Sunday, May 12, 2024

Apartment Life #317

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Monday night around 10:30Pm I heard a bunch of sirens really close so I looked out the window and police cars were everywhere on my street. I told my daughter who went outside to get pictures. The police were blocking off my street, and all the side streets around my street. 

There were so many police cars that were parked and driving up and down my street. 

They were blocking off the end of my street.

And then a bunch of police officers were walking up and down my street. This was in my courtyard. My daughter was sitting in our chairs you can see right there and asked one of the officers if everything was alright around here. He told her they were looking for someone and asked her if she saw anyone running away from this street. She hadn't so she said no. They even brought out a K9 dog and had him walking up and down the street and into courtyards. 

They were parked at the end of this street and walking up and down here as well. They started stopping any cars that they saw on the streets and searching them.

My daughter was standing at the end of our courtyard and took this picture of the police out walking around. They stopped anyone outside and talked to them. They were nice about it though my daughter said. They just asked people if they saw anyone running away.

The police walking on the other side of the fence from my courtyard. At one point I saw the fire truck on my street too. I don't know if they ever caught the person they were looking for. 


Because of all the craziness that happens around here and on my street, I decided to get a second camera for my bedroom window. The top picture is from the bedroom camera and the bottom picture is from the living room camera. They were taken right after midnight so you can see that even at night I should be able to get better pictures at night than if I used my camera or tablet. 

The high this week was 93F/33C
The low this week was 57F/13C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Too hot.. both the action and the temperature. I love the new camera set up... you should be able to get a lot of good photos to share. :)

    1. Thank you. I am hoping for some good pictures. It's getting hot here. It'll be above 100 soon.

  2. Sadly I couldn't see your photos this time. I agree with April about the temperature and action though.

  3. Boy, whoever they were looking for must have done something pretty serious, to provoke that much attention. If they eventually caught him it would probably make the news.

    Cameras seem to be quite the thing these days. The apartment next to mine recently put one on the wall next to their door, covering the landing that the stairways lead to (we're on the second floor). I don't know why. Nothing ever happens here.

    1. That's what I was thinking. Stuff that happens around here hardly ever makes it to the news.

      Maybe your neighbor had a package stolen?

    2. That's quite possible. UPS leaves packages in front of people's doors all the time here. It would take a pretty brazen thief to go up to a second-floor apartment and steal something, but some thieves are like that.

  4. Glad you have the security cameras. Sadly, you need them.

  5. Those security cameras take good shots! At least the police were nice to your daughter and didn’t tell her to go inside.

    1. I like how clear the image is at night On these cameras.Yeah the police were pretty nice to my daughter and she said they were being nice to the people they pulled over too.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes especially since I have no idea whether or not they caught the person they were looking for and what he did.

  7. Lots of commotion...too bad it sounds like the police had nothing to show for it. I hope they didn't ruin your night...

    1. They didn't ruin my night. I was just inside my apartment Not doing anything anyway.I feel like I'm just watching a movie have the time cause it has nothing to do with me.

  8. It does make you wonder who they were looking for and what they did to warrant such a reaction.

    1. Oh I'm very curious about who it was and what they did to garner such Attention from the police.

  9. Must have done something really awful to garner that much police attention. With all the cameras going up in your building, someone probably captured a glimpse of who they were looking for.

    1. Probably.I have no idea who they were looking for or why I'm curious thoughTo get that much police looking for them

  10. Well I am glad to hear no harm came to you or your daughter. There are too many angry dangerous folks out there.

    1. Thank you me too.Most of the time all the commotion from the police Doesn't spill over into any drama for us We're just kind of watching it happen around the neighborhood.

  11. Glad you guys are okay. I think I would have cameras too.

    1. Around here we kind of need them. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  12. Oh my goodness - how scary. But I guess if the police weren't telling people to go inside, it must not have been too dangerous. Glad your daughter got such good shots! Stay cool, stay safe!

    1. Yeah maybe. They usually tell me to go inside when they see me taking pictures. lol

  13. Dang, that would be really scary and that kind of manpower means it was someone seriously dangerous. Yikes.

    1. They definitely brought out a lot of police to search for whomever it was.

  14. I wonder if they ever caught the guy. Wonder what he did. Like Jen said above, it mustn't have been too dangerous if they didn't tell everyone to stay inside. The cameras are a good idea. We have several. Can't be too careful!

  15. that could be a bit disconcerting.

  16. It must be frustrating to see so many police officers wandering around without knowing what they're after except "someone running away".

  17. Did you ever find out who they were looking for? Your daughter must be a gutsy person. I'd have stayed inside behind locked doors!

    1. No, I have no idea who they were looking for.


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