Sunday, August 25, 2024

Apartment Life #332

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Unbelievably I had more problems with my AC. This time it was dripping inside the wall right underneath the AC. Inside the wall... I knew this because the water was coming out the bottom of the wall under the baseboards. I had a large 12x12 area of my carpet that was soaked. I put the work order in on Saturday. Maintenance finally came Monday at 5PM after I called to put in another work order for it that day. He was just going to stick a screw in the drain hole outside but I heard him on the ladder so I opened the door and told him my carpet was all wet. 

He doesn't speak much English so I had to make him come inside so I could show him the water coming out from the baseboards and my soaked carpet. He looked stunned like I hadn't put all that in both work orders. It's in writing and I'm sure the person who sent him out told him. So he un-taped the AC, unscrewed some of the boards holding it up there, put a piece of wood under the front of the AC so it angled it down outside so all the condensation inside would drip to the outside.

He put the boards back up and taped it back up.

I have to say I'm surprised he did as much as he did because this is the same guy, Juan that just wanted me to turn it off for 2 hours the last time he came out and I argued with him about it. But he seems to have fixed the problem this time. At least I hope he did.

It's all boarded in and taped up again and dripping to the outside. Then he even got the Wet/Vac and vacuumed up as much of the water as he could. Gotta say, I was surprised he did all that. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that water was dripping inside the wall for 3 days and it's probably pretty wet in there. We've been leaving the door open in the morning and late at night when it's a little cooler but still hot enough to dry the carpet and the wall. I don't want black mold growing from all this. 

I would get a carpet shampooer but I think if I did that this 20 year old carpet would tear up and probably fall apart. I don't want to risk it unless it starts smelling musty which it isn't yet because we are drying it out as best we can. Oh the joys of apartment living. Cross your fingers that this is the last time I have to call them out for the AC.

The high this week was 103F/39C
The low this week was 79F/26C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I really, really hope this is the last AC problem - and that you don't get mould.

    1. I really hope so too. The carpet is all dry now and I'm not detecting a mold smell or any kind of weird smell. So I'm hoping all is alright.

  2. Considering how little he did last time, there may have been complaints about him from other tenants. That might explain why he was more thorough this time. If he didn't know about the wet carpet, that's probably because of his apparent English problem. He may have been told but not understood.

    1. The lady that sends the maintenance guys out is Spanish and I hear her talking to him on the phone so I'm sure she explained to him what I told her. At least he fixed it this time.

  3. Vacuuming up the water was the least he could do! Technically, you should've got a new carpet out of the deal. After being wet for a few days, that old carpet has got to be putting out toxic fumes from the mold.

    1. There's no way this place was going to pay to give me a new carpet. They don't even install carpet here anymore. It's all linoleum now.

  4. I’m glad he seemed to take it seriously this time. My car AC went out last week and I have no idea how long it will take to repair or the cost. I’ve read nightmare stories online.

    1. Oh no, I hope you're able to get it fixed.

  5. Poor papucitto has to work in long pants in that heat. No wonder your AC is dying when it is constantly 50C outiside and you can never turn it off. Desert climate requires, methinks, powerful ACs. In my country lots of retired people have finally bought ACs because they can use it for heating as well in winter, but if it is minus ten outisde AC freezes LOL At least the older types.

    1. Yeah this AC is 5000 btu and the window AC I have in my bedroom is a 4000 btu. That's a pretty strong one. No wonder my power bills are so high each month in the Summer.

  6. Fingers crossed because you need AC

  7. Glad he helped this time. No fun having to argue with another. Here's to staying cool where you are. Here we're into autumn. I have a hoodie on.

    1. Oh dang. I just bought a new sweater for Winter time and am looking forward to the cooler weather.

  8. All good things (water, AC) also cause problems and need fixing. Never a dull moment!

  9. I hope the fix will work for you.

  10. Yikes, all that water build up inside could grow some nice mold in there.

    1. I hope we dried it out enough not to cause mold.

  11. Fingers crossed the problem is truly resolved. Mold is a terrible issue. Keep an eye on both the wall & carpet. If it has taken hold you will be able to tell.

    1. Everything is dry and I'm not seeing or smelly any mold.

  12. The A/C saga continues LOL. Seriously, I hope Juan finally understood the issue and managed to fix it...It sounds like he went above and beyond this time!

    1. It actually seems fixed this time.

  13. I live right behind a small apartment complex. Sadly, the fence that blew down in the hurricane---into my yard---still has not been hauled away and replaced. Sigh.

    1. Apartment places are slow to fix anything,

  14. Fingers crossed for you.

  15. I sure hope it is fixed now!

  16. Fingers crossed. At least it's hot enough that things should dry out more easily.

  17. Sound like the flooring need to be replaced.

    1. Not that this place will pay for that while Im still here.

  18. Hopefully the air conditioning is now working as it should. At least the maintenance guy came fairly quickly. Housing tenants in the UK sometimes have to wait weeks or even months before a problem is attended to.

  19. OH no! I'm glad to hear he did all that work and hopefully it will last. Have you considered purchasing some of those rocks and such that supposedly draw the moisture up? I don't know if it would help with the walls, but maybe?

    1. I've never heard of those. Everything is dry now.

  20. Sorry to hear you had more A/C problems! I hope the carpet dries out sufficiently!

    1. It's been 110F here so keeping the door open for a few hours sure dried it all out fast.

  21. What an ordeal! I hope you don't get mold from that. As for the carpet, aren't landlords legally required to change out the carpet every 5 or 6 years? I've never rented before, but I thought I just read that the carpet was required to be changed every few years.

    1. Not to my knowledge. Maybe in other states. Plus I have a lot of stuff in my apartment and I doubt they would move it all for me.


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