Saturday, June 22, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Hyro The Hero - We Believe feat. David Draiman

As soon as I saw that this song was featuring David Draiman from Disturbed I had to listen to it. While I don't usually listen to rap much at all, I kinda like when it's mixed with metal or rock. The rapper can actually sing too which is really nice to see. I hope you enjoy. 


  1. Hi, Mary!

    I enjoyed this blend of rap and rock, too, dear friend. Released as a single in the pandemic year 2020 by Hyro the Hero, a rapper from Houston now residing in France, and featuring powerful support vocals by Disturbed's David Draiman, "We Believe" is a song that calls out the "keyboard warriors" of the world who talk a good game online but do little or nothing to solve problems or help bring about peace and unity. In this urgently important election year, perhaps this song will motivate such people to actually turn out and vote instead of merely sitting on the sidelines complaining.

    I wish you and my buddy Falcor a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Mary, and I'll be back tomorrow to catch your State of the Neighborhood address.

    1. Thank you. I really like their voices together.

  2. I'm a big fan of David Draiman. :D

  3. Not too bad at all, I like the tune but the video not so much.

  4. I prefer his moves to his song.

  5. Like you, Mary, I don't much go for Rap music, but I do also occasionally enjoy it when blended with Metal. I swear, after listening to Disturbed, my throat feels raw. Trying to visit as much as I can but failing miserably. 'tis what 'tis...

    1. I love Disturbed. If I screamed like that though, my throat would be raw as well. Come by when you can.


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