Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Raturday!

Welcome to a new weekly blog post I'm calling, Raturday! I've seen Caturday and while that's really cute, I think the rats needs some photo time so everyone can see how cute these little animals are. I've gotten permission from Rat Logic's fb page to share their pictures on my blog. So get ready to smile because these are cute. 

*click pictures to enlarge*


  1. The rat with the full tummy made me smile. I has that feeling right now :)

  2. Quite perceptive of that rat to know that they're going to the vet :-)

  3. lol ate that feeling when you eat too much

  4. Rats can get that fat? Poor thing. It's like a potato with legs!

  5. Shelley- He's a big boy. lol

    Keith- lol yeah

    Pat- Me too.

    A Beer For The Shower- LOL He just looks big. When they lay down like that all their skin kinda pool around them. He's big but not unhealthy big. I have a big boy right now and he runs around just fine...on three legs even. lol

  6. Haha that's onesizable rat. :)

  7. cute raturday pictures

  8. Boy, those rodents are really domesticated! Are they really a different species from wild rats? What's their official name?

  9. Aw those snoozing babies are darlin!


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