Sunday, April 21, 2024

Apartment Life #315

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Tuesday two police cars showed up as I was out walking the dog. They went into the courtyard that has the swimming pool and were at someone's door for a few minutes and then they left. 

Wednesday the police came in 2's again. Two police cars stopped in the middle of the street while I was checking the mail and were in the courtyard 2 buildings away from mine. They were there for at least 45 minutes but I didn't see anyone arrested before they left. 

Then on Thursday a fire truck showed up for an apartment across the street. 

Then two ambulances showed up. One is the Fire Departments ambulance and the other is AMR (American Medical Response). AMR left soon after getting there. 

And then the other ambulance brought their bed back out without anyone on it (They had their equipment on the bed) and they left. The fire department left a few minutes later. What's the point in calling for help if you're going to refuse to go to the ER? Because for such a big response, a fire truck and two ambulances, the caller must have said at least one person was in need of serious medical help. 

The high this week was 90F/32C
The low this week was 55F/12C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Calling for an ambulance and then refusing to go with them is just plain weird. Lots of activity in your area. Again.

    1. I know it happens but that was a big response.

  2. Crazy people as always

  3. Sometimes people panic and call for help and then are fine when they get there. But yeah, sometimes people just don't want to go.

    1. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Other people could have called for them and when they got there they decided not to go I guess.

  4. We've had similar temps here as well for two weeks or so.

  5. It always seems like a lot of people show up (squad cars, ambulances,fire trucks) when one would suffice. We once smelled smoke but couldn’t find the source in our house, so we called the non emergency number and next thing we know, five trucks/cars were out front!

  6. Never a dull moment when you live in an apartment.

  7. WOW! It was the trifecta this week ... police, fire and ambulance.

  8. Never a dull moment

  9. I always wonder why people call ambulances only to refuse to go to the ER, too. Hope this is a quieter week for you.

    1. Someone else could have called for them too.

  10. That was sure a wild and wacky week at your place!

  11. Mysterious that nobody was brought to the ambulance. Maybe someone mistook a violent pain for a heart attack?

  12. We had a situation in our neighborhood where the wife called for medical service for her husband and he refuse to go with them (against the recommendation of the EMTs).

    I hope you had a good week!

    1. I'm thinking that is what happened here too.

  13. Apartment life is a great idea for a regular blog post, with no end of goings on. New follower here. Your blog was recommended in a post by Ann Bennett so I came for a visit.

  14. Yes! Why would you call if you didn't need to go to the hospital? Very puzzling.

    1. Someone else might have called for them and they didn't want to go.

  15. They just need to build an emergency service hub in your hood at this point. Seems like the police, fire or ambulance are always there.

    1. The fire station is really close. But I'm not sure how close the police station is.


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