Thursday, August 10, 2023

This Tree Holds A Secret...Cicadas!

This large tree is right across the street from where I live. I like the shade from it if I walk Falcor over there. And unless you look closely you might miss a secret the tree holds. 

Cicadas! Or rather a lot of cicada skins left from after they have molted.

Each year my daughter looks for them so she can take some pictures of them. I wouldn't have even seen the skins on the tree trunk of my daughter hadn't told me they were there.

My daughter thinks they are neat. lol They are a bit neat but a little creepy as well. 

My daughter lets me know they are back each year by picking a few off the tree and wearing them on her shirt. LOL 

Here's one emerging from the skin they leave behind.

This is what they look like. 

So is this creepy or cool to you?


  1. It's... mildly creepy LOL

  2. Definitely cool. I used to hear and see them each summer but it has been years now. I miss them.

    1. We still hear them here each Summer.

  3. All bugs are creepy. We just don't notice because they're so small. If that cicada were, say, dog-sized, everyone who saw it would freak out.

    1. If they were dog sized, I'd never leave my apartment. lol

  4. We get cicadas like that every summer as well. They seem to cling to pine trees here. That's how we know it's super hot and muggy outside - the cicadas are singing it up loud.

  5. We get them every 17 years and I find them to be disgusting. We have to literally sweep our deck, driveway and sidewalks as there are that many of them.

    1. Yeah there are a lot of them when they come out.

  6. Not on my shirt haha

  7. It's very a creepy kind of way. ;D

  8. both creepy and cool, but I don't think I would use them as accessories LOL

    1. LOL My daughter comes in and puts them on my shirt too. I just have to laugh at her.

  9. That is so cool. Your daughter is a hoot. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. I hear them every year and once in a while come across a skin of one, but I've yet to see one alive and kicking. Your daughter is so brave. I know they're just dead skin, but I couldn't have done it. Haha!

    1. lol I see them in the tree sometimes. I had one fly near me and bump right into my forehead a few years ago. They are not smart insects. lol

  11. It's cool, but also creepy! Bugs freak me out! Nice pictures. I didn't know they molt and leave their skins behind. Yikes!

    1. I found out when I saw the skins all over the tree.

  12. Those are some shirt decorations! I've only seen one around here this year, which is a bit strange!

  13. We get them in Indiana. They're creepy but cool all at the same time.

  14. I remember putting them on my shirt just like your daughter did!

  15. Is your daughter a pagan. Or into the earth base faith.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  16. I always find it so fascinating... we don't have them here. I've always wanted to hear their call in person.


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