Sunday, September 22, 2024

Apartment Life #336

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

I was out with Falcor and when I got back to my apartment there was a woman and her husband in front of my apartment arguing. The woman is the sister of one of my neighbors. The sister called the police. My daughter was outside and told the woman to come over to her and yelled at the husband to leave. He left when I walked up. The police came but I didn't see anyone get arrested. 

The police went to the sisters apartment and then she took them over to her sisters apartment. She also lives in my apartment complex. 

About 2 hours later the police showed up again but I don't know what for. There are two police cars side by side here talking to each other. 

Right next door one night a couple of weeks ago there was a car meet in the Cal Ranch parking lot around 11Pm. My daughter went outside to see why they were making so much noise. They were setting off smoke bombs, racing their cars, doing doughnuts and squealing their tires.

You can see a bunch of people in the background watching. There was a bunch of cars doing it. I tried to upload a video but the video wouldn't play. They all left when the police showed up. 

A fire truck showed at for an apartment across the street Friday night at 4AM. My camera doesn't take good pictures at night but you can see all the lights on it. lol I'll just use my window cameras for night time pictures from now on. They didn't stay long and nothing was on fire so hopefully whatever they were there for everyone is alright. 

The high this week was 90F/32C
The low this week was 62F/16C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. We've had a lot of street racing issues here in Portland. Supposedly they're 'cracking down' but it seems like most people just get away with whatever it is they're doing. Seems to be common everywhere, sadly. Geesh, 90 degrees still... gonna be 88 here this week and THAT'S too hot for me.

    1. Seems to happen everywhere. They left when the cops came. It's still too hot for me.

  2. No street racing here. Fortunately. Or not often any way.

  3. That’s a lot in one week. Is the street racing new?

    1. Yeah it's pretty new. They have car meets but they don't usually do this.

  4. Why cannot anything be resolved peacefully in that street?

    1. LOL Not happening. Everyone here is crazy.

  5. You don't need to watch Fast and Furious - you can just step outside and see it.

  6. OK, street racing, just what you needed on top of everything else. I assume the first incident was a case of domestic violence...and as usual, nothing came out of it.

    1. Yes it was and nothing came of it. At least the street racing isn't every night.

  7. Street racing...that's new in your neighborhood.

  8. Another crazy week at your place, the police need to start hauling people away...but they just get let out quickly...sigh.

  9. Street racing can be dangerous. Cops come, they disappear. :)

  10. Seems last week's full moon had quite the effect in your neighborhood.

  11. Lots of activity. The "racing and donuts" would drive me nuts.

  12. You had a lot of excitement last week!

  13. There used to be a lot of street racing in the town I grew up in. They all scatter when the police show up. We're set to have 90 degree weather the next couple of days for us too. Hopefully with it being fall now it'll cool off!

    1. I'm really looking forward to cooler weather.

  14. The police seem to show up a lot around your place.

    1. Yes and these are just the times that I see them. They're probably here even more that I don't see.

  15. It been ages since hubby and I had a major disagreement.

    1. Ken and I never had the police called on us in 30 years we were together.

  16. Sounds like there was a lot of police action this past week around your place. There was a threat at my office building this past week. The police and my agency's Special Investigations Unit did a search of the building and the buildings next to ours. They didn't find anything, but I imagine the man will be arrested when they do find him. They've got fliers with his picture up all over the office building now.
    I hope you have a good week, Mary!

    1. Wow, that sounds scary, I hope he's caught.

  17. Wow, there really is something always going on!

  18. I am so glad one of my neighbors moved almost a year ago. Was tired of the occasional drama. I wouldn't last long in your apartment complex. Alana

    1. A lot of people move in and out again really fast.

  19. It is never a dull moment at your place.

  20. I've heard it said that most police calls are for domestic issues, and that doesn't surprise me at all.

  21. Crazy things as always

    1. Yeah, it's always a bit crazy here.

  22. Got your own little Fast and Furious street gang I see LOL


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