Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week

I spotted this little bird all fluffed up cleaning himself on the wall. Look at him all puffed up. lol 

I started snapping pictures as he hopped off. I caught him mid hop! lol This picture made me laugh.

This large bush started flowering early in the morning so I walked over and got a picture of it. I don't know what kind of bush it is but the purple flowers are so pretty. 

Have a nice week.


  1. the hoppy bird is a great capture - and I love that purple bush too.

  2. The bird hop is too cute!

  3. For real, the hopping bird is so funny. I don't have a clue about which flower is which, but purple is nice!

    1. Purple is my favorite color so I love those tiny flowers.

  4. Hi, Mary!

    I'm returning this Saturday with a new post and beginning another three day blogging stint. I couldn't resist the urge to drop in early to see you.

    My family had a pet parrot when I was young and, In the 1990s and 2000s, Mrs. Shady and I had several zebra finches. I miss them. I love pictures of birds and observing bird behavior, and appreciate the pics you posted. The purple blossoms on that bush are a cheery sight, and I'll bet they smell good, too.

    I intend to visit you again Saturday and Sunday. Until then, take care of yourself and my good buddy Falcor, dear friend Mary!

    1. Hey Shady. I hope things are well where you are. I've never had a pet bird but I've had all manner of other animals. I'll drop by when your post goes live.

  5. I love seeing the birds in my backyard!

  6. I love when the bushes are flowering. It's a shame when they all fall off. Great pics!

    1. Yeah but at least they come back each year so I can see it again.

  7. Cute fluffy bird and great catch with the hop.

    Not sure about the bush, but it is pretty.

  8. That bird really is cute all fluffy!

  9. Aww so nice to see the bird and that purple bush looks lovely, such a nice colour.

    All the best Jan

  10. Replies
    1. I love the little flowers, they are so pretty.

  11. Looks like he's coming in for a crash landing LOL. Cute snap!

  12. That bush with the flowers looks pretty, I always like seeing the blooming plants this time of year. And those bird pictures are fun!

  13. I love seeing different birds! So cute that he/she is fluffing it's self up. That purple bush is pretty, too. It looks like it could be some sort of heather. Maybe.

    1. I don't see a lot of different birds around here but there are a lot of the same birds. I love the purple flowers on the bush.


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