Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Book Review: Dragon's Oath by Sophie Stern


Book Description

A woman in danger…

A lost baby…

A long journey home…

Peggy is nothing special. As the night janitor at Westbridge High, she just wants to finish cleaning so she can hurry home and work on her art. For Peggy, nothing makes her feel more alive than when she’s standing in front of a canvas. Then one night, everything changes…

A woman in trouble runs up to Peggy and gives her a child. She begs Peggy to take the child to Fablestone where the baby will be safe. From what? Peggy doesn’t know. All she knows is that the two agents who show up on her doorstep the next day aren’t with the FBI, and she’d bet anything they’re scientists who want to get their hands on dragon’s blood.

That’s not going to happen.

Not on Peggy’s watch.

Peggy doesn’t have a choice. She has to get the baby to the Fablestone clan before the full moon ends. She has to reach Fablestone before it’s too late.

The fate of the clan is resting on Peggy, and she swore a dragon's oath to return the child to its rightful home.

She'll do whatever it takes, even if it costs her everything.

My Review

When Peggy gets off work, a woman holding a baby comes out of the dark and begs her to take her baby and bring the child to Fablestone. She makes her a promise to do so and then the woman grabs her arm and bites her. She's shocked by what transpired but she brings the baby home to think about what to do. She isn't sure if she should just bring the child to the police but something in her tells her not to and then two people knock on her door and question her if she's seen a woman with a baby. Peggy knows they aren't real authorities so she lies and says no. Peggy knows she has to keep her promise and bring the child to Fablestone so after some internet searching she sets off to this place with the child. 

Once there she encounters a dragon shifter who knows who the baby is but because Peggy is a human, he doesn't trust her at first and that costs him precious time that he ends up finding out they didn't have. Once we find out who the woman was, who she was running from and why, we're off on a race against time to save the woman and others. 

This was a great story about a race to get a child home, find her mother and save her. The romance between Peggy and the dragon shifter who saves her was a bit in the back of the story as they have other things they need to worry about. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. 


  1. It definitely sounds intriguing - and as if the romance needed to take second place.

  2. Sounds like an interesting plot.

  3. Fun premise! I think I'd like this one a lot. :D

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it.

  4. Nice review, sounds pretty good,.

  5. You have to stop reviewing dragons. I already read yesterday's book you reviewed. Nice review today.

    1. Ha! I hope you liked it. I've been on a dragon reading kick for a few days. lol

  6. That sounds like a pretty interesting story.

  7. Sounds like an exciting story. I'm wondering why the lady bit her.

    1. The bite ends up being a big part of the book.

  8. I'd swear an oath in front of those pecs and abs

    1. lmao He was such a great character too.


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