Saturday, June 08, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Celine Dion ft. Will I Am

I'm a big fan of Celine Dion and thought I had heard most of her songs but I came across this one recently that she did with Will I Am of the Black Eyed Peas. I love this song. Her voice is just so pretty. Like I've said before, I like all kinds of music. There's no music video to go with this version but that's ok. 

I hope you enjoy it. 


  1. It is one of her best of the more recent songs, you have a beautiful performance of it on her tour and Las Vegas residence, she wears a massive cape that floats around her in it.

  2. She has such an amazing voice and I'm sad she is fighting that horrible illness now.

  3. I never knew Celine sang with the Blackeye Peas

    1. No, Will I Am sang in Black Eyed Peas.

  4. I think she has amazing talent. I just saw where she had some sort of health scare.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Yes she has Stiff Person Syndrome and it's taking a toll on her for sure.

  5. You're right--such a good voice!


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