Sunday, July 14, 2024

Apartment Life #326

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Sunday we beat our hottest day ever recorded by 3 degrees. It was 120F/48C. Too hot. 

Also last Sunday there was a guy in the grocery cart and he's laying down in it. I had just been outside with Falcor and this man was over near the trees where I take the dog where there is shade and he was standing in the middle of the trees screaming at the tree's. Scared the ever loving crap out of me. So I walked away from where we were and when I get back in the apartment I see from my bedroom window that he has grabbed a grocery cart and now he's laying in it. This guy must be high out of his mind. A few minutes later he wheeled the cart down the street and started screaming at the palm tree's down there. 


On Tuesday the police stopped by the apartment complex across the street. Something was going on in their alley and I could see more police over there but I have no idea what was going on.

This week I've had no internet. Thank you to those who kept visiting. Once the internet is fixed I'll be back to visiting blogs.

The high this week was 120F/48C
The low this week was 86F/30C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Hi, Mary!

    This report is troubling, dear friend. Day after day, I have read headlines about the record-breaking heat in your city. I have thought about you, my buddy Falcor and all the homeless in your area. 120 is a startling statistic. Ten years ago, Mrs. Shady and I experienced a high temperature of 111 as we traveled through Arizona on our way to California. It was awful. I can only imagine what the residents of Vegas are going through this summer. Having no internet is a terrible inconvenience. Being without electricity during this record hot spell would be deadly. Let us all hope that does not happen.

    In my vicinity, we are looking at a high of 97 on Tuesday. I am not looking forward to it. I will return with my latest blog post that same day and hope you can join me. In the meantime, dear friend Mary, stay safe, stay cool and "more power to ya."

  2. That's hot. We're hot, but not that hot. And it's always upper nineties here in July.
    Too bad the cops didn't just wheel that guy in the cart away...

    1. I think we trade hot temps in the Summer for no hurricanes or tornadoes. lol

  3. Ugh on that heat! We had a woman walking around town all week, pushing a shopping cart with two suitcases in it. Not sure what was up with her.

    1. The homeless always store their stuff in the carts, easier to walk around I guess.

  4. What did the trees ever do to that guy? ;D
    And 120? That's awful. We hit 106 last week and I thought that was way too hot. I hope this week is a little bit cooler. And I'm sorry you're without internet. That's always frustrating.

    1. He's been around more this week too. He's so high sleeping in the cart again too. My internet is finally fixed after ten days.

  5. I hope you get your internet fixed soon. That's way too hot, yikes!

    1. It took 10 days but it finally got fixed.

  6. The heat might affect some people's behavior and make them act like crazy.
    We've got heat here with no drop of rain until end of Fall, beginning of Winter. Terrible!

  7. When you're hot, you're hot. Poor guy might have been suffering from heatstroke.

  8. Goodness knows why he would want to lie in a grocery cart. Hardly the most comfortable choice!

    1. I have no idea but he's been doing it all week.

  9. That is hellish hot

  10. WOW! Stay inside and just relax. That is too hot. I hope you are having a quiet week.

    1. I wish it had been a quiet week. Next Sunday will have so much. lol

  11. 120 is HOTTTTTT! Oh my goodness. I thought it was hot here- lol. Glad that guy didn't bother you and you were able to get into your apartment safely. :)

    1. He's been sleeping in the cart all week. The homeless don't usually both any of us. It is hot.

  12. Wow, that is way to hot to do anything. We've got rain and cool temps, I wish I could share it with you. Falcor must be hating that kind of heat. Take care and stay cool.

    1. I've been taking him out for longer walks at 4am and 11pm. During the day we don't go far.

  13. Sounds like the heat brought out the crazies. I hope you didn't have to go long without WiFi. I'd rather be without water for a day than WiFi. My son in law is a psych nurse who told me to avoid people doing that kind of stuff, in fact to avoid going near the homeless as you never know about their meds. He's been attacked several times by psych patients on his floor and these are also the people that are let out on the street. Such a broken system.

    1. it took 10 days to get the wifi back on and fixed but it's back now. The homeless around here and there are quite a few of them usually keep to themselves but are usually nice when you do talk to them. I've only had a run in with a couple of them.

  14. Probably pissed they weren't providing enough shade for him in that heat LOL. Hope you're staying hydrated!


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