Sunday, February 09, 2025

Apartment Life #355

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 26 years here in a weekly blog post. 

I had gone outside when I saw a neighbors dog running around in the street on my bedroom camera. I saw her down by the office and went down to make sure she knew her dog almost got hit by a car. She didn't care. She was on the phone with 911 giving them her details and I heard her say she had been assaulted. She didn't look hurt so I don't know what happened to her, could have been a different kind of assault. She wasn't gone long and is already back.

At the same time there was a guy sitting in the rocks staring at the rocks saying, "They're moving. The rocks, they keep moving." Dude was trippin balls! He was cracked out of his mind. All of the people, including the woman on the phone are known drug users and hang round with the homeless people. 

I kept a look out on my camera because I knew the police were coming. The police showed up and so did the ambulance. The neighbor went to the hospital. I don't know exactly what happened to her other than she said she was assaulted.  Could have been a fight, domestic, or something else. I have no idea. 

I went outside and got a picture of the police cars lined up after the ambulance left. There were 3 police cars and a car from the security company that patrols here. 

I had a run in with this lady and her two dogs earlier this week. She has her pitbull on a leash but the Australian Shepherd puppy that is pretty big already she lets run offleash and he ran up to me and Falcor. I picked Falcor up and told her she should have the dog on a leash. She said he's friendly. I said, you know mine is not to big dogs. Plus if your dog pounces on my little dog he could hurt my dog. She just ignored me and walked by. Oh she made me mad. So if I see her out now with the dogs who one is still offleash all the time, I just cross the street to keep away from them. 

My daughter was talking with one of the homeless ladies and she told her a few things. Apparently 2 homeless men have overdosed on fentanyl in the past month and died. One was found a couple of blocks away under the freeway underpass. The other man, Eric is someone that I knew from my neighborhood and he was found a couple of blocks away by the Fire Station. That's just sad. 

Antwon who I've talked about before, here, and here. He got mugged and the thief took his drugs. So Antwon tracked the guy down, shot him in the leg twice and was arrested for attempted murder. He's in jail on attempted murder charges. I don't think he'll be back for a while. 

Oh and long time readers might remember Jessica of The Jessica and Mikey Saga. If not, I wrote about them here, and here. Well, Jessica is now the Mayor of Tunnel Town. That's what I'm calling the tunnels around here from now on because all of the homeless people have been going down there and you don't see them on the streets all that much. I see them coming and going from the manholes all the time though. The homeless lady my daughter was talking to said that if someone needs something they ask The Mayor for help. I was shocked when she said the Mayor was Jessica. Guess she's moving up in Tunnel Town.

My daughter decorated the window for Valentines Day. 

And the little Valentine's Day tree is up. 

The Neighbor in my courtyard who's dog tried to attack Falcor a couple of weeks ago got evicted. A couple of neighbors including myself called and wrote to the rental office and informed them that the lady who used to live in that apartment had passed away a couple of months ago and her family was living in the apartment. They had a bunch of drug users coming and going from the apartment and the dog was offleash all the time. So I guess they investigated and found that those people were not on the lease and they evicted them on Thursday. 

I saw them put their cat in a carrier but they left the dog in the apartment when the constable made them leave and changed the locks. So the manager called animal control to get the dog. I watched at least 9 people come out of the apartment when the constable made them all leave. There was one lady in the alley with a grocery cart full of junk that came out and stood by her cart, swaying back and forth, mumbling to herself as she stared off into space. A bunch of the people were acting weird as they stood around waiting to get into one of their cars. Pretty sure they were all high as heck. Animal Protection Services left a notice on their door if they ever come back fir their stuff they might be able to get their dog back too. I doubt they're coming back though...

The high this week was 75F/23C
The low this week was 39F/3C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. That's a lot of excitement in one week. It must be strange to see people going in and out of manholes.

    1. It was strange at first but now I'm so used to it, I hardly notice.

  2. So much sadness if you really think about it. I wonder if any of those people started out in life in better circumstances.

    1. I'm sure they started out better than Tunnel Town.

  3. It was a busy time in your neighbourhood this week! The only bright spot appears to be your beautiful Valentines decorations. Love those cute gnomes!

    1. Thank you, my daughter loves decorating.

  4. Sad and entertaining all at the same time. You certainly have some excitement in your neighborhood!

    1. It is shocking how people survive like this. Jim nailed it.
      Take care. Stay safe, Mary.

    2. Yeah, there's always something going on around here.

  5. After reading this, I'm relieved that I don't live in your apartment building,. Or even in your town. I think I would be terrified all the time, with people living in tunnels, and fentanyl deaths, and police raids, and vicious dogs.... but I'm sure this goes on everywhere. I'm glad you are keeping an eye on things.

    1. Some weeks around here are quiet and sometimes it's crazy like this week.

  6. What happened to the dog that was running around after the woman, who said she was assaulted, was taken away by ambulance? I can't believe Jessica, with her loudmouth, has bullied the residents of Tunnel Town into making her mayor. It may be wrong to root for the shooter, but I'm impressed by Antwon's getting his revenge, and hope he doesn't do too much time.

    1. Her boyfriend was taking care of her dog when she left. Jessica is something else. Antwon got his revenge but now he's paying for it.

  7. I don't know if I could get used to that much drama on a regular basis.

    1. As long as the drama isn't happening to me, it's not bothering me.

  8. Happy Valentine's Day soon!

  9. Hope you are safe ~too much drama for me ~ home should be a sanctuary of peace ~ no?

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. It should but living in an apartment is crazy when a lot of people around you create drama.

  10. Any considerate person would respond to what you said about the dog running offleash. But some people don't know the meaning of the word considerate.

    1. Yeah I know but I think drugs were playing a big part of that situation.

  11. Wow. What a busy week. I'm glad you are safe. It's sad that those people just abandoned their dog - hopefully he'll find a good home and someone who will train him. Stay safe!

  12. I hate it when the rocks move myself. Although I shouldn't joke, that's not funny. And that's sad about the woman not keeping her dog on a leash. she should be more respectful of others.

    Tunnel Town. wow. It's like an urban fantasy story where people live underground... I agree with the commenter sho said it would be weird to see people coming and going from manholes!

    And people abandoning their dog...

    1. I mean if I don't laugh about it a little, it'll just be sad as hell.

  13. Mayhaps the rocks really are moving....

  14. These weekly episodes could be a season series on tv. I think people would love it but in reality, it's really sad. Hope you have a nice week without any chaos.

    1. I've already had a production company contact me but I wasn't a good fit for what they were looking for. lol

  15. Dang, that sure is a lot of nasty things going on there but it seems like the police are doing a little better getting the wacky ones out.

  16. It sounds like the dog is going to be better off with animal control. I mean, I feel sorry for the lady for being assaulted, but she wasn't concerned about her dog? Two things can happen at once.

  17. So much of this is sad. I thought growing up in New York City housing was exciting, but this is way past what I went . I would never leave my apartment if I was in that housing development. Alana

  18. There is always so much drama around you! Stay safe. ❤️

    I would have been upset about an off leash dog also. I have one that isn't friendly, and you're putting your dog at risk by having them off leash. She's really protective of me, and I don't want to break up a dog fight because someone else is being irresponsible. You had every right to be upset about that.

  19. Oh gosh, sad post, two people died.
    Must have been noisy with all those people in one apartment before they were moved out!

  20. busy week! I never understand people who do not leash their 'nice' dogs. My little dog (RIP) was also aggressive to big dogs so I understand. I hope this week is dull in your neighborhood!


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