Saturday, October 26, 2024

What's Your Favorite Creepy Ghost Story?

Mine is by far The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow/The Headless Horseman.  All the movies, cartoons and shows have been great.

The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

The story is set in 1790 in the countryside near the former Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, in a secluded glen known as Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut. Ichabod intends to woo Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, in order to procure her family's riches for himself. He competes for her affection with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy. Unable to goad Ichabod into fighting for Katrina's hand, Brom instead wages a campaign of harassment against the schoolmaster, plaguing him with a series of pranks and practical jokes.

One autumn night, Ichabod is invited to attend a harvest party at the Van Tassel homestead. At the party, Brom tells the story of the Headless Horseman, the notorious ghost of a Hessian trooper decapitated by a cannonball during the Revolutionary War. The Horseman is supposedly buried in a churchyard in Sleepy Hollow and rises from his grave every night to search for his missing head, but is supernaturally barred from crossing a wooden bridge that spans a nearby stream.

Ichabod proposes to Katrina, but she rejects his advances. He leaves the party heartbroken and rides home on a borrowed plough horse named Gunpowder. He encounters a cloaked rider and believes it to be the Headless Horseman. Ichabod rides for his life with the apparition close behind. At the bridge, the Horseman rears his horse and hurls his severed head directly at Crane, knocking him off his horse.

The next morning, Gunpowder is found eating the grass at his master's gate, but Ichabod has disappeared from the area, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones. Although the true nature of both the Headless Horseman and Ichabod's disappearance are left open to interpretation, the story implies that the Horseman was really Brom in disguise. A shattered pumpkin is found near Ichabod's hat where he fell, suggesting the severed head that was thrown at him was merely a jack-o'-lantern and that Crane survived the fall from Gunpowder and fled Sleepy Hollow in horror.


  1. I don't have one - but do have The legend of Sleepy Hollow on my reading list.

  2. I remember loving the story of a couple who gave a shirt to a boy on the side of the road. The next day the couple found the shirt folded on top of a grave of a boy who had died.

    It was one story in Strangely Enough. I decided to order my own copy of this book.

  3. Hi, Mary!

    I was expecting a rock song this morning but, nevertheless, enjoyed your creepy ghost story.
    It is a story I know well from childhood. In fact, one Halloween, my dad made me a Headless Horseman costume to wear on trick-or-treat night. An old coat was wrapped around my head and suspended above it by a framework of coat hangers that rested on my shoulders. Dad cut slits in the fabric for me to see through. I had fun that night, but remember having difficulty breathing under there. On my den wall behind me, I have an image of the Headless Horseman on this original poster for the Boris Karloff horror movie Black Sabbath:

    I recently watched a pretty good ghost movie entitled Secrets in the Walls (2010) starring Jeri Ryan as a mother who moves with her two daughters into an old house that turns out to be haunted.

    My second and last Halloween post of the year started running this morning and I invite you to join the spooky fun at Shady's Place if and when you have time. I will be back to visit you tomorrow when you give us an update on happenings around your neighborhood. Have a great weekend, dear friend Mary!

  4. That was one of my picks for the IWSG question this month. Dig the book and the movie from almost twenty years ago.

    1. Yes, seeing your post gave me the inspiration for this post this month.

  5. Not a fan of ghost stories

  6. Mine was the real life ghost story I posted about last year, where my brother-in-law encountered his mother (my MIL). Still creeps me out.

  7. I don't have a favorite creepy ghost story. I've lived them in real life.

  8. Great seasonal post and photos ~.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I've read several well-known ghost stories which didn't scare me at all, they seemed very tame. I'm more scared of real-life things like what might be lurking in the dark!

  10. Can' t say I have a favourite ghost story. I;ve never read a ghost book or saw a movie with a ghost in it.

    1. There are some good ones out there.

  11. Can' t say I have a favourite ghost story. I;ve never read a ghost book or saw a movie with a ghost in it.

    1. There are some good ones out there.

  12. Oh, that's a really good one, I liked that one too!

    1. It's always been my favorite, ever since I was a kid.

  13. I am not a spooky reader, but I do know this one.

  14. I know many may have a favourite spooky story or film but it's not a genre I read/watch ... so sorry, I don't have a favourite ghost story!

    All the best Jan

  15. That is such a classic. The Depp movie was very good too

  16. I love this story, too! They used to show the cartoon version of it every Halloween when I was growing up and it was always my favorite. :D

    1. I think that cartoon was what got me starting to like this one too.


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