Saturday, June 22, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Hyro The Hero - We Believe feat. David Draiman

As soon as I saw that this song was featuring David Draiman from Disturbed I had to listen to it. While I don't usually listen to rap much at all, I kinda like when it's mixed with metal or rock. The rapper can actually sing too which is really nice to see. I hope you enjoy. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Freebie Friday!


Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

This week I received a $25 gift code to Shutterfly from a Class Action Lawsuit I signed up for. With it I used it to make this mug with Falcor's picture on it. 

Did you receive any freebies this week?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Book Review: Planet Mail by Kate Pearce


Book Description

As far as job hazards go, Douglass Fraser didn’t think crash-landing on an alien planet and spending her recuperation being erotically pleasured by three gorgeous men was in the United Planetary Parcel Service’s courier handbook. There certainly wasn’t a section on what to do when a very sexy king wants you to have his baby and save his world.

Marcus Blood Axe isn’t only a descendant of ancient Viking space travelers, he’s also a ruler dealing with a shortage of fertile women and no heir. Surely the gods are on his side when Douglass drops out of the sky and into his bed, giving him a last chance to stop his people’s death spiral into extinction.

Despite the exquisite pleasures to be found in the king’s arms, Douglass wants more from Marcus than to be his broodmare. When another woman claims to be pregnant with Marcus’ child, it’s past time to get back home. Now the war Marcus wages is one of sensual passion designed to convince his Earth woman that she’s worth everything to him…even if it means giving up what he cherishes most.

My Review

Douglass works as a courier between planets. Like a mail person but takes a space ship to different planets to deliver mail. Douglass's space ship crash lands on an alien world that doesn't have a lot of contact with other planets. They find her, drug her and she is pleasured by several men, getting her ready for the King who wants her as his consort. I was so not ok with this at all. But Douglass doesn't even bat an eyelash at it all and even decides to just go with it. Nothing wrong with taking pleasure from several men and the King. What? 

The men are sweet, not gonna lie about that. They want to make her happy and hope that she stays on their planet if they can find a way to contact her home world. The King was a little more gruff to begin with but he quickly came around and we see his more romantic side. 

These people are pretty much dying out because there's a shortage of fertile women and baby's are not being born. But to drug a woman who crashes on your planet and hope that he accepts the things that have happened to her while she was pretty much unconscious is just not right even if she doesn't seem to have a problem with any of it. 

The story was actually good, the writing was great and these characters are very likable so I did enjoy this book even with the problems I had with how Douglass was treated at first. 

I give this book 3 out of 5 stars. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week

I spotted this little bird all fluffed up cleaning himself on the wall. Look at him all puffed up. lol 

I started snapping pictures as he hopped off. I caught him mid hop! lol This picture made me laugh.

This large bush started flowering early in the morning so I walked over and got a picture of it. I don't know what kind of bush it is but the purple flowers are so pretty. 

Have a nice week.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Recipe: Low Carb Fajitas

My daughter found some low carb flour tortillas (Carb Counter brand) and we wanted to try fajitas with them. 

We fried up the peppers, onions and chicken in 0 calorie cooking spray. Made a little guacamole and some Pico De Gallo to go with it. 

Pico De Gallo Recipe

4 large tomatoes diced small
1 1/2 large yellow onions diced small
One bunch of cilantro diced small (about 1 cup)
Juice from 2 lemons
Salt to taste

 Mix all ingredients together and let sit overnight in container in the fridge. You can eat it right after it's been made but for more flavorful Salsa, make 2 days ahead of time and let it sit in an air tight container in the refrigerator.

The low carb tortillas are good. They taste the same as regular tortillas to me. They are fluffier though which I like.
For 2 tortillas it's 60 calories and 14 grams of carbs. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy Raturday!


*All pictures this week are courtesy of*

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Apartment Life #322

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Wednesday two police cars showed up as I was outside with Falcor. They quickly got out of their cars and made their way into my courtyard. There's a homeless man who I'm sure is on drugs but he's been hanging around a lot and some of us in my courtyard have seen him trying to turn doorknobs. He's tried a few of the doors in my courtyard over the last couple of months and when my daughter saw him doing that to the single lady's door who lives across from us a couple of months ago, she called the police. But because it was in the middle of the night and no one else answered their doors or saw anything the police didn't even take a report about this.

