Sunday, September 29, 2024

Apartment Life #337

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.

A couple of weeks ago I noticed my toilet wasn't flushing right, it was slow and that usually means the pipes are getting clogged and the cleanout is overflowing. So I looked out my bedroom window and sure enough raw sewage was leaking out of this pipe again. Long time readers know that this happens a few times a year. 

So I went outside because those of you that remember last time, there were a couple dozen bugs on my wall and window from the sewer pipe that's right under my bedroom window and I was afraid that would happen again. I only saw two huge sewer bugs but that was enough for me. Those two black spots on the wall, lower and one higher are bugs. No thank you. So I called maintenance Friday afternoon and told them raw sewage was leaking all over the ground and the maintenance guy came out fast. 

I was actually surprised he got here so fast. 

He was mad about something though because for a few minutes he was just yelling into his phone. 

But he pulled out the electric snake, unclogged the pipe and went home. I did not want to deal with bugs and a slow toilet and backed up tub all weekend. Thankfully I didn't have to.

I think I showed you a while back when my daughter found these unspent bullets in the alley. Strange to find bullets that haven't been fired but I just figured it was a fluke. These are .22 bullets.

Then she found a .38 unspent bullet. Still weird but ok. 

Then this month she found this, it's a .223 Remington bullet from what could be several different semi-automatic and manual rifles. Now I don't have a problem with guns. I learned how to shoot when I was 12 years old. I just find it weird that there are so many unspent rounds in my alley. Ammo costs quite a bit of money, bullets aren't cheap according to my brother. So what's happening? Are their ammo cans so overflowing when they open them the ammo is just falling out? Or do they have bullets in their pockets and they are dropping them on the ground when pulling a few out of their pockets? I just find it weird. 

Is it all from the same person? Several people? I have questions. 

The high this week was 106F/41C
The low this week was 71F/21C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I do have a problem with guns and would find all those bullets appearing unnerving.
    Glad your sewage was fixed.
    We didn't reach your minimum temperature on more than one day this week.

    1. It's definitely been warm around here. I'm looking forward to cooler temps soon.

      I'm glad the sewage was fixed soon too.
      The bullets are weird, I haven't heard any shots in the area lately though.

  2. Sewage leaks are a serious health hazard. That area needs to be decontaminated. I can't believe the public health authorities aren't coming down on your management like a ton of bricks.

    1. They never decontaminate it when it happens. The Health dept has been out a few times and this place has been fined. They just pay the fine because they don't care.

  3. Bullets are expensive. I'd have to agree that they are dropping out of their pockets. Have you heard shots recently?

    1. No, that's the weird thing, I haven't heard any shots lately.

  4. Glad they solved the problem quickly, but sad it is still so hot over there, we are below ten today and rain non stop.

    1. I'm really looking forward to some cooler temps soon. I don't mind the rain.

  5. The bullet thing is unnerving. A bullet was found on my grandson’s school bus and the bus is only used for K-3. Can you imagine? My daughter is not happy.

    1. Wow, that is crazy. I bet one of the kids picked one up from home and brought it with them.

  6. Hi, Mary!

    I'm swinging back around to Blogland, dear friend, and happy to be here for your weekly report on the status of the neighborhood.

    Yessum, I remember your previous problems with clogged sewer lines, the mess outside and the bugs that are drawn to it. The one thing that has changed for the better over the years is the rapid response of the Roto-Rooter man. Even though he was in a bad mood, he and his magic snake got the job done, allowing you and your family to have a hassle-free weekend.

    Spent or unspent, it would be disconcerting to find bullet rounds on the ground anywhere near my home, especially the caliber intended for use in automatic weapons. Under the circumstances, I would have many questions.

    With the month of October set to begin, I'm surprised that the week's high temp went all the way up to 106 degrees in your neck of the woods. I hope you experience a cool down soon, as we have here in the East. The Florida county where our daughter and family lived until last year was hit hard by the hurricane with, I believe, 11 deaths reported there.

    Take care of your smooch pooch Falcor and have a safe and happy weekend. If your schedule permits, come join the fun at Shady's Place this Tuesday, Oct. 1, when I will present the first of two frightful posts to usher in the Halloween season. Hope to see you then, dear friend Mary!

    1. I will visit. It is unnerving to keep finding the bullets. I heard about the hurricane, terrible.

  7. I'm glad you got the blocked sewer line fixed before things got any worse. And that is weird finding so many bullets like that. But better on the ground than in the walls of your apartment. Have a good week, Mary. :D

  8. Sloppy criminals dropping bullets or leaving breadcrumbs for other criminals? Who knows.

    1. I think they are dropping them out of their pockets when they are loading their guns.

  9. It would frighten me to find bullets near my house!

    1. I know a lot of people around here have guns so I get it. I jus think it's weird.

  10. Glad to hear that your sewer problem was promptly fixed. Finding bullets is very strange. Have a good week and stay safe.

  11. Ugh, those bullets get bigger and bigger. I wonder if there's a reason for that - maybe they're meant as a message for someone around there?

    1. I think they are just dropping out of people's pockets.

  12. Glad he was so quick to come out. I think the bullets are dropping out of people's pockets. It's still odd.sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I think that's where the bullets came from too.

  13. Glad they fixed the sewer line quickly. I can't imagine the smell. And under your bedroom window? Yikes.

    The ammo thing... I wouldn't normally say this, but have you considered notifying the police? That much ammo lying around? It seems like a lot. Maybe I'm overreacting? Perhaps.

    1. I thought about that but not sure if it would do any good. I might ask an officer next time I see one around here.

  14. Happy to hear they fixed the sewer clog quickly! I wouldn't want to have an issue over the weekend, when they're less likely to come out, either! Those bullets are concerning!

    1. I'm glad he came out and fixed it.

  15. A sewer backup and an ammo collection, maybe they are related LOL!

  16. YIKES! In other news, hope autumn finds you soon.

  17. I am so glad that you were able to get them to come out and snake the sewer. Sewer problems are no fun.

  18. Wow, Mary, your stories are wild!
    Raw sewage leaking sounds light a nightmare.
    And those unspent bullets? So weird!
    Your blog could totally be a book—I’d definitely read it!

    1. Thank you so much Veronica. I appreciate that.

  19. OMG, you found what? Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this season. Stay safe!

  20. You were lucky the maintenance guys came round so quickly to clear up the disgusting mess. I suppose a permanent cure is out of the question....

    1. Unless they dig up all the plumbing and replace all of it, this is not going to be fixed permanently.

  21. Ewww bugs
    And weird about the ammo


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