Sunday, January 28, 2024

Apartment Life #303

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Remember last week when I said I would have to look out for the homeless breaking into the 5 vacant apartments? Well they broke in, broke the back window and were staying in the apartment right across from me that has been getting remodeled after the fire 2 years ago.

Glass all over the ground. 

The maintenance guy pulled out a bunch of trash, blankets, a chair, beer cans and other stuff the homeless had left in the apartment.

Maintenance boarded up the bedroom window and later that night the police came banging on the door. They checked the apartment and then left. I don't know if management had them drop by unexpectedly to make sure they weren't in there again or what. The police were walking away in this picture. 

On Monday night around 8pm my daughter and I heard 2 gunshots really close by. Sounded like it was right across the street. I got up to look out my bedroom window to see if I saw anyone and right as I was looking 3 police cars pulled up really fast. They must have been in the area and heard the gunshots too because they were here in seconds. They got out of their cars, guns drawn and searched the apartments across the street, their alley, my alley and my courtyard. When they didn't find anything, they left. My daughter went outside to get this picture while the police were across the street. 

Here's some extras not from my apartment complex but from where my daughter works. There was a huge crash while my daughter was at work and this car on the back of the tow truck had crashed head on into a palm tree. Part of the palm tree broke off. 

 The car was totaled. 

Later that week there was a car accident near where she works.

She only works a few streets away and drug dealer moved into the apartments right across the street from where she works so she sees him and the whole entourage all the time at the store she works. But she also sees a lot of car crashes on the busy street in front of her store.

And since it's not a great neighborhood, she sees a lot of police and police helicopter's flying around the neighborhood where she works just like we do where we live. I figured I would show you it's not just my neighborhood that's bad. The bad neighborhood vibe extends for many streets surroundings where we live too. You can't get away from it unless you live in the more rich neighborhoods. 

The high this week was 66F/18C
The low this week was 42F/5C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Nasty crash. Hope the palm tree had collision insurance.

    No doubt the squatters made their own contributions to the remodeling of the apartment. Consisting of used syringes and poo.

    1. Oh I'm sure they did. The maintenance guy was in there cleaning things out for a while.

  2. Yesterday we had police (two cars and seven or eight of them) and an ambulance in the street. Separate incidents and rare.

    1. Wow, yeah I hardly ever hear you talking about stuff like that happening near you.

  3. Homeless and yet they still have money to waste on beer. And drugs I'm sure. Sad.
    Wonder if that car into the palm tree was someone drunk or running from the cops?

    1. I'm not sure but it sure was a bad crash.

  4. That's a little too close for comfort for gunshots. And we had the cops next door recently. No idea what's going on over there...

    1. The gunshots were really close. Isn't frustrating not to know what's going on?

  5. You’re right that it extends way beyond ‘bad neighborhoods.’ Even the nicer developments here have issues with car break ins at night. It’s no longer safe to park your car outside. They will break in just get get loose change.

  6. Bad business as always

  7. "I figured I would show you it's not just my neighborhood that's bad. The bad neighborhood vibe extends for many streets surroundings where we live too. You can't get away from it unless you live in the more rich neighborhoods."
    Ugh. So...your daughter gets twice the "fun" (and even has the pleasure to see your old friend the drug dealer and his peers...). Also, how come the police didn't find anyone carrying guns after the gunshots? According to you, they got there in an instant, for goodness' sake.

    1. There are so many places the person could have be because of all the apartment complexes, alleys, the street ect. it's really no wonder that they didn't find the shooter.

  8. Lots of action this week.

  9. Nowadays, there are hardly good neighborhoods, and bad ones.

  10. Busy week over there, and all we had was an earthquake. So interesting that your daughter is in the position to keep an eye on Dealer for us. Five vacancies in what I'm assuming is a small complex is a lot. Owners are losing a ton of money. The cops banging on the door of the boarded-up unit seems insufficient policing, but better than nothing I guess.

    1. My complex has 86 apartments and the 5 vacancies are all in my courtyard. I have no idea how many other vacancies are in the other courtyards.

  11. Wow, it's been busy in a bad way in your neck of the Woods, hasn't it? The Homeless breaking into vacant apartments is scary and terrible, how do they even know it's vacant? Most apartments here you can't even tell when someone is living in one, let alone which might be vacant. You have to hit a Palm Tree pretty hard to snap the Top off it. We had that happen here too and the Driver, a Young Woman, Died, not surprising, given she snapped the whole Top off a very Old Palm with a massive Trunk. Weird accident too, since it's on a stretch of Road that has a median separating oncoming traffic and has a very slow speed limit. She must have either been impaired, like Texting while driving, or fell asleep at the Wheel. You can't drive fast on that Road, too many winding parts... or mebbe she tried to and lost control of the vehicle on a turn? That Date Palm in the pix probably caused a fatality too, those are even harder to snap off, have you ever tried to even trim one? *Crazy HARD*

    1. They probably saw people moving out and that's how they knew it was vacant.

  12. About time they finally got that apartment remodeled and let it to someone decent who would keep out the druggies and homeless.

    1. Let's hope the new people that move in will be decent.

  13. Hopefully the homeless won't trash the improvements made on the apartment. Gunshots are never a comforting sound! Stay safe, Mary!

  14. I wonder if there is really anything that can be done to keep the homeless from breaking into the vacant apartments.

  15. It's sad that so many homeless people feel entitled to just do whatever they want. And the drug dealers are even worse. Stay safe this week!

  16. I'm glad the gunshots were not followed by someone hit (at least to your knowledge) and how sad that you were so right about the empties getting squatted in.

    1. I'm glad I didn't see anyone shot. Probably just shooting in the air.

  17. Your neighborhood is so busy. Stay safe.

  18. It's too bad you all have so much to deal with on a regular basis. It's also a shame that the police can't do their jobs any more.

  19. We managed apartments when our kids were young. It was hell. One July 4th, there was a big brawl as the sun went down. I had a bad feeling about that would happen, so I called police, gave them a heads up. Helicopter, spot lights, police was horrible. You be careful, girl.

    1. That sounds like my block. I will try.

  20. Not a quiet week for you!!!
    Those gunshots were too close!

    Stay safe a take care.

    All the best Jan

  21. Holy cow - you just can't shake the Drug Dealer dude. Too bad.


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