighting always seems so pointless to me. Glad there wasn't even more excitement last week. Our temps are creeping up towards 100 now that it's July. Ugh. I'm not a fan of the heat.

    1. I don't get the point of fighting either. Hopefully neither one of them get seriously hurt and hopefully they part ways at some point. I'm not a fan of the heat either.

  7. Replies
    1. Yeah hopefully nobody gets seriously hurt over there.

  8. Why do some people want to spend their whole life fighting? It baffles me.

    1. I don't know, frankly I don't get it either

  9. Never a quiet moment there, it sounds like.

    1. Right? They're always seems to be something going on this street.

  10. You would think that they would just stay away from each other. People are crazy!

  11. That's crazy that the ambulance has to come out so frequently when they fight. Not that fighting all the time is good, but to the point of need an ambulance makes it so much worse. I hope the police did more than just cite them, but what are the chances?

    1. You would think that if one person has to be taken away in an ambulance that the police would arrest the other one.

  12. It sounds like the fighting is next level! One thing to argue and yell- but to keep needing an ambulance is crazy. I hope whatever is going on between them stops!

  13. Alcohol most likely played a role. Your temps are getting to the crazy level. :)

    1. The temps in the Summer here are always crazy.

      I'm sure there was some alcohol use involved for it to get this bad.

  14. Geez like a fight club over there.

  15. What happened to respectful discord instead of fighting? The only excuse to fight is if your life is threatened.

  16. P.I. Mary strikes again! I guess fighting is all some frustrated people can do. I'm all to familiar with neighbors from hell.

  17. A YellFest and a Smackdown, always trouble!

  18. Wow - that is so much fighting from them.

  19. So much violence and fighting.

  20. DV situations are always risky, even for first responders, since, often the Victims turn on the very people there to protect them. Many Moons ago we had Neighbors who had a terrible DV relationship. He'd hit her all the time and one day my Dad intervened and called Police and wouldn't you know, the Wife came over afterwards, not to Thank him for making a call to have her protected from an abusive Spouse, but, to tell him he should mind his own business! He told her that he'd never call for Help on her behalf again and when the situation escalated, which it will, he wouldn't bother to find out if he was alive or dead either. Some people thrive on the drama of a toxic relationship... others can't get out... it's always complicated and very dangerous.

    1. I called the police on a neighbor who was hitting his pregnant girlfriend years ago. I even testified against him, but she never showed up to testify. He got 3 months in jail and then came right back.

  21. I'd much prefer if they'd have sex in the streets than fighting!

  22. Wow! Multiple fights that end in an ambulance ride. You would think he'd learn to stay away - or fight better?! Hopefully it doesn't escalate.

    Happy 4th. I hope the holiday doesn't bring out all the wack-a-dos for you!

    1. You would think that they would just separate.

  23. So awful. These guys need to stay away from each other. Doesn't sound like it'll end well. Those are some hot temps! Stay cool, Mary.

  24. 43 c is insane

    Business as usual there

    1. It gets hot here in the Summer. I try not to go out during the day too much.

  25. Your daytime high was blergh. 🥵🥵🥵 Thank goodness you have AC. 😌


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