Sunday, June 09, 2024

Apartment Life #321

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

I heard loud voices outside my bedroom window on Monday morning. I saw the ambulance there and some police officers. The man standing off to the right went over to the back of the ambulance and sat down on the step, not the gurney. The paramedics started cleaning his face and I noticed it was all bloody. 

I'm guessing he refused to go to the ER so they bandaged him up there. 

More and more police started showing up while the paramedics were treating him. I saw them bandage his head right above his eyebrow. His nose was bleeding also.

After he was all bandaged up the police stood there talking to him and then handed him a clipboard with papers on it. It looked like he was filling out a statement or report. 

Then more police showed up and were looking up and down the street with a K9 dog.

After he was bandaged up he and the police went to his apartment.

After about 30 minutes the police came back out and stood there talking.

The cop wearing the sunglasses saw me taking pictures and was NOT happy about it. He stood there staring me down. LOL But at least he didn't stomp over to me and yell at me to go inside. I didn't want to press my luck so I went inside anyway since it looked like they were done. 

When I saw the guy across the street out with his dog the next day I asked him if he was alright because he had a black eye, bandaged head and bruised nose. He said yeah that some guy had broke into his apartment and tried to take his TV and some other stuff and he fought the guy off. The thief ended up leaving with nothing. He told me to keep my door locked. I said I always have it locked in this neighborhood. 

The high this week was 112F/44C
The low this week was 79F/26C

Whew boy, it's heating up now. Summer is here.

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I don't think I would fight to keep a television. He was probably lucky that bruises were the worst of his injuries. And yes, I would keep my door locked too.

    1. If you think you can win then why not fight for your stuff.

  2. I suppose it is possible that some random desperate for cash someone broke in, tried to rob him of his TV, not while he was away but while he was at home, in his residence, and he had to fight him off. There’s probably more to this story than he’s telling, but inasmuch as no place is safe from bad actors, keeping doors locked for sure is a good idea.

    1. I was just telling my daughter that I thought there was more to the story and he probably knew the person who broke in

    2. I had the same thought. It sounds like a shady story. It must have been a huge fight, too...

    3. Also, 44 C already? I know it's brutal in Vegas, but yikes. I feel for you.

    4. I'm not sure how big a fight it was but I hope the thief looked worse than this guy did.

    5. It's not even as hot as it will get yet this Summer. lol

  3. I have a feeling he knew the guy who broke in and there's a lot more to the story.

    1. Oh most probably. I was just telling my daughter that I thought that too.

  4. Terrible goings on

    1. Yeah, he's lucky he wasn't hurt Worse.

  5. It’s good to know what’s going on. I’ve been hearing about the heat. Stay cool, Mary!

    1. Oh it's definitely heating up around here.

  6. Too much violence. Since criminals aren't punished this type of behavior continues. Keep your door locked. A woman can't beat up a man so it is good you're very cautious.

    1. Absolutely.I carry a Taser with me just in case anybody comes to bother me too. I don't know if it'll do any good I haven't had to use it yet.

  7. Too much crime and the cops never can do much about it. Shameful! Stay cool with those high temps.

    1. There's probably much more to the story than I was told.I'm staying in the house as much as possible trying to keep cool for the next few months.

  8. Yikes not good. Be safe Mary.

  9. I watch little TV, so I guess I wouldn't risk a bloody face, a black eye, injured nose and head to save it from the intruder's hands.

    1. Well if you let them take the tv they'll probably take some of your other stuff too. I would put up a fight I think. I have an ax near my side of the couch where I watch tv.

  10. Yes indeed, keep your doors locked and your tazer charged!

    1. I have a tazer and an ax. Someone breaks into my house, I'll split their head open.

  11. Doors locked indeed in your area. Put a chair under the door handle too.

    1. lol I have a metal security door that I don't open.

  12. Very bold of that thief! I'm happy your neighbor wasn't injured more! Yep, good idea to keep your door locked. It's a good idea in any neighborhood. Unfortunately, nowadays you just never know who's lurking around ready to take advantage! 112 is hot! Hope you stay cool and safe, Mary!

    1. Yeah you just never know what's going to happen around here. It is hot but it'll get around 118 at some point this Summer.

  13. Scary. Yes obvi keep it locked

  14. Very sensible to keep the door locked. When I was young, many Brits used to leave their front door unlocked, but that's not the case now.

    1. I don't think you can do that anywhere now.

  15. I am glad your neighbor wasn't hurt worse and the burglar didn't get away with anything. I've always been a door locker. Even as a child. Anytime I would pass the front door, which my parents inevitably left unlocked, I would lock it. It was a family joke, but one I've always taken seriously. I think the attempted home invasion when I was pregnant only made me more obsessive about it. It's been 13 years and I still sometimes come down in the middle of the night to make sure it's locked, especially if I've had a bad dream about thieves breaking in. And I always double check to make sure it's locked, even if I see someone else in the family lock it.

    I hope you have a good week, Mary!

    1. With as many break in stories i see on the news, there's no way I would leave it unlocked.

      That had to have been scary.

  16. I like the uniforms your cops wear, ours wear dark blue and navy, yours look better and cleaner.

    1. Each state has their own cop dress code.

  17. Oh wow! SO glad your neighbor is okay after all of that. Glad you are also safe. *hugs*


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