Thursday, March 22, 2018

My Experience Buying a Makeup Grab Bag On Ebay

I'm sure that most of you have heard of the Mystery Boxes and Grab Bags that are being sold on eBay. I've watched a ton of unboxing videos on Youtube and for the most part, people who buy them get ripped off. But there are a few sellers that actually send out stuff that's not complete junk. So I decided to see what a relatively inexpensive makeup grab bag would be like and what I would get. 

The seller I bought from let you pick the number of pieces that you wanted and based on the number they icreased the price but it was still very reasonable so I picked 15 pieces. Everything that came is in the above picture. As you can see there are more than 15 pieces. She added a few freebies to my order which was surprising and awesome. 

I ordered a 15 piece makeup grab bag for $11.99 from this seller on eBay. I was sent a black nail polish, a clear top coat polish, lip liners, eye liners, lipsticks, lip gloss, eye shadow crayons, body glitter, a makeup bag, a pencil sharpener and samples of foundation and perfume. 

If you've bought makeup, you know this stuff isn't cheap. I looked up a couple of the eye liners and lip liners and they are $5 a piece, so I think this was actually a really good deal. I'm quite happy with my purchase and it was exciting to see what I was going to be sent since I didn't get to pick out any of it before hand. I can see the appeal of the mystery boxes and grab bags now. 

Have you ever bought a mystery box or grab bag?


  1. I've never done one for make-up, but yes, on books and movies. It is fun not knowing what you'll get. A few items in my book box like candles and stationary that matched the book theme was pretty cool and was tossed in as extras.

    1. Books sounds like an interesting grab bag too.

  2. Can be fun seeing what you get indeed. Sounds like you found a good seller and got a good deal too.

  3. Despite visiting Ebay fairly often, I had no clue this was available. But I love makeup, and it sure sounds like you got a really good deal. I'm going to check her out. Hugs...RO

    1. Oh cool! I only knew about it because of all the buzzfeed videos about the mystery boxes.

  4. That's pretty cool and we're glad you grabbed some goodies!

  5. I can't say that I every have.

  6. Maybe five times at best in life of various things, mystery often leads to bad things for my tastes, lots of places use it as a way to get rid of crap nobody watned.

    1. Oh I definitely saw that happen in some of the mystery box videos I watched.

  7. cool, yeah I'm usually a chicken when it comes to these things. Glad to know you were happy Mary

    1. I figured it wasn't real expensive so it would either be good or bad either way it was gonna be a blog post. lol

  8. I had no clue what this was. Who are these people and why do they have all this makeup?

    1. I'm not sure. I was thinking maybe they own a shop or warehouse or something.

  9. I haven't but I had never heard of them before.

    At least you got things you liked and for a good $ value.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  10. My daughter has done this with art supplies and got some cruddy things. She told me they have since put an end to "mystery" boxes because of all of the complaints. I'm glad yours worked out!

    1. Oh, I didn't know that they put an end to that. Interesting.

  11. Oh that is fun, and gotta love that she threw in a few freebies

    1. I was very happy and surprised about that.

  12. I've never done this. My daughter gets these $10.00 monthly bags each comes with a few items and a new glam bag. Nice find!

    1. Oh yeah, it's probably Ipsy she gets. I was thinking of doing that one too.

  13. Yay for it working out for you! I'd be too chicken that they'd send junk lol

    1. lol I fully expected to get junk and was surprised when I didn't.

  14. I need give this a try.
    Coffee is on

  15. I had no idea this was a thing. I do not subscribe to boxes because they are so expensive and I want to know that I'm getting something I'm actually going to love. I'm glad to hear that this worked out for you.

    1. Thanks. The Target box is only $7 most months when I'm fast enough to get one.

  16. This is the first that I have seen of this trend. It looks like you did pretty well with this purchase.

    1. I watched a lot of videos of people buying the boxes and I hadn't heard of it before then either.

  17. I used to subscribe to makeup subscription boxes. I got way to many things and I stopped. I'm still using all of the make up that I got from those. LOL. Looks like you got a good deal on all that.

    1. lol I got a bunch of stuff too but what I don't like I give to my daughter.

  18. Wow, awesome! You did great with this choice!

  19. It was fun to see what I got.

  20. The mystery is fun now and again :) Glad it worked out nicely for ya!

    1. That's what made it fun for me. But it was even more fun when I saw what I got.

  21. No, I've never bought a mystery box or grab bag, in fact I hadn't heard of them until now!

    All the best Jan

    1. It's an interesting concept and some are not good.

  22. I'm always a little leery of buying things on eBay. I've bought some, but not a lot. Mostly, I've bought a few jeans. It was always a brand I liked and the jeans that came were okay. Glad you enjoyed this.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I've bought a handful of things on eBay. Not many but this was fun.


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