The next day my daughter told the neighbor about it and she was so mad the police didn't do anything about it. The camera we have in the window just let's us view what's going on in real time and take pictures, it doesn't record 24/7. So we had no proof...until now. The lady across from me saw this homeless man trying to open her door when she was coming home this day and she called the police. They came out pretty fast but again, there was no one else that saw what he had done and so they didn't even question him. It's getting ridiculous. What do they need? Maybe we should wait until he breaks in, knock him out, tie him up and then call the police. But we'd probably get arrested for battery and kidnapping. Ridiculous. 

On Thursday the police were across the street. They were checking out that PODS storage container that's been sitting on the street for about 9 months or more. I am outside about 10 times a day or more depending on if the dog has an upset stomach or not. Which happens for no reason at least once a month. So I'm outside a lot. I haven't seen one person opening the lock to the POD. No one has come or gone from this storage container in all that time that I've seen. It's about time that the police are looking into why it's been sitting there all that time. I'm surprised that the manager of that apartment building over there hasn't called about it before now. What do you want to bet that it will sit there for another 6 months. Maybe someone is paying for it but what if it was stolen and just placed there? Am I paranoid? 

We heard 5 gunshots around 3AM on Wednesday. They sounded really close but I didn't see anything on the cameras. The police showed up and looked around but left when they didn't find anything. Unfortunately it's almost 4th of July and people around here tend to shoot their guns off in the air around this time of year.

The high this week was 109F/42C
The low this week was 77F/25C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Bad Wolves ft Daughtry - Hungry For Life

I've liked Daughtry ever since he was on American Idol. I already like Bad Wolves so when I saw they had a song together I had to listen to it and it ended up being really good. I hope you enjoy. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Freebie Friday!

Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

What I Received This Week

Perfume Samples from Macy's. 
A sample of Advil PM. 

I loved all of these perfume samples. But once again Alien by Mugler is my favorite from this bunch. I've received Alien a few times now and I really love it. Most of the Mugler scents are really nice. The other ones are really nice too though. 

I've used Advil PM before and it will knock you out so you can get some sleep. 

Did you receive any freebies this week?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Mountain's Mate by Sara Ivy Hill


Book Description

He’ll move mountains for her…
When Patrek, a giant Skarr alien, hires a human for a covert mission, he doesn’t expect a female to take the gig. Nor does he expect his long-dormant mating instinct to ignite for someone so tiny! When the heist goes awry and they’re forced to hide out together until the heat dies down, the close quarters reveal that, though they’re vastly mismatched in size, their hearts are a perfect fit.

To escape with his freedom, Patrek must flee the city. But leaving her behind will break him. Can he convince her to join him in the mountains and take a monster as her mate?

My Review

Maja is on an alien planet after humans crash landed there some time ago. It was interesting to have humans be the aliens on a planet instead of the other way around. Things are not great for the humans there though and Maja is having a hard time just making enough money for the necessities let alone her rent. So when she hears about a gig that pays a lot, enough to make up for the 2 months back rent she owes, she shows up for the gig, not knowing what it's for. 

When she shows up to Patrek's place and finds out what the gig is for, they make plans to help an animal but what she has to wear is a little disturbing. After things don't go as planned, they have to lay low together until things settle down and they get to know each other better. 

Patrek is a 14 foot tall alien with facial tusks and Maja is a 5 foot tall human, so the size difference alone would make this romance interesting. But somehow this author made things work because Patrek is a gentle giant. Being around Maja has his mating instinct's kicking into to overdrive and he has to make her trust him so she knows that he'd never hurt her. The last female of his species died and his people are about to die out so I think these two being able to mate is going to open up a way for his people to not die out is subsequent books.

