Sunday, October 27, 2024

Apartment Life #341

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.

If you've been around around you might see what's missing before looking at the picture below. When I took Falcor out this morning (Monday) I noticed something was missing across the street. Do you see it?

The PODS is gone! This picture is not from this week. I took this picture from a while ago so these police cars are from another incident I already posted about. I just wanted to show you the PODS container in case you are new here. That PODS container has been sitting there for over a year. The police have been out a couple of times checking it out and I figured that if it was stolen and just abandoned, the company would come get it but they didn't. But this morning (Monday) it was just gone. It was there the night before. My last walk with Falcor was at 10PM and it was there then. But at 6AM this morning it was gone. Kinda weird for it to have been towed away in the middle of the night, right? Well, that's another mystery I guess I will never know the details of. 

The high this week was 88F/31C
The low this week was 61F/16C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Good that it is finally gone - but that timing is weird.

  2. That’s wild! How does a PODS just vanish overnight after sitting there for a year? Weird they moved it in the middle of the night too.

  3. One of life's little mysteries. Someone must know, but will they tell?

  4. Very mysterious. Yes, maybe the owner of the container finally retrieved it. But then, why did they lift it in the middle of the night?

  5. Odd they would take it in the middle of the night.

  6. It is still so hot over there, we go almost down to zero at night these days.

  7. Those things are such eyesores.

  8. Wow! That seems unusual for a pickup in the middle of the night.

  9. I wonder if more will be revealed.

  10. Hi, Mary!

    Yessum, add that strange occurrence to the list of unsolved mysteries around your neighborhood. In my gated community, new houses are being constructed all year round, and huge blue industrial size metal trash dumpsters are parked at those sites for months on end, partially blocking the road we need to travel to get in and out. Not only are the receptacles unsightly, but they are also allowed to fill to overflowing and then just sit there so that any decent gust of wind can scatter their contents across the yards of residents. The community can't seem to get the trash company they have contracted with to come around and empty those mammoth containers in a timely manner. Last winter, I had to spend two days picking up hundreds of pieces of construction material that wound up on my property.

    Thanks for visiting Shady's Place this weekend. I wish you and Falcor a happy Halloween and a good November until we meet again around the 23rd. Take care, dear friend Mary!

  11. Gone in the night like that is strange. I wonder who came and took it away.

  12. What a mystery. I wonder who came and got it and I am definitely curious about what was inside it. Nice to have it gone now (I am guessing). ;)

  13. I immediately recognized the absence of the POD. I hope they checked it for bodies, because you caught the cops a few times checking the sidewalk for blood, and that POD would have been the ideal dumping place for a body.


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