Thursday, March 06, 2025

Book Review: Dragon Chosen by Mac Flynn


Book Description

Rose Dumont was just your average office worker toiling away at her day job. That is, until she found herself captured and carried through a portal into a different world. She was one of a group of women, and their kidnappers informed them that one among their number would be chosen to be the bride of the local dragon lord.

Rose wasn’t going to wait around for that to happen and she manages to free herself. She flees into the woods only to stumble upon a dark manor house. Unfortunately, she soon realizes that she’s walked into new trouble, for the house is owned by the very dragon lord she sought to escape.

The handsome Lord William Thorn is an ancient creature desiring a mate, and Rose is just the person. She soon finds herself falling for his gentle eyes and sensual touch, and one thing leads to another. Before she knows it she’s neck-deep in magic and intrigue as her unlikely lover and she confront a venomous foe intent on stealing Thorn’s greatest magic: his immortality.

My Review

Lord William Thorn hires some people to come to Earth through a portal and kidnap a few women so he can choose a bride/mate. Rose is the last women kidnapped but she escapes when she and all the women are together. She's in a strange new land and just runs but her bad luck has her running right into Lord William Thorn himself. When he finds her, he likes her personality and ingenuity to escape and claims her as his mate. Letting her know that he's a dragon shifter and his kind mate once and for life is a lot for her to take in so she needs a little time to agree with him. 

In the mean time she's liking him more and more and because she really has nothing special to go back home to, she gives his offer of being his mate/bride some real thought. As they get to know one another they travel to different places trying to figure out who is causing problems for him. They find out and it's a bigger deal than either of them had anticipated. Trying to find out the name of the agency that hired people to kidnap Rose from Lord William and why was a real adventure that gave Rose and William time to get to know each other as they traveled together. 

It was fun to watch as Rose got her powers for being Williams mate. She had been told that each mate gets a different power and hers was different alright, I loved that. These two were so great together and the mystery of who or what was trying to cause trouble for Lord William was fun. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. I like how he is filling in that white shirt...

  2. Funny that she ended up right with the guy she was running from. Sounds like a good Portal Fantasy PNR combo.

    1. Yes, it did end up being a fun one.

  3. So, it got better? Funnily enough, I started this book two days ago. I read a couple chapters and then gave it up as it annoyed me. The whole kidnapping and instantly falling into bed irked me. But if it gets better...

    1. Yes, it does get better. At least I thought so. I hope you continue it.

  4. I don't know if I'd find this relationship believable, but happy it worked for you!

    1. He's a dragon shifter so none of it is believable. lol

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this book.

    All the best Jan

  6. Glad you had a good one to read and review this week.

  7. Nice review 📙

  8. That sounds much better that some of those that rated a 2!

  9. Because of course they are kidnapped for mates. LOL. I would love one where the women aliens kidnap earth men! Haha

    1. I would read that. lol If aliens ever do come here there will be a long line of women willing to leave to be mates. LOL


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