This romance was so much fun. I love a spicy alien romance and this one was everything that I could ask for. I loved Patrek and Maja together, they made for a great couple. I plan on reading more of this series now. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week

We've had bright blue skies and some clouds this week. 

Enjoy your week. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Book Review: Moonshade by S.J. West


Book Description

How would your life change if you inherited a vampire?

“Find me, Sarah…”

When a handsome stranger whispers these three little words to Sarah Marcel, she knows her life is forever changed.

For two weeks straight, Sarah’s been unable to eat, sleep, or even form a coherent thought properly. She fears she’s losing her mind until a chance encounter brings a man into her life who seems to hold the key to solving her problems. With a single touch, he’s able to ease her troubled soul and bring her some much-needed peace. Yet, just as Sarah believes she’s found the solution to her dilemma, he disappears.

As Sarah begins to unravel a mystery surrounding her family’s past, she quickly discovers her role in a world that’s hidden from most humans. Being a Marcel comes with certain responsibilities, and there are some things that you can’t hide from forever.

My Review

Sarah lost her parents when she was very young. Her friend's parents took her in and cared for her and she is really close with all of them still. When Sarah goes out to a night club with her friend, a mysterious man greets her and tells her to find him. But she doesn't even know his name so why is it as if she can feel him and knows exactly where to find him?

His name is Julian and he's a vampire. When Sarah's grandfather that she knew nothing about passes away, Julian has to find the next relative in the man's family to be his companion. Without a companion to feed him their blood, Julian will die. So when he tells Sarah that he's a vampire and she is to be his companion if she's willing, she doesn't know what to think at first. 

These vampires are different. They are all descendant from Madam Bathory because of a black magic spell she did or had done, the vampires aren't too sure what really happened to make them. But because of that he and the other vampires who were created at that time can only feed from a descendant of the first person they fed from when they were turned into a vampire. Which is why he sought out Sarah when her grandfather died. 

Julian tells her that she needs to date in order to find a suitable husband to have kids with. Because when she dies her children will become his companion. At first it seems that's really all he cares about until he feeds from her the first time. Then it becomes apparent that he has feelings for her, something that he tries to fight since he cannot father any children and doesn't usually have romantic feelings for his companions but she wasn't raised around him so things are different. Her parents took her away from everyone because they wanted her to be raised as a normal human. 

It takes a little while for this book to really get going but I was intrigued by the vampire/companion storyline so I kept reading and I'm glad I did because this got so much better. Family secrets are revealed and that was quite the twist. I'm really looking forward to reading more of this series now and finding out how things turn out for some of these other characters. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy Raturday!


*All pictures this week are courtesy of*

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Apartment Life #321

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

I heard loud voices outside my bedroom window on Monday morning. I saw the ambulance there and some police officers. The man standing off to the right went over to the back of the ambulance and sat down on the step, not the gurney. The paramedics started cleaning his face and I noticed it was all bloody. 

I'm guessing he refused to go to the ER so they bandaged him up there. 

More and more police started showing up while the paramedics were treating him. I saw them bandage his head right above his eyebrow. His nose was bleeding also.

After he was all bandaged up the police stood there talking to him and then handed him a clipboard with papers on it. It looked like he was filling out a statement or report. 

Then more police showed up and were looking up and down the street with a K9 dog.

After he was bandaged up he and the police went to his apartment.

After about 30 minutes the police came back out and stood there talking.

The cop wearing the sunglasses saw me taking pictures and was NOT happy about it. He stood there staring me down. LOL But at least he didn't stomp over to me and yell at me to go inside. I didn't want to press my luck so I went inside anyway since it looked like they were done. 

When I saw the guy across the street out with his dog the next day I asked him if he was alright because he had a black eye, bandaged head and bruised nose. He said yeah that some guy had broke into his apartment and tried to take his TV and some other stuff and he fought the guy off. The thief ended up leaving with nothing. He told me to keep my door locked. I said I always have it locked in this neighborhood. 

The high this week was 112F/44C
The low this week was 79F/26C

Whew boy, it's heating up now. Summer is here.

