Thursday, August 15, 2024

Book Review: Big Girls Bite Back by Lissa Lynn Thomas


Book Description

A vampire, a werewolf, and a demon all walk into a bar...

Sounds like the start of a bad joke. Want another? Alright, how’s this?

They bring with them a greater demon and the most powerful vampire in all of NYC. One wants my help, the other wants me dead.

Hysterical. Too bad it’s not a joke—just a typical Saturday night for me.

I guess the upside is having sex with me hasn’t sent any of these smexy troublemakers to the hospital... yet...

Frackin’ fudge fluffers...

Contains mm interactions, bi & pansexual characters, lots of humor and sexy scenes.

My Review

Elora goes to her friend with a slight problem. Anytime she sleeps with a guy, he ends up needing the ER because she has drained him of energy and she doesn't know how or why. Her father just wants her to find a nice witch/warlock in their coven and settle down and she just wants to live her life. So when she asks her friend to make her a spell to only attract men who can handle the energy she pulls from them, the men come out of the shadows looking for her. 4 men, shifter, demon, vampire and human come looking for her when they feel a pull towards their mate. 

They all have their own problems and the guys have to get used to Elora having more than one mate which some of them don't like but they make it work for the most part eventually. 

They have to deal with a crazy bad guy coming after them so they have to run. All of them have to come to terms with the arrangement they have if they all want to have a relationship with her. They get to know each other better while on the run from a bad guy which was fun as well. It was a good story and the action was great, their relationship is complicated at times but incredibly spicy. This was a fun read. 

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.


  1. That's...quite the premise LOL. I'm surprised that a non-magical partner made the cut.

  2. Glad you enjoyed this one

  3. I have not heard of this one before, but it's definitely in my wheelhouse. I might add it to my huge pile of TBR. (I shouldn't. My TBR pile is unlikely to ever be fully finished.)

    1. I have 149 ebooks on my Kindle right now. I'll never get through them if I keep adding more books but I just keep adding. lol

  4. Smexy is a new one to me. I had to look it up. Probably means I am not smexy. More like mexy (moronic + sexy). Ha.

  5. A bad guy and a badass vampire, sounds good!

  6. Good review! If you like the plot, I like it too. I trust your taste in books.

  7. Oh this sounds good. Love your review!

  8. Funny how the big girl is also not into big boys, but, what a cliche, into muscly hunks.

  9. Probably not the book for me, but I'm glad you had fun reading it. :D

  10. A human, huh? Did he already know about supernaturals? He must have been super special!

    1. He was quite special. He did know about them.

  11. I'm writing an adult fantasy novel. Absolutely not holding back on smut scenes within the story. Got a scene with a pirate lady who is the leader where all the men are her playthings. I did read a few of my wife's smutty books as inspiration 😂

    1. Well that sounds fun. Looking forward to seeing it.

  12. A fun read is never wrong


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