Saturday, May 25, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Stone Broken- The Devil You Know

I just found this band when I was scrolling Youtube and I really like some of their songs but I've been playing this one the most. I hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi, Mary!

    I'm back in the blog game for three days starting this coming Monday, Memorial Day, and glad to be here this morning to experience your Favorite Song of the Week feature.

    Stone Broken is new to me. I read they are a British hard rock/alternative rock band formed in 2013. "The Devil You Know" is song #2 on their third studio album Revelation released in 2022. I love the catchy riff and their alternative sound throughout, melodic but heavy enough to please my sensibilities. Thanks for sharing the band and the song with us. I'll have a new post at Shady's Place on Monday, and I promise you it will hit close to home. I also intend to see you tomorrow when I return for your weekly State of the Neighborhood Address. I wish you and my buddy Falcor a safe and restful Memorial Day weekend, dear friend Mary!

    1. Thank you. I really liked this one too.

  2. I like that one and the video too!


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