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Favorite Song of the Week


Celine Dion ft. Will I Am

I'm a big fan of Celine Dion and thought I had heard most of her songs but I came across this one recently that she did with Will I Am of the Black Eyed Peas. I love this song. Her voice is just so pretty. Like I've said before, I like all kinds of music. There's no music video to go with this version but that's ok. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

Friday, June 07, 2024

Product Review: Clinique moisture surge 100H Auto replenishing hydrator


Product Description

 Clinique Moisture Surge 100H Auto-Replenishing Hydrator, a soothing, oil-free gel-cream that's loaded with a complex of aloe bioferment and hyaluronic acid to provide deep, long-lasting hydration.

My Review

I bought this with a few of the products from Macy's as a bundle of Clinique items but this moisture surge auto replenishing hydrator is by far the best thing that I got. As you might be able to see I've used almost the entire tube of this stuff because it was just that good a moisturizer. Because I have diabetes my skin gets really dry especially in the winter time and when I use this on my face, my face was so moisturized there wasn't a dry patch in sight. So I used it on my arms and this stuff lasted for at least 12 hours with just one application. Even if I washed my hands, my hands still felt moisturized without being oily. My skin was incredibly soft, wasn't dry and itchy at all but this never felt oily. It didn't dry my skin out, didn't irritate my skin. It was just an all-around really good moisturizer. 

It says on the bottle that you can use this under or over makeup or as a 5-minute mask, so you leave it on for 5 minutes and then wash it off. And I can see why because like I said even when I washed my hands after using this on my hands, my hands still felt incredibly soft and not dry at all. I've used this under my makeup and my makeup goes on just fine stays on fine all day and I'm less oily I don't have to put on powder as much especially in the summertime when my face starts to get a little oily. This will definitely be one of the products that I buy and use in my daily life.

I received no compensation for this review nor did I receive a free sample. I bought this myself. When I find great products, I like to share them with others so they know about them too. 

Price By itself is $15.00
It's cheaper to buy this as part of a bundle of items though because you get other products along with this.

Have you ever used this product?

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Book Review: Moon Kissed by Donna Grant


Book Description

For years, Addison Moore worked herself ragged to achieve her goals. Close to earning her degree, the contents of a shocking letter rip her world to shreds. In an attempt to forget, she wanders into a bar, unknowingly changing her life forever. Suddenly she’s surrounded by the supernatural she thought only myth and stalked by an evil priestess intent on her death. Her only chance is with an enigmatic man who makes her want to forget everything just to be in his arms.

Myles LaRue was content owning a bar and hunting evil in the French Quarter. He wasn’t looking for love, especially after the tragedy his family already experienced. But when the exquisite Addison Moore walks into his life, he can’t help but be charmed. Despite the dangers surrounding them, Myles comes to one conclusion - against the odds they found each other, and now that they have, he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

My Review

Because Myles family has been cursed by a voodoo priestess, he has no plans on finding a wife or bringing anyone into his life. But in walks Addison after having a bad day, she gets a job in a bar that she happened to walk into for lunch. They are attracted to one another but Myles is trying to keep her at arms length to keep her safe. 

When the voodoo priestess gets wind that Addison is there, that puts her in danger and Myles has to ask for help from people he's not sure he can trust. 

I loved the world that Donna Grant created and I will probably read more of this series and the previous series because of this book. I've read Donna Grant before and I love her books. I thought that Myles and Addison were so sweet together once they decided to give into their feelings. This was a short novella but it just wet my appetite for these characters. There were werewolves, witches and other paranormals in this book which I really liked. 

I give this book 3 out of 5 stars. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Recipe: Air Fried Panco Crusted Eggplant

I've been trying out different foods in the air fryer and finally found something that came out good enough to share. lol

What you'll need:

1 Eggplant
1 Egg- beaten
1/2 Cup Panco bread crumbs
Salt and pepper
Whatever seasonings you like...I used Chili powder, chicken seasoning, garlic powder, and Italian  seasoning. 

What To Do: 

Cut 4 eggplant slices about an 1/2 inch thick. 
Salt each piece a little bit and lay on a paper towel to drain off some of the moisture for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pat dry. You can leave the salt on. 

