Wednesday, May 31, 2017

12 Years Blogging

 I told you all how I started this blog but since it's been a while, I'll tell you again.  12 years ago a friend talked a couple of us into starting up a blog at the same time he did. TK *Trollking* was a friend from a couple of forums and yahoo groups that I frequented back then and he talked us into starting blogs of our own. Sadly TK passed away several years ago and most of the friends that started up blogs back then, no longer keep up with their blogs, but I have slowly been plugging along for 12 years.

My blog has changed as I've changed over the years. I've met a lot of really wonderful people and made quite a few friends along the way. 

Over the past 12 years I've shared pictures of my hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, rats and now my dog. I've shared the sorrow of my mother's passing, the joy of my grandson being born and 26 years together with Ken.

I've ranted, reviewed, shared my thoughts and advice. I don't think I ever really thought that I would still be blogging 12 years later or that anyone would read what I had to say, but many of you do and I thank you for sticking with me through so many years. 

I hope that I'll be here in 12 more years and that you all will still be here with me. 

Thank you all for visiting today and over the past 12 years. Blogging has been a very rewarding experience for me and I've enjoyed getting to know all of you. 


  1. I've not been coming online a lot in the last few days, but thank God I did today.

    Congratulations Mary!

    I love how much you care for and cherish your grandson and the pets, and I really wish the best of health and spirits for you and all those around you!

    1. Thank you so much. You've been around for a long time and I always like seeing your comments.

  2. Happy 12!!! If I count my livejournal days then...then I have no idea really. Must have blogged a long time too

    1. Thank you. I never did the Livejournal but I'm glad you've been around a long time too.

  3. Wow! I always enjoy hearing how people got started. I was also part of a forum, but started getting annoyed by some of the people, so a few of us broke off and started blogs. I'm also the only one left blogging.

    I've read some of your earlier posts and really enjoyed what you had to say. Congrats on 12 and here's to many more!

    1. Thank you. Nice to hear that people are still reading some of my older posts too.

  4. Damn, just about doubled me. Congrats on 12 years indeed. May 12 more come due. The cat will hopefully be here too.

    1. Thank you. I hope we'll both be around for a long time.

  5. Happy Blogoversary from all of us, we love your fun stuff!

  6. Happy blogoversary! I think it's amazing you're still blogging after all this time. Twelve years is a long time. I am glad I found your blog :). I always enjoy reading your posts.

    1. I'm glad we found each others blogs too. Thank you.

  7. Very worth the time. Thanks, I hope I'm around for a while more too.

  8. Happy blogoversary! May you have many more then 12 years coming!

  9. Wow, I can’t believe you have been blogging for 12 years, that’s 3 times as long as I've been blogging. I’m sorry to hear that TK passed but it’s so cool that you kept blogging all these years. I’ve met some awesome friends through my blog also, it’s been so much fun reading and learning about people lives. Happy Blogoversary!!

    1. Thank you. It's been a lot of fun meeting so many people that I wouldn't have met otherwise.

  10. 12 years!!!!wow. I thought you were going to say that, that friend of yours had a troll collection or something, hence Trollking. I used to collect trolls in my day. Here's wishing you make 12 more years!

    1. Yeah it's been a long time. We met on a Horror movie website and he named himself. lol I hope I'm around 12 more years.

  11. Happy 12th Blogoversary, Mary. I love stopping by. You make me smile with your pictures and videos and show me cool stuff with your product and book reviews. But I love that you stick with it even through life's ups and downs. Wishing you well for many more blogging years to come. :)

    1. Thank you so much. I really like posting all the different things I do and really like knowing that people enjoy it too.

  12. What an accomplishment Mary and Happy 12th! Looking forward to seeing you continue the fun for another 12 years! Hugs...

    1. Thank you. I'm so glad that I met so many of you.

  13. Happy 12 years! What a great accomplishment! I love all of your animals pictures and all that you share!

    1. I'm so glad that you are enjoying my posts.

  14. 12 years is a long life for a blog! Congratulations, Mary.

  15. That's just amazing, Mary. Congrats on your 12 years! Hope #13 is a blast :)

  16. I didn't realize you've been blogging that long. I'm almost at 7

    1. Yeah, I've been around a long time. 7 is a great accomplishment as well.

  17. Congratulations, Mary. That is an awesome achievement. Life is getting in the way of my blogging these days!

    1. Thanks. Life has a way of doing that!

  18. Congrats on 12 years. You've been through quite a lot. I know the best part of blogging for me is all the friends that I've met since I've started.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. Thanks. That's a great part for me as well.

  19. Congrats Mary! 12 years and still going strong. I think I am heading up to my 6th year in July. May we all keep blogging!


    Shari @

    1. Thank you. I hope we're all around still blogging 12 years from now.

  20. Wow! And you post every day! Those are definitely some blog goals to aspire to. #GetSocial17

  21. Many congratulations on 12 years.
    Well done.

    All the best Jan


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