Sunday, October 01, 2023

Apartment Life #286

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

This week started out noisy because the apartment building right across the street got new shingles on their roof. The noise started at 6AM. Good thing I get up early with Falcor.

While most of the homeless people moved away a few blocks down the street with drug dealer and are now in his new area, there are a few homeless people that are still around my apartment complex. This woman sat here 3 doors away from my apartment, lit up her meth pipe, did some drugs, didn't care who saw her and then proceeded to pass out right there for a few hours. I didn't call the police because they do nothing. They would have woke her up and made her move, that's it. I feel bad for her. 

The police pulled up at the end of my building and were questioning some of the other homeless that were sitting in the rocks right in front of where their car is. They questioned them and then the police left. 

The high this week was 93F/33C
The low this week was 60F/15C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. That poor woman. That is no life to lead. For anyone.

  2. "The noise started at 6AM"
    Uh???!!!??? Are there no regulations for this kind of things? Work never starts before 8 AM here.

    1. County workers like for roads can't start until 8 am, but privately hired people can start when they want to I guess.

  3. What Roberta said! I know it's warm there, but that's too early.
    It's a shame that catching someone with drugs on them isn't a crime in some states.

    1. It really was too early. It should be enough to be able to arrest somebody if the police find drugs on them but they don't even search them without probable cause.

  4. When the noise starts, it really starts huh? Hopefully it will get done fast.

    1. It only took them 2 days they started at 6:00 a.m. both days but they're done now.

  5. Heartbreaking to see the homeless like that and in your building!

    1. There's quite a few of them in my neighborhood still.

  6. I feel sorry for that woman,she should be getting some help.

    1. There's help available but the shelters won't let you come in if you're doing drugs

  7. Listening to new shingles being put on a roof is one of the worst noises. That is sad about the woman on the sidewalk.

    1. They were really loud for a couple of days but they're done now. It really is sad about her and the other people in this neighborhood

  8. I thought noisy work wasn't allowed to start until after 7am. Bummer about that homeless lady. I wonder how these people find money for drugs. Hopefully, she moves on.

    1. I think if you hire private people and not county people for work they can start pretty much whenever they want cuz I've seen that happen before around here. That woman has been around here for years I don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon. I know the way they get money for drugs is they still brand new stuff from the store and then they try to sell it to whomever they can sell it to for cash and then use the cash for drugs.

  9. Glad it was a relatively quiet week for you...except for the noisy roofers.

  10. It's nice that it was a bit quiet

  11. Yes, no point in calling the police if all they're going to do is wake her up and move her on. A shame she can't get some serious help for her drug problem.

  12. That is where defund the police come in. There should be someone qualified to handle these issues, but I feel that would still not solve the problem.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. A treatment facility will only work if she wants to get off the drugs.

  13. I wish someone would figure out how to help the homeless people who are addicts or mentally ill and have no way of getting out of it on their own. I certainly don't have the answers.

    And a homeless person just passed by out front pushing a cart down the sidewalk as I typed that.

    1. Oh wow, I know the problem is so wide spread.

  14. I feel so bad for people like that woman, wasting her life. I wish there was some way to get her into treatment.

  15. That's a horrible life for anyone. Oh that roof banging is the non-stop worst noise!

  16. Yeah that's too bad about that woman. I feel bad for 'em. Even though you deserve better than having them dope up right where you live.

    Still pretty warm there looks like. We got warm here today for Michigan and it's supposed to be 80's all week!

  17. I feel so sad and bad for that woman.
    I, too, wish something could be done for her.

    Hugs and blessings, Mary

  18. Replacing roof can defo be a pain in the arse, I remember a few years ago my neighbour did it and they constantly did something wrong, so they were taking off shingles and putting them back each day seven days in a row, I thought I would die from the fecking noise and none of the workers was hot so that I can at least oggle on them LOL

    1. LOL Yeah they were all covered up over here so I have no idea if they were hot or not.


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