Thursday, June 27, 2024

Book Review: Paax: Warlord Brides (Warriors of Sangrin Book 1) by Nancey Cummings and Starr Huntress


Book Description

Paax never wanted to be matched to a mate.

The situation in his clan was dangerous for a hardened warrior, let alone a soft Human female without fangs or claws to defend herself. Sending her back to Earth was the only way to keep her safe. However, the moment the curvaceous woman stepped off the transporter, his tattoo burned with a passionate intensity he’d never experienced before. Paax knew he would do anything to protect her, to claim her, even challenge the clan’s violent Warlord.

No force in the universe would take his mate from him.

Matched to an alien warrior in the Draft, Mercy swore she’d do whatever it took to get out of the marriage contract. She liked her life on Earth and her independence. No one would take it away, not even the ridiculously hot warrior who demanded she call him husband.

Why is being claimed by the horned muscular alien the only thing she can think about?

She didn’t want to stay, did she?

My Review

After the Suhlik aliens invaded Earth and killed people, Paax's people came and offered to keep Earth safe from the Suhlik in exchange for human brides. Women are genetically tested to see if they match one of the warriors and if they find a match, they are taken to their new home on an alien world. They don't have a say in this at all because there's a bride draft and most women are tested and sent away unless you are exempt like Mercy was for a while because she was taking care of her sick mother. But once her match is found, she is taken away from her home and away from her sick mother. 

Paax is a skilled doctor and made a serum that turned his twin brother into a bad person. His brother is unstable and also their warlord/ruler. Some of his people want Paax to fight him for control of their people but he doesn't think he's up to it. When Mercy arrives, he's instantly attracted to her but because his brother is throwing danger at both of them, they have to get to know one another really fast. So their romance happens really fast but they are attracted to each other right away. Maybe because they are a match genetically? I'm not sure. Paax is such a wonderful mate and guy though so I can understand falling for him to easily and fast. 

This was such a good alien romance. The danger, romance and action made this a quick read.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 


  1. Hooray for five star reads.

  2. A little more exciting than just the we need earth women theme. Sounds good.

  3. Those darn horned muscular aliens will get you every time.

  4. The purple cover is eyecatching and I do love a good story about aliens.

  5. I do like the colour of the book cover and a big smile that you rated this 5 out of 5.

    All the best Jan

  6. Cool aliens and it sounds pretty darn good!

  7. I wonder why Pax made a serum that made his brother a bad person. Happy to hear this was a hit.

    1. You never know how someone is going to react to a medication...


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