Sunday, August 20, 2023

Apartment Life #280

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Last Sunday during the day I heard the police helicopter over my apartment complex and he was circling low so I was able to get a couple of shots from my bedroom window. But I didn't see any police cars on my street. 

On a side note, can I just say again how happy I am that I found a way to use my camera again. I would never have been able to get this shot with my tablet or phone. 

Since I didn't see any police cars from my bedroom window, I decided to take Falcor for a walk out front and see if something was happening down at the end of the street. And that's when I noticed a police car at the end of the street. The Amazon delivery van was in the way to get a good picture so I had to wait until it left.

Then I noticed the guy in white being arrested. He's a known methhead in the area and a real piece of work since he's known to beat the crap out of his girlfriend. So I was happy to see him being arrested and taken away. The Amazon delivery van was there the whole time. I think he was sitting there watching it all unfold since he was so close. lol  Antwon ( the man arrested) was out and back around here 2 days later. 

Hurricane Hilary Update: 

We are in the path of the Tropical Storm once it travels by California. We started getting a little rain on Friday, had a little more on Saturday. The winds picked up to 50pmh for a while and them things died down. It seems to come in waves, a little rain, winds, overcast skies and then nothing for a few hours. I updated this Saturday night and just wanted you all to know that so far I'm fine where I'm at in Las Vegas. Other parts of Vegas are getting a lot more rain and the mountains are getting heavy rain but it's been pretty calm where I'm at for now. I don't know what today and tomorrow will bring but I will update you with pictures next Sunday. I hope all my readers in California are safe. 

The high this week was 107F/41C
The low this week was 80F/26C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Good luck with the hurricane -- it sounds like a big one. I've heard it may bring some rain as far north as here in Oregon. I hope you're prepared for issues like short-term power outages.

    1. Yeah I think we're good. The power went out for a few minutes this morning and then it came back on.

  2. I hope the hurricane treats you gently. Sad that the methhead was released so quickly.

    1. I hope so too. They always seem to get out pretty fast.

  3. "Antwon ( the man arrested) was out and back around here 2 days later."
    So that he can go back to beating his girlfriend, I suppose 😬. I hope she'll come around and leave him...without getting murdered or anything afterwards, you know 👿.

    I hope your corner of the woods stays out of the worst!

    1. She just keeps going back to him I don't know why. Hopefully we don't get like torrential rains or anything.

  4. Those waves are called feeder bands. Really wild that your state would get the remains of a hurricane. On the East Coast, that's our gig.

    1. I've been here about 30 years and I think it's the first time that we've ever had the remains of a hurricane.

  5. Thanks for the hurricane update. Stay safe!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It's always kind of cool to watch the helicopter do its thing.

  7. We had helecopter training near my home this week. I watched as a helicopter picked up a man from a telephone pole

  8. Amazon driver was probably not just watching, but videotaping Facebook Live and TikTok. I know I would have been, LOL.

  9. Of course the guy was out in two days. What a loser. Hopefully he moves on or gets caught for something that'll keep him behind bars longer!

    Glad to hear you're staying safe with the hurricane! I'm in Northern California so the worst of the storm is missing us, but we're supposed to get rain from it.

    1. They all seem to get out within days. Glad to hear the hurricane is going to miss you and you'll just get some rain. Hopefully it won't be as much as they said it would be.

  10. I always get nervous when the helicopters are oberhead. Well, not nervous, but... the other night I was up late and one went overhead, and I was like... why is there a helicopter overhead at 2 am lol?

    The Amazon people see it ALL I imagine

    1. I always know something is hapening when I hear the helicopter.

  11. The Amazon guy probably was surprised to see a live arrest happening right in front of his van.
    The hurricane sounds scary, stay safe!

    1. He probably was. So far just a little rain.

  12. My husband called hisVegas aunt last night to see how she’s faring and she didn’t seem too worried. I hope you don’t get too much rain all at once.

    1. No one here is very worried. lol I hope we don't get flooded.

  13. With someone like Antwon, it would benfit everyone (the neighborhood and the girlfriend), if the police could find some way to keep him in jail. And I've been watching the dstorm coverage and thinking of you, stay safe.

    1. I wish he would stay in jail too.
      Thank you. So far things have been mild.

  14. The only helicopter fly by my place. Usually the copter is heading to get someone from the hospital.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. Yeah we have the life flight helicopters too but they are red or yellow. I can tell the police helicopters because they are black and white and fly low.

  15. Glad you are safe so far and remain so. Too bad the cops didn't keep the meth head longer.

    I hope you have a quiet week ahead!

    1. We've had a little rain and wind but that's about it.

  16. I wish they'd keep the meth head a good while longer. Keep safe and watch out for those rainbands.

    1. It would have been nice if they had kept him a little bit longer. So far we've had some rain the last few days and some wind but nothing crazy where I live.

  17. I hope you continue to be safe with the storm. I'm sure the rain is much needed there, but you could probably do without the hurricane on top of it all!

    1. Yes the rain was much needed. So far things are pretty calm though.

  18. Hope Hilary won't turn into Killary like that Clinton biyach LOL We had twisters and tornados for almost a month this summer, every weekend we would have winds that destroy roofs and buildings, so we probably had it worse than you this year, sadly. It went all the way up from Slovenia, through Croatia and down through Serbia and Bosnia and my Vojvodina. It was quite terrible, my publisher lost their stock as the twister took the roof off their storage building, so all the books got wet, horrible.

    1. Oh man that is pretty awful. Yeah it's pretty mild here we haven't gotten anything crazy.

  19. We live in Riverside county, Calif. Yest. it rained all day, and at night, it belted our windows and thunder shook the windows. Is it over?

    1. I do think it's over now. We are supposed to get more rain on Wednesday and Thursday from Tropical Storm Harold though now.

  20. The hurricane sounds rather scary.
    Stay safe.

    All the best Jan


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