Sunday, June 02, 2024

Apartment Life: #320

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

On Wednesday I heard what sounded like a fire truck drive past my window, it was but it went by too fast for me to get a picture. Then these two police cars showed up.

A few minutes later an ambulance also showed up and then another ambulance showed up but it went by too fast for me to get a picture. They were all at that corner apartment complex across the street. I found out a couple of days later that it was for a domestic disturbance (a couple fighting) in one of the upstairs apartments. One person was taken away in that ambulance. One guy was arrested. 

How did I not know that these 2 inches of horror also known as Palmetto Bugs ...can fly!!! Did you know they can fly? Did you? I found out Wednesday night when one flew and landed on me while I was outside. To say I was not happy is an understatement. The amount of screaming that took place....

Monday night my daughter was walking to her job where she works the graveyard shift. She was on a side street and saw a car swerving towards her so she stood behind one of the tall and wide light poles so it would hit the pole instead of her if it happened to. They raced past, turned around and came towards her again, this time they were shooting a gun at her as they drove by. She heard one bullet hit the light pole she was hiding behind and heard another bullet zoom past real close to her head. They were wearing masks and when they left she called me crying hysterically. She stayed on the phone with me on the way to work and she called the police and made a report when she got to work. The police looked around where she said it happened but didn't find anything. They called her back and let her know that. I don't think they looked too hard. She's fine thankfully. 

Last night around 8PM I heard squealing tires and then a loud bang. My whole apartment building shook! Looked outside to this car overturned and two men running away from the scene. People started running outside and calling 911 on their phones. No one was hurt. 

People were outside taking pictures of the truck before the police got here. But they showed up within 5 minutes of it happening.

The first police car showed up real fast.

And then several more police cars showed up soon after.  My daughter went out there and heard the police saying it's a stolen license plate so the car might be stolen too. That's probably why I saw two guys running away from the accident. 

Then the tow truck came and took the vehicle away.

The high this week was 104F/40C
The low this week was 71F/21C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Your poor daughter. I am really glad she is ok. And hope nothing like that happens again.

  2. FFS that's attempted murder (the attempted ramming and shooting). The police show up in your area all the time for much more minor things. They should have taken that a lot more seriously. Did the people in the car seem to know who she was or did it seem like a random attack?

    1. She think it was a random attack. They were already wearing masks when she spotted them in the car the first time.

  3. Shooting at your daughter - that would be the last straw for me. The cops should've done more. She needs protection going to work and you guys need a safer neighborhood.

  4. Hope next week will be less hellish. I agree that you must move away from there especially because your grandkid is there, but I also know it is probably impossible for you.

  5. What a terrifying experience for your daughter. Glad to know she wasn't hurt.

  6. So glad your daughter is ok.

  7. We have discussed some of these things already on Twitter...It sounds like the shooting was treated with a certain degree of indifference, to say the least. I wonder what would have happened if your daughter had been hurt...or worse. The police should stop waiting for a victim in order to take this kind of things seriously!

    1. If she had actually gotten shot they might have done more.

  8. All hell broke loose this week out there. Sorry your daughter got caught in the madness, was victimized, and thankful for you and her that she escaped physical harm.

    1. It sure did. So much happened this week. Thank you, I'm glad she's alright too.

  9. How terrifying for your daughter! I'm so glad she's safe, but what a scary thing to go through. Is she doing okay now? Talk about trauma! (Oh, and if a bug like that landed on me, I'd scream, too.)

    1. Yeah she's doing alright now. The bug was so gross.

  10. Even cockcroaches can fly, not only crawl.

  11. What the actual f*ck? I am terrified for your daughter, Mary. Even if it was random, that is some PTSD stuff she is going to be living with. 😢😢😢

    1. My thoughts exactly. She seems to be ok right now but I really hope nothing like this happens again.

  12. Dang, I sure am glad your daughter is okay, how very, very scary. Quite a week at our place!

    1. Thank you. It was a full week for sure.

  13. Your poor daughter, Mary! I am so glad she is okay. That must have been so scary. How is she holding up?

    My first thought when you said the men ran away after the accident was that the vehicle was probably stolen.

    The first time I saw a Palmetto Bug flying toward me, I freaked out so much.

    I hope this week goes better for you and your family.

    1. Thank you. I sure hope this week is a more quiet one too.

  14. Omg! I'm so happy your daughter is okay! That just gave me chills. I hope the police can find out something more useful and I hope you and your daughter stay safe! Yes, I'd be screaming if that Palmetto bug landed on me! Just no!!

    1. I'm happy she's alright too. I know this is a bad area but I wasn't expecting that.

      The bug was so gross.

  15. OH Mary... what a hard week. I hope your daughter is doing a little better. It's got to be so hard for her to keep going past that spot when she goes to work. Prayers that this week is a calm one. *HUGS*

    1. Her sons father has taken her to work a few times and she's taken an Uber home so she doesn't have to walk there much. But she is doing alright now.


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