Saturday, June 29, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


MARKO HIETALA - Left On Mars (feat. Tarja Turunen)

Marko and Tarja used to be together in Nightwish but years ago Tarja left Nightwish and I was so sad because I love her voice. So when I saw Marko and Tarja were singing together in this song I gave it a listen and I'm so glad I did. I've missed hearing their voices together. Such a good song. 


  1. Quality music and an interesting concept. I hope they'll stay on Earth, though.

  2. That's really good, I enjoyed that one lots.

  3. What a great song! Her voice is amazing. :D

  4. You're right about her voice. She's also beautiful!

    1. I've always thought she was beautiful.


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