Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Raturday!

All of the pictures used in today's post are mine. These are just some of the rats that I've had over the years. I made all of these meme's unless otherwise stated. This was Lucky. You can read His Story here. He was my 3 legged rat. I figured I would post some of the rat meme's I made of my own rats for those who are newer to my blog and hadn't seen them before. I've had 18 pet rats over the years. These are just some of them. 

*Flower, female hairless rat.* Melissa over at RatLogic FB page made this Meme for me when she saw this picture I posted. Melissa has since passed away. 







*Lucky* Lucky sat in between me and Ken and ate some pizza with us. lol 



*Ken (My late husband) and Scribbles*

*Flower* She was trying to grab the plastic bag I had sitting there while I cleaned her cage.

*Falcor and Scribbles*





*Jasper, Brodie and Hades*

*Jasper, Hades and Brodie* They loved to pile on top of each other. 

*Brodie and Jasper*


*Hades and Brodie*

*Brodie and Hades*


*Jasper, Hades and Brodie*



*This was Fang. I named him Fang because he bit Ken 4 times after we got him from someone who did not socialize him. He was brothers with Patches, Marbles and Bandit. He and Ken made friends after a few weeks and Ken was able to pet and handle him without getting bit. Ken (my late husband) kept giving him food and treats and Fang came around. This is how he would lay and sleep all the time. He looks pretty cute, huh? Don't put your fingers near him though. lol He always wanted me to hold him and he never tried to bite me. 

*Patches and Bandit*

*This was Marbles. He was my grumpy boy, he even looks grumpy. He never bit anyone but he did not like to be held. He loved coming out and running around which all the rats got to do but he did not like to be petted, held or bothered. He wanted to do his own thing. He was the only rat I ever had who was like that. Open the cage door, give him and treat and let him do his own thing and he was happy.*

*Did I throw Lucky a birthday party one his 1st birthday? You bet I did. LOL I even made a cake and a tiny birthday hat for him. Lucky had a few bites of cake and we ate the rest. lol *

*Bandit holding a rubber ducky while he slept*

So there you go. There's a look at some of the rats I've had over the years. 


  1. These are just the bees knees - and I'm smiling and laughing at them.. Well done in finding and sharing.

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you liked all my rat pictures.

  2. So much cuteness! And Fang -- he had matinee idol good looks!

  3. You are the second blogger I know that has rats. They aren't for me, but they seem to bring a lot of joy and have unique personalities.

    1. Just think of them as tiny dogs who want to lay in your lap and get petted while sharing your snacks. lol

  4. Is that a hairless rat? I had no idea they existed.

    1. Yes! Her skin was so soft but because she was hairless I had to rub her skin with a tiny bit of olive oil once a week.

  5. These are awesome! Thanks for sharing all your cute rat pics. And the captions are so fun and clever. :D

  6. Thank you for sharing these photos of your pets. I can see how much you enjoyed them.

  7. The pictures are fun and you seem to like your rats. :) Have a great week!

  8. Wow, so mc=uch cuteness. Thanks for sharing these photos of your friends.

    1. You're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed them.

  9. I've never had a rodent of any type as a pet, but yours are/were obviously well taken care of and loved. Alana

  10. I think my favorite is "Not Dead Just Sleeping"! So cute!

  11. I love seeing these with all their different moods and poses. You and Ken were such good Rat parents. :)

    I've only been a rat petsitter a few times, but it was fun.

    1. Rats are so fun to have. I'm glad you had fun petsitting with them.

  12. Guess you like mice ~ eh? ~

    1. Mice, hamsters, gerbils, rats. lol All the rodents.

  13. They were so cute! Scribbles looked like he had quite a fun personality.

  14. I don't recall last time, I took an selfie.

  15. These are great and a few made me chuckle.

  16. I don't take selfies but I do like animal pics. You had a wide family of rats over the years. They seem like they brought you a lot of joy.

    1. They did, they are such fun little critters.


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