Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week


I was looking at some of the unused apps on my phone and one of them is called, Maps. So after clicking on it, it shows my neighborhood. I see this. Across the street is a place called, Snacks On Da Block. What?

So I clicked on the little picture to see where it's at and it shows the alley for the apartment complex across the street. 

If you swing around using street view, it's just the alley across the street. There's no snack store over there...that I know of. Maybe someone is running a snack store out of their apartment? I've lived here for 26 years and I've never known of a snack store across the street. How did they even get this on the map?

I found this funnier than it actually is. 


  1. It was probably there when Google was mapping the place, happens all the time. On Google maps my house has the look from before twenty years ago, but they did say they will go mapping again soon in my country.

    1. I've been here 26 years and it's never been here in that time. So weird.

  2. I couldn't resist looking this up myself. It describes it as a "food court" with a photo of a vacant parking lot with a dumpster at one end. There is a phone number, though. I wonder what would happen if you called it.

    Just shows you can't really trust these systems. Always double-chck that what it's showing you is real.

    1. Right? I found it so weird. Now I want to call the number and see. lol

  3. Maybe it was a food truck?

  4. You need to follow that map to the exact location and see what is going on!

    1. It's just the alley. There's nothing else there except the alley and the apartment building.

  5. I’ve noticed the same thing in my development where there are businesses listed at a residence. I guess an owner sometimes uses their home address for mailing purposes but in your case, there doesn’t seem to be a residence?

    1. I'm sure someone was running a business out of there apartment at some point.

  6. "Maybe someone is running a snack store out of their apartment?"
    LOL, first you had a drug dealer next door (so to speak), now you have a snack dealer round the corner? That would be funny.

    It seems odd that it would be a leftover from a map that predates your residency. Then again, it's possible (though wait, were online maps a thing 30 years ago?). Something similar happened to me two years ago when I was looking for a new hairdresser. I looked at my town's map to make a list, and later I found out lots of those shops didn't exist anymore...

    1. I have no idea. Maybe someone was running a snack business out of their apartment not too long ago.

  7. That's kind of crazy it shows up on Google maps like that.

  8. Oh yea, maps are not always accurate!!!

  9. Do check the place in person, and see what's all about.

    1. I did, it's just an alley and apartment building.

  10. How crazy is that? I guess they can post anything. It doesn't necessarily need to be accurate! 😃

  11. That is hilarious. I wonder if a drug dealer lives there, and that's one way of getting the word out? I would be laughing about that for days.

  12. Perhaps it was a food truck?

    All the best Jan

  13. Kind of amusing. Maybe a tongue in cheek drug dealer? On the other hand , Google Maps took years to remove a large abandoned factory building in my neighborhood that was demolished around 2012.

  14. That's pretty funny! Especially how it's spelled.

  15. I like maps, but at the same time my address is not right there, it annoy me to death

  16. That's odd. I'd be pissed if I were hunting down snacks and got teased by this LOL


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