Sunday, February 23, 2020

Apartment Life #121

This is a new weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 20 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 20 years here in a weekly blog post.

Here's another picture taken from my bedroom window. I must have the exact right apartment to get all the pictures I do. lol So this week 2 police cars showed up across the street from my apartment building. We had heard some yelling going on across the street earlier and then some woman started screaming when one of the guys that lives over there came out with a gun. He didn't point it at anyone that we saw but he held it down by his side as he was screaming back and forth with the screaming woman's husband. Someone yelled they were calling the cops and he went back inside. No one was arrested that I saw and the police left a little while after they got there.

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Yikes- never good when you see a gun in a situation like that.

    1. No, it's not. I've seen several people over there have guns over the past few years.

  2. I am glad it seems to have ended with no bloodshed. Very glad.

  3. Gun laws are very strict in the UK so the ordinary person doesn't generally get permission to own any-it's mostly farmers, sportspeople etc. Even our cops have to call out armed units for backup as the ordinary police officer doesn't have a gun. Yes some criminal gangs have them from illegal means but knives are more of an issue in robberies and assaults here.

    1. I've heard that. Over here pretty much anyone can get a gun.

    2. That's the sad truth for America.

  4. What Chuckles said. I've never seen anyone here with a gun except a few armed police when some event calls for heightened security.

    1. I've seen lots of guns here. One guy across the street is a security guard somewhere and wears his gun on a gun belt all the time. Nevada is an open carry state meaning you can openly carry your gun on you as long as you have the right paperwork for it. Registration ect.

  5. Mary, if you could, would you move? And, if so, where would you go?

    1. Yes, I would. I would stay here in Las Vegas but to a better neighborhood. But apartment prices are so I haven't been able to find an apartment that we can afford.

    2. I hear you. Loud and clear.

  6. Well at least the nutball didn't shoot it.

  7. Almost a quiet week for you.
    Like Blue, if you could, you should move.

    1. We looked into it but apartment prices are high here. Most other apartments in nicer neighborhoods are $200 a month more than we are paying here and we just can't afford that.

    2. Money, money, money... Sigh. I can relate. Alex is right, though. We should move.

    3. Yeah, it always comes back to money.

  8. I had some police business as well this week. I hate calling the cops but I saw this domestic thing happening in a pick-up near my home so I had to call it in. I hope something came from it.

  9. Oh good grief. What you need is a boom box turned on full blast playing the theme to Cops.

  10. Well, I suppose no shots fired is a good thing!

    1. Yeah, it's a good day when you don't have to duck the flying bullets.

  11. Omg! I happy to her things didn't escalate after bringing a gun out! Usually that doesn't end well!

    1. I know. Could have been a lot worst.

  12. I love this series,even though it is scary sometimes!☺

    1. I get the most views on these Sundays posts so I guess people like them. I'm glad about that.

  13. Things get really scary when guns come out! Stay safe, Mary!

  14. Bullet proof glass?

    I think you should gather up your short bits to make a short story book. I decided a few years back that some of my shot story/blog posts could be made into my own book.

    Please consider this?

  15. I guess...a calm week? ;=

  16. Wonderful a gun, that makes you feel safe.

    1. Well, he didn't start shooting so it's not all bad.

  17. How many times do you think the police come to your apartment complex?

    1. I don't know about my complex but my street? At least once a week.

  18. How scary! I'm surprised that the guy didn't get in trouble bringing his gun outside. I wouldn't be arguing with a person that has a gun in their hand. *shakes head*

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. The police probably couldn't find it or no one said anything about it.

  19. Another nut in the neighborhood. Thankfully no one was shot. I love reading these posts, it's a nice window into a neighborhood with a personal touch. Nice observations and photo documentation, Mary.

  20. I hate the gun stuff so much! Stay safe. We live about four blocks from the edge of the hood and my son has to walk through it to get back and forth to work and to catch a bus to the university. I'm always worried about him. It really is scary. 😞

    1. I would be worried about that too.


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