Saturday, December 23, 2023

Favorite Song of the Week



This is the first song from this band that I've heard but I liked it so I hope you do too. 


  1. Great sound. I can see why you like it. :D

  2. Hi, Mary!

    I almost forgot to make good on my pledge to visit today. Forgive me, dear friend!

    I love the dark images of the video and the bleak vocals of the song "Stripped" by the Vegas-based "fashion-art" band Palaye Royal, formerly known as Kropp Circle. I read that the band opened for Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson a few years ago on the Twins of Evil Tour.

    Thanks for turning me on to Palaye Royale, dear friend Mary. Enjoy the rest of your day with my buddy Falcor and I'll be back to see you again tamale!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great day too.

  3. It did like the tune lots. I wasn't that crazy about the video, as a musician I like to see the performers.


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