Add whatever seasonings you like to your bread crumbs. Dip each piece of eggplant in the egg mixture first and then each side into the bread crumbs. Place into the air fryer basket and cook for 18 minutes at 375 degrees. Flip each piece one time about half way through cooking time so each side gets brown and crispy. 

If you like eggplant, you'll probably like this. They came out so good. 

For two pieces it's only 70 calories and 15 carbs, so it's still good for my low carb diet.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Everyone Has A Story, Here's One Of Mine

I've been thinking of writing an autobiography or memoir but it just never comes together for me but I figured if I write one story at a time and post it on my blog maybe once a month, I can do that. Maybe one day I'll pull all the stories together and put them in a book but for now I'll just share some stories with you about my childhood. Some of the stories will be happy, some sad and some horrific because that was my childhood. But they will all be real, things that actually happened. If it seems like something that people enjoy reading maybe I'll keep it going. These stories will not be in any kind of order, I'll just write them as they come to me.

My Stepmom

My parents divorced when I was 12 and my dad met my stepmom, Catherine when I was 14 years old. They married when I was 15. Catherine looked down on my mom because at the time my mom was in jail for 6 months for child abuse, child endangerment, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of drugs (PCP and cocaine) We were living in California at the time.

Before my dad married Catherine my brother and I took her aside and told her how my dad used to hit our mom and us. She didn't believe us and even told our dad what we had said to her. He was so mad at us. But hey, we tried to warn her. My half sister, Kathleen even tried telling her that dad hit her mother too but she didn't believe that either. 

After my brother and I got out of foster care we had to go live with my dad and Catherine which she was not happy about because she didn't like us. I didn't know before we moved in with them that Catherine and my dad were doing drugs (speed) at this time. My brother and I slept in the living room on the couches. My brother is 2 1/2 years younger than me. Catherine would stay up all night, come down stairs to the living room and kitchen, turn on the lights, make a bunch of noise and keep us awake all night. So we were always tired during the day at school. 

We weren't allowed to bring anything but 1 bag of clothes and one personal item with us. I brought my grandma's statues. Catherine didn't want our stuff cluttering up her apartment.

While we were living with them my dad hit her a few times so she knew we were telling the truth but she stayed with him. She started doing things to my brother and I though. I had two statues that my grandmother had given me before she got sick. I wanted to keep them in a box so they didn't get broken but Catherine said I should keep them out so they didn't get broken in the box. While I was at school Catherine decided to clean my statues by soaking them in water in the sink and she broke them into several pieces. She said it was an accident but they were broken into several pieces? That was deliberate. 

There was no food in the house except for potatoes and we had no electricity to cook them. So my brother and I would cook a couple of potatoes for ourselves for dinner each night on the apartment complexes propane bbq outside. Any food she did buy she would hide in their room for her and my dad. 

After my mom got out of prison and she moved to West Virginia, we decided to move with her. She was living with my grandma and step grandfather in West Virginia. So we didn't see Catherine or my dad again for a about a year. I wrote to my dad every month though. Catherine would always write something negative about my living situation on the card my dad would send me. 

Catherine never tried to get along with me. But I always tried for my dad. She never liked that I always talked with my dad or called him at work so she couldn't interrupt our phone calls. She would intercept the letters I sent to him and not give them to him at times. 

When I got older she called me crazy, soft, mentally ill, not alright ect. because I had spent time in a mental hospital after I tried to unalive myself. When her mother passed away she inherited some money and my dad won a court case against the place he worked at, they decided to buy a house in Oregon. She told me that when my dad died, I would not be getting the house, that it was hers. I didn't care. Then after me, my brother and our mom moved to Las Vegas, dad and Cathy sold their house and moved here to be closer to us. They bought another place and right away Cathy was saying the house was hers when my dad died. But if she died first my dad said he was leaving the house to me and my brother. She always made a big deal of their house. My brother and I didn't care. As my dad got older, Cathy wanted us around less and less. 

