Sunday, June 16, 2024

Apartment Life #322

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Wednesday two police cars showed up as I was outside with Falcor. They quickly got out of their cars and made their way into my courtyard. There's a homeless man who I'm sure is on drugs but he's been hanging around a lot and some of us in my courtyard have seen him trying to turn doorknobs. He's tried a few of the doors in my courtyard over the last couple of months and when my daughter saw him doing that to the single lady's door who lives across from us a couple of months ago, she called the police. But because it was in the middle of the night and no one else answered their doors or saw anything the police didn't even take a report about this.

The next day my daughter told the neighbor about it and she was so mad the police didn't do anything about it. The camera we have in the window just let's us view what's going on in real time and take pictures, it doesn't record 24/7. So we had no proof...until now. The lady across from me saw this homeless man trying to open her door when she was coming home this day and she called the police. They came out pretty fast but again, there was no one else that saw what he had done and so they didn't even question him. It's getting ridiculous. What do they need? Maybe we should wait until he breaks in, knock him out, tie him up and then call the police. But we'd probably get arrested for battery and kidnapping. Ridiculous. 

On Thursday the police were across the street. They were checking out that PODS storage container that's been sitting on the street for about 9 months or more. I am outside about 10 times a day or more depending on if the dog has an upset stomach or not. Which happens for no reason at least once a month. So I'm outside a lot. I haven't seen one person opening the lock to the POD. No one has come or gone from this storage container in all that time that I've seen. It's about time that the police are looking into why it's been sitting there all that time. I'm surprised that the manager of that apartment building over there hasn't called about it before now. What do you want to bet that it will sit there for another 6 months. Maybe someone is paying for it but what if it was stolen and just placed there? Am I paranoid? 

We heard 5 gunshots around 3AM on Wednesday. They sounded really close but I didn't see anything on the cameras. The police showed up and looked around but left when they didn't find anything. Unfortunately it's almost 4th of July and people around here tend to shoot their guns off in the air around this time of year.

The high this week was 109F/42C
The low this week was 77F/25C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I can't remember ever hearing gunshots here. And hope that continues.

  2. They should open up the PODS thing and let the homeless man stay there on condition that he stops trying to get into other people's apartments. Win-win solution.

    1. I think he has some mental issues or is just high all the time. I doubt that would stop him.

  3. Anyone in your courtyard have cameras that record? We have a camera system and it does record movement - someone there has one, you'd have proof he's trying to get into apartments.

    1. No, the other three cameras are just like mine.

  4. Gunshots are the scary thing

  5. To have that POD sitting there for a long time is crazy. I do wonder what is in it, maybe stolen items.

  6. "Maybe we should wait until he breaks in, knock him out, tie him up and then call the police. But we'd probably get arrested for battery and kidnapping."
    LOL, yeah...ridiculous indeed.

    Here's hoping that the gunshots were a rehearsal for the 4th, though it would be a bit early for that...and equally unsafe 😠.

    1. This time of year is very unsafe with all the guns going off.

  7. Scary that homeless guy keeps hanging around trying to get into apartments and the police won't do anything.

    1. If he actually breaks in they will do something.

  8. If the homeless guy continues to be a threat, with no help from the police, the storage container sounds like the perfect place to dispose of him if neighbors have to do something about him themselves.

  9. Have you heard of squatting happening in your area? Maybe the guy is a potential squatter looking to get in someplace and stay. So creepy.

    1. Yeah it happens. Maintenance here in my complex will just go into the apartment and make them leave though. It's not like California where you have to get a court order.

  10. So, you see someone breaking into your own apartment and the police won’t do anything? That is absolutely ridiculous.

    1. They won't do anything unless he actually breaks in.

  11. Yes, that's all pretty crazy from the PINOs (Police In Name Only)!

  12. This is why I like living out in the middle of nowhere. Less people to try your doorknob. Add to that with my pack of dogs, no one could sneak up on us.

  13. It's sad that the police won't take a person who lives there statement as fact. That POD thing is weird... it's been in a lot of your photos. I wonder what's inside!

    1. That POD has been there for such a long time. I have no idea what's in it but hopefully it's being used just for storage and nothing nefarious.

  14. If a POD sat here for more than a few days, our neighbors would be all over trying to figure out why. I'm surprised nobody has done anything about the one there for that many months!

  15. I guess the homeless guy has to be in the act before they do anything. Scary if you ask me. Thank goodness no one was hurt with those gunshots!

    1. Unless he actually breaks in the police won't do anything. The gunshots were scary, they were close just not sure where.

  16. The homeless guy thing is so scary, and so are the gunshots! I hope you're safe, Mary.

  17. I know everyone needs a place to call home, but I just don't know how you do it, Mary.

  18. The storage container is a big mystery. How did it get dumped there and why hasn't it been removed? The five gunshots in the middle of the night must have been scary.

    1. The POD is weird. I hope it's not stolen but if they contacted the company and it is stolen I'm sure they will come with a truck to get it soon.

    2. Mary, I'm not sure your comments are actually appearing on my blog. Blogger is playing silly buggers. But if your comments are vanishing, please keep trying.

    3. At least one comment was missing. I'll have to make sure they keep appearing.

  19. So basically all the same business over in Vegas.
    We are getting a tropical wave as well this week, hope I will survive.

    1. Pretty much the same each week. I hope you stay cool this week.

  20. It's getting warm there--I would be suspicious, too, of the pod.

    1. It's weird for it to be there for such a long time.

  21. Now I wonder about that container too


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