Sunday, October 02, 2022

Apartment Life #334

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 25 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.

Monday afternoon I saw the police parked outside my building. They came into my courtyard and went to the apartment across from me. They didn't stay long and no one was arrested so I don't know what they were there for. 

I heard my elderly neighbor yelling at somebody outside on Monday so I took Falcor outside so I would be nosy. After she was done yelling at drug dealer, she came over to me and told me that somebody that goes to drug dealer's apartment slashed four of her tires. She believes it was Beverly, a homeless woman that she had staying with her for a while but had to kick out because of all the problems and drugs that she was doing. But Beverly still goes down to drug dealer's apartment and she saw her earlier that day so she thinks that it was her that slashed all four of her tires. I only took pictures of two of the tires but all four have been slashed.

Her tires got slashed in a way that they can't be repaired so she's going to have to buy four new tires or used tires and she can't afford it because she's elderly and honest fixed income. So she's spitting mad, and was yelling at drug dealer telling him that she's going to start calling the cops every time she sees the druggies down at his apartment or anytime she sees Beverly down at his apartment she's going to call the police because she wants Beverly arrested even though she has no proof that she did it, she's the only one who's mad at her right now. I don't know if she'll actually call the police but I have my camera ready just in case.

Last month an elderly, deaf lady was mugged in the alley of my apartment complex by one of the druggies. She and her husband were so shook up that they moved out soon after and I don't blame them one bit. Apartments have been broken into, cars have been broken into and vandalized and people have been mugged. All so the addicts can get money or something to trade for more drugs. I have no doubt that things wouldn't be this bad if drug dealer was evicted or he and his wife spent more than a couple of months in jail for it. 

This is what residents here have to deal with when they step outside their doors. This woman was sleeping near drug dealers door waiting for him to open for business. Sometimes there are several druggies sleeping on the sidewalk that you have to walk past in order to walk your dog out front.

I would however like to clarify something. I post pictures like this of the homeless and addicts around my apartment complex only to show people what we residents have to put up with, for documentation of what is happening, not to make fun of them or make a spectacle of them. I bring this up because someone on Twitter told me that's what I was doing by posting pictures of the addicts. We are no longer friends because of it, which is fine. She has her views and I have mine. I'm the one having to deal with this everyday, she isn't. But I don't want anyone else getting the wrong idea about why I take pictures and post them.

This isn't something new for me. Both of my parents were drug addicts. My mom spent 6 months in prison for child endangerment and child neglect and my brother and I ended up in foster care for months because they chose drugs over us. So I know how they act, how they treat their families and what it's like to live with them. I will not apologize for posting pictures of what I'm seeing where I live. 

The high this week was 99F/37C
The low this week was 71F/23C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I have never thought that you were making fun of them.
    Your posts are mini documentaries. Documentaries of sad and destructive lives.

  2. That's awful about the tires. Four new tires is probably $600 minimum. And who's to say the same jackass wouldn't just slash them again? I think she has the right idea. The normal people in your building should form an agreement to call the cops every time they see something suspicious, so the dealers and other creeps never have a moment's peace. If the heat gets bad enough maybe they'll leave.

    As for the Twitter twit, it's always easy for someone who isn't in your position to be judgmental. I wouldn't worry about her opinions.

    1. I was just telling her that yesterday. I told her to get a camera for her car just in case they come back to do something else.

  3. Hi, Mary!

    Seems the only halfway good news this week is that the high temp remained in double digits instead of triple. It makes me sad that you live in such a scary and repugnant community. When the cops visit and leave w/o making any arrests as they apparently do quite often, it makes me think they are merely coming to pick up their curbside orders. It's a low as you can go to slash all four tires on the car of an elderly woman on a fixed income. What's she supposed to do now... replace them only to have the vindictive individual slash them again? It's such a shame that you and my buddy Falcor must pass by people camped out on drug dealer's doorstep awaiting the start of business hours. I am very sorry to learn about your rough childhood and drug addicted parents.

    Thanks for sharing the lowlights of the past week. I wish you much better days ahead, dear friend Mary!

    1. I told her to get cameras for her car in case they come back to do something else. Her daughter is going to help her get some used tires.

      There are people camped out on his doorstep, on the sidewalks, in the bushes. ect. I just never know when someone will be sleeping or sitting somewhere.

      Thank you for your kind words.

  4. I certainly don't believe that's why you post the photos. You're just showing how bad it is. Shame you can't show all of your Sunday posts to the cops so they might do something about it.

    1. I wish they could see them too. Thank you.

  5. Wow,amazing drug dealer doesn't get caught if patrons are waiting outside his door. I'm glad you shared your childhood. I, too, have had parents on addiction and its hard. Still hard for me to share in fact.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. It was hard for me to talk about for a long time. Now, I'm not as mad as I was when I was younger and can talk about it.