She didn't like that my brother was a CNA , worked in a hospital then a doctor's office and then was a paramedic/firefighter. So he would ask about my dad's doctor visits, health ect. One time she started yelling at my brother when he asked about dad's health too much. She didn't want us around asking questions and she over time drove a wedge between my dad and brother. She made my dad believe that everything my brother did was wrong and no good. 

I saw this happening and knew she was going to do the same thing to me and she did. My dad was 88 years old in 2020 when my late husband, Ken got sick with lung cancer. She chose that time when I was vulnerable, tired and emotionally drained to come at me. She called me one day to ask me about what my brother and I had told her before she married my dad. So I told her the truth that he hit our mom and hit both of us kids. He used to beat us with belts, extension cords, switch from the tree, ect. I missed almost a week of school because I was so bruised one time when I was 9 years old. She thanked me for telling her the truth and then she went and told my dad what I had said. I thought he would call me and tell me he was sorry for what happened when I was a kid, but no he stopped talking to me and I have no idea what Catherine said to him to make him stop talking to me. Then a few days later Catherine called me and told me off, told me I was a liar and that those things never happened that my dad said those things never happened. So she was successful in driving a wedge between me and my dad as well as one between my brother and our dad. So we have stopped talking for a few years. I should have known.

Then in 2023 my brother decided to call my dad and see how he was doing but Catherine had disconnected their phone so we couldn't call him. So my brother called non-emergency and had the police go to their address and do a welfare check on my dad. He was fine and told them to tell my brother he was fine. So my brother wrote a letter to my dad. My dad was happy to get a letter from my brother and Cathy wrote back to my brother. Told him what has been going on, that my dad was in bad health and had some dementia and was nice for the most part and my dad wrote a little something. Everything was fine. 

And then Cathy started writing to my brother without my dad knowing and said a whole bunch of nasty things to him and in each letter she wrote, "And tell your sister to go f*ck herself" 

She wrote to my brother, Billy and said things like, "I don't know why you're writing us now, we don't have any money for you. We can't help you." Just crazy stuff when my brother never asked them for a thing. He just wanted to check on our dad. 

So my brother wrote her and tried to be the little brother defending his big sister. So this was one of the letters she wrote back to my brother last year. 

It says, "Ps, thank you for the Christmas card, it came late but it was special for your dad. PS when did Mary and Ken get married? Bill, your dad and I are very glad you have stopped drinking. I am grateful to Sheila for helping and supporting. But most of all I am proud of you, bill for your own strength to stop. I do believe you. Don't be so quick to say that I was disrespectful to your sister. Your dad and I have always given Mary money. A bicycle for Ken, countless gifts, rides to the courthouse, when she needed new pots and pans for Elizabeth, countless gifts!

I always treated your sister with love, generosity and understanding and sympathy for a difficult childhood. I always tried to make her feel better!!! So clear out of the blue, Kathleen says you and dad hate Ken because he has AIDS...

Well I was shocked and very very angry! I told Kathleen we love Ken very much and would never dislike Ken for having aids. and it doesn't matter when Mary said this to Kathleen."

In the left hand margin she wrote, "You can say to Mary you have a cold heart. Things can come back to you at the worst time. Why did you do this? Was it for your own sick pleasure? PS you can tell Mary I will not put up with her anymore. There are consequences for your actions. Don't play the poor little victim. Sorry Ken died But you caused all of this yourself. Liar."

So let me explain a few things...

My half sister, Kathleen is 10 years older than me and we don't talk much. 23 years ago when my dad and I had a fight and my dad was trying to goad Ken into hitting him so he could call the police on him, I told my half sister Kathleen that I thought my dad didn't like Ken because he was HIV positive. I said it one time 23 years ago after a big fight. So my trouble making sister calls my dad 23 years after I said this to talk to him and tells him that she thought dad didn't like him because he was hiv positive. So Catherine used what I said 23 years ago to widen the wedge between my dad and I. That's why she said she didn't care when I said it, because she knew it was a long time ago. I didn't even know that Kathleen had called and said that until my brother read me this letter. Cathy wrote when did Mary and Ken get married because we weren't legally married and she looked down upon that. But we were together for 30 years so I considered us married and referred to him as my husband and she really hated that.

