Sunday, March 09, 2025

Apartment Life #359


This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 26 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 26 years here in a weekly blog post.

I was outside walking Falcor at 11PM one night this week and spotted an ambulance down the street going into the apartment complex at the end of the street. Those red lights are from the ambulance. I'm actually surprised my camera took a fairly clear picture at night. lol 

It rained one day this week and most people have stayed in their apartments. I hardly saw anyone outside this week. It was so quiet with the exception of one neighbor who was really loud until after 1am one night. But they are moving soon so they will be gone. Good riddance. Hopefully the next people that move in across from me will be quiet and more importantly...normal. My courtyard is finally quiet for the most part with either older people or just normal people. But there are soon to be 2 vacant apartments in my courtyard and who knows what kind of craziness will move in next. 

I will leave you with a few sky pictures from this week. 

We had one day of rain.

It rained overnight.

And then the next day was cloudy. 

The big, puffy clouds over the mountains looked so pretty. 

The high this week was 68F/20C
The low this week was 46F/7C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Hi, Mary!

    Seems like the overall trend in recent months is toward a quieter, more peaceful neighborhood, and that's great news. If I were in your place, I'd be equally anxious about those vacancies and hoping for decent, law-abiding citizens to move in.

    In my neck of the woods, there have been an extraordinary number of windy days this winter, adding to its bite. As much as I enjoyed having rosy cheeks and gazing at the snow covered landscape, I must admit that I am looking forward to spring. Hope you and my buddy Falcor have been well and in good spirits. I'm back today with a new post at Shady's Place if you have time to stop by. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Mary!

    1. Nice and quiet is always nice. I will be over to read your post in a moment. I hope you are well.

  2. Hopefully the apartment managers do their job and screen all applicants well. With complete background checks.

  3. You got rain! That is news!

    1. I know! We hardly ever get rain so that was nice.

  4. I'm sending good vibes about your new neighbours...though if it gets too quiet, you'll run out of material for this post series LOL.

    1. LOL I don't see that happening. There's too many apartment buildings around here for everyone to be calm, quiet and normal.

  5. Yay for a quiet week! And I hope someone nice and normal moves in nearby. Love those puffy white clouds. :D

  6. So you had a fairly quiet and uneventful week, with rain and people keeping to themselves. Your neighbourhood is usually so busy, a quiet week must be boring!!!!! I bet you are looking for action!

    1. lmao With some of the action we've had in the past few weeks I will take the quiet over the gunshots any day.

  7. I'm surprised you'd walk at any time at night in the neighborhood you live in

    1. Oh I walk all the time at night. I carry a taser and a knife with me though. Because when the dog has to go he has to go. LOL

  8. I hope the new neighbour is someone civilised who doesn't cause some fresh nuisance. Glad the neighbourhood has quietened down a bit.

    1. I sure hope so too. I know when it heats up more people are usually outside though.

  9. How nice to have a quieter week!
    I like your sky photographs.

    All the best Jan


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