  6. That's awful about Beverly slashing all four tires. Even one tire would have been awful and just goes to prove what I always say about no good deed going unpunished. Had the neighbor not cared enough to allow homeless Beverly into her life, this ingratitude would not be happening now. "I took Falcor outside so I would be nosy" had me ROFLMAO! With muggings going on, you'd better train Falcor to be an attack dog.

    1. It's true. Which is why I rarely do people favors because you just never know what people will do.

      That dog is good for giving me a reason to go outside and be nosy. lol Oh I have a taser with me in case someone tries something with me.

  7. To be honest, my sympathy for addicts is little.

  8. You seem pretty smart when it comes to your living situation, but I worry about you living in such an unsafe place.

    1. I worry about it too which is why I carry a taser just in case I ever need to use it.

  9. Wow- slashed tires. Someone was pissed at that woman apparently. And it sucks too because of her fixed income.

    I never thought you were making a spectacle of the druggies. Never occurred to me. I know people who've had drug problems too and yes it is so destructive of their lives and the people in their lives. I agree with your view.

    1. Thank you. I told her to get some cameras for her car.

  10. Good for you, posting the pictures. Some people love to accuse others of negative motives they don't have. Why don't they just mind their own business?

  11. Lots of twits on Twitter. :) I can't imagine you ever making fun of or exploiting the people who are experiencing addiction. Please stay safe if you can.

  12. You shouldn't apologize for posting pictures of what's going on in your own community. You just want other people to know what's going on there. And four tires slashed? That's awful I feel bad for your neighbor.

  13. I feel so bad for her. It's going to cost her a lot. Stay safe.

    1. It is. She said her daughter was going to help her.

  14. I saw a post today that said something like drugs destroyed my life and I wasn't even the one using them. Stay safe, Mary!

    1. That's a very true statement if you have family that do drugs.

  15. We also know you weren't making fun of them, it's really a horrible situation for you and I feel bad for the lady that got her tires slashed.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate that. I do too.

  16. Slashing your neighbor's tires is a crime. I agree that if you see a druggie hanging around, you just call the cops. Maybe they won't do anything but if you all call all the time it could make a difference. It's awful that anyone has to live like this.

    1. They don't do anything. If they are sleeping, they will just make them get up and leave unless they are unconscious.

  17. I know you’re not making fun of these people, though sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry because it’s just so sad. Mary, I did not know about your upbringing, but I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that when you were young. You are a good person and I’m sorry that you have to deal with this crap on a daily basis.

    I think what you’re posting is important, as a lot of us live in our own bubble.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that. I know a lot of people have no idea that things like this go on in cities when they live out in the middle of nowhere or in other countries that don't see this kind of thing on a daily basis.

  18. Oh, wow - four tires slashed is no joke. That will be expensive to replace! I'm sorry for what you have to deal with every day in your neighborhood. It's a shame that affordable has to mean unsafe for you.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It is a shame. I wish I could find something else.

  19. Thanks for sharing your truth.

  20. I've never felt like you're making fun of these people, Mary! Posting what happens in your neighborhood is your right. It's awful that your neighbor had her tires slashed and your other neighbor was mugged. I hope they kick the drug dealer out or that he and his partner/wife go back to jail and the rest move on. No one should have to put up with all this! Everyone should have a safe space to live!

    1. I wish they would but I don't see that happening. Thank you.

  21. You shouldn't have to deal with it. The landlord should evict the drug dealer.

    1. They should and I wish they would but they don't care as long as they get their rent money each month. Even the maintenance guy that used to work here said that.

  22. My comment from yesterday disappeared. I know you are not making fun of these people, but sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry over these situations. I didn’t know about your upbringing, Mary. You are a good person and I’m sorry you have to deal with this crap on a daily basis. It’s important to post this stuff because most of us live in our own bubble.

    1. I just found your other comment in the spam folder and published it. I appreciate your comments,

  23. I have always thought of your posts as mini documentaries.

    All the best Jan

  24. Tires are expensive!
    Oh that place

    1. Yeah they are. She had to have her car towed to a place in order to get her tired replaced.

  25. I'm sorry for what you and your neighbors go through on a daily basis. I'm sorry that you lost a friend over these posts. I honestly never thought of you as making fun, but showing the reality of life and what drugs especially can do to people.

  26. I have never thought you were making light of the situation. I think if anything, it shines a spotlight on the problem this country is facing. We need more affordable and accessible mental health care options, more drug addiction resources, and just more people to care in general. Our officials keep sweeping these issues under the rug. Maybe if more people shared the hard truths, something would finally get done about it.

  27. I feel for that woman who had all four of her tires slashed. I am sorry to hear the drug addicts run out the good residents. I hoped the lady who was mugged wasn't hurt.

    I don't see your posts as exploiting anyone for laughs or entertainment. You are very upfront about why you post these pictures and stories. I think too often people pretend homelessness and drug addiction don't exist or consider it not their problem. These are realities of life.

  28. People get their panties all up in a knot over the most innocent things. 🙄


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