Also I have no idea what "gifts and money" she's talking about since the only gifts she gave me were for birthdays and Christmas. My dad brought over posts and pans when he found out that my daughter moved into a new apartment. I never asked or said anything about her needing anything. They did that themselves so I don't know why she brought that up.

On the top it says, "PS maybe you don't think what Mary said is a big deal but it is to your dad and me. Mary had no right to say those things."

In the body of the letter she wrote, "The fact remains that Mary lied to Kathleen and made Kathleen think that your dad and me were two ignorant people who hated Ken because of him having aids. Your sister saying these things to Kathleen that are totally untrue, made me furiously angry especially after everything we did for her. Oh what would you do??? That is slander. I told your sister exactly what she deserved!! And I told her what she is. It was June 2, 2020 I exactly word for word said: (Way before Ken died) "You are a two faced liar bitch" And Mary owes your dad and me and huge apology. Don't tell me I was disrespectful to your sister!! She lied, I didn't start any of this!! Your sister committed slander and tried to defame our character. Also the last time I talked to Mary, Ken was sick and at home. And he just wanted to relax. No one told us that Ken died!! We didn't find out for more than 6 months later from Kathleen. You can tell Mary we're sad you lost Ken but that has nothing to do with her lying behind our backs. That was a dirty low down way for her to talk about us. So don't be mad at me, don't try to put a guilt trip on us. "

Let me explain some things

It's not slander if it's true. My dad didn't like Ken 23 years ago and told me I should leave him and me and our daughter could come live with him and Cathy, but Ken couldn't come. This was right after he found out Ken was HIV positive. What else could I believe? Of course I thought it was because of that. 

This page says, "Mary Needs to apologize to her dad. I don't care what she says. PS did you get our Christmas card, we sent you one. So now you know some more details. We (your dad and I) thought Ken was home resting. All of this mess is your sister spreading lies!! So don't blame me, blame your sister! I do not tolerate liars!! Mary deserved every word I said to her! And more! Remember this happened June 2, 2020. Ken was sick but we were always asking him how he felt. We loved Ken very much. But the fact that Ken died has nothing to do with Mary's lying. If your dad and I had known Ken died we would have sent our sympathies for Mary's loss. The last time I spoke to Mary was June 2. 2020. I'm glad Elizabeth is doing so well. Sheila must be a very very good person. You are lucky to have her in your life. Again I admire your strength and resolve to stop drinking. You are intelligent and sensitive. I know you are being a good brother to your sister and that is a good thing. But stop telling me I disrespected Mary! Your dad and I just got over having Covid, we did not have to go to the hospital, it took and month but we got better. Your dad loves you. I also send you and BJ and kids love. Cathy"

*Let me explain* First she nor my dad ever told me what my half sister, Kathleen said to them. I didn't know she brought up something from 23 years ago until I read this letter. Why would I tell them Ken had died when they didn't want to talk to me? I saw no reason to. But it also showed that my sister was keeping in touch with them at this time and letting them know what I was saying about Ken. When I read this letter I confronted Kathleen (My half sister) about what she had said to them and she actually told me she didn't say this. But I know she did and she finally said she had once I told her about the letter. I have since stopped talking to her permanently. There was no reason for her to bring up something from 23 years ago unless she was trying to start drama.

I realize this was a long post but I wanted to share what led up to the letters and what I've had to deal with from Catherine all these years. Now that my dad is elderly and has some dementia she's made it impossible for my brother and I to see him.  

She was an awful person when I met her and 40 years later, she still is. 

My dad and step mother the last time I saw them. 

Monday, June 03, 2024

Happy Raturday!

"When you've just started your new office job and you're not quite sure what you're meant to be doing."

"You like my shoes?"

"Rat cop will pull you over for not sharing your donuts."

*All pictures this week are courtesy of Anisah Grace Hanna on facebook. 
You can also find her on Instagram at @raztfurever