Sunday, September 15, 2024

Apartment Life #335

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

One of my newer neighbors had a couple of guys staying with her and they got into a big fight. After the fight one of the guys was taken away in this ambulance and I haven't seen him around here since. The lady that lives there has two little girls living there with her and she's fighting being evicted. So I don't know how long she'll actually be living here. 

She was heard yelling at him about doing drugs while he was supposed to be watching her kids. Those kids around 7 and 8 years old are outside by themselves all the time unsupervised. I've only talked to her a couple of times and both times she was so drunk or high she could barely talk. 

I saw the police at the apartment complex across the street. Now sure what for. There's a lot of new people over in that complex now. I know it's blurry but that car with the trunk open is the police car.

It's not a great picture but there were some military helicopters flying over my place pretty low. They just kept circling for a while and then more would do the same thing. Maybe they were training or doing exercises? I don't know but they sure were loud. The walls in my place were shaking. 

Oh and guess who is back in the neighborhood? Drug dealer and his wife! Drug dealer's wife told my daughter that they got evicted from their apartment in the 50+ apartment community and are now staying with a friend around here. I was wondering why I was seeing him so much in the neighborhood and all the homeless people were back around here too because they seem to follow them around.

The high this week was 102F/38C
The low this week was 74F/23C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. What an awesome start in life those two little girls are getting, being raised by a druggie mother and random druggie men with nobody supervising them properly. Hell knows what they'll be like when they grow up, if they survive that long.

  2. So the man was doing drugs instead of watching the kids and the woman was high and barely coherent. What we Brits would call a chaotic household.

  3. It doesn't seem that your neighbour will be much of a loss if she is evicted. I feel sorry for the kinds though.
    Your lowest temperature was higher than our highest.

  4. Two little girls with a drunk mom, and being babysat by a druggie .... seems protective services should step in. Interesting about Drug Dealer being back and why.

    1. I doubt protective services would do anything. I haven't seen her or the kids in days, I think they moved out now.

  5. Someone needs to call social services on that women. Those poor kids.

  6. It would be easier for them to just open an ER there in your block.

  7. Yeah, the 50+ communities I’ve seen would not tolerate their shenanigans. So sad about those kids.

    1. Yeah they kicked them out pretty fast.

  8. Not a sane person coming to live in your area, and now the drug dealer is back too? Goodness.

  9. I feel really bad for your neighbor's two kids. They shouldn't have to grow up in that kind of situation. And I'm sorry drug dealer and his wife came back.

    1. I feel bad for the kids too but I think she just moved out.

  10. The apartment chronicles! I hear about this kind of stuff from Lizzie, it is so crazy the stuff that goes on around there. I feel horrible for the two little girls, they don't deserve to live like that.

    1. I've been doing a weekly report of this complex for years! That's how much stuff happens around here.

  11. I left a comment on this post after midnight and it definitely appeared, but now it's gone. The same thing happened with another blog a couple of days ago. You might want to check your "spam" comments in case Blogspot is acting up.

    1. I check my spam everyday and I found your comment. There's always a few comments there.

  12. Those poor kids! I hope the mom gets her act together and prioritizes them! Or that they get taken away into a better situation. How awful!

  13. I feel bad for those kids. It's hard enough being a kid without having to deal with the trauma of terrible caretakers. When helicopters fly low and circle around here, it's because they're looking for someone (like a high speed chase). I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like that for you, too.

    1. I do too. I'm pretty sure she and the kids moved out a couple of days ago.

  14. Such a sad situation for those young girls. Too much going on in your neighborhood.

  15. Those kids need help and deserve much better than what they're experiencing now.

  16. I feel so sad for those kids

    1. I do too because their mother is a mess.


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