Sunday, June 27, 2021

Apartment Life #258

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that go on in and around my apartment complex in the past 23 years that we've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 23 years here in a weekly blog post. 
The police showed up at 10 PM last week. I only knew because my daughter had just gotten home from work and was outside talking to one of her friends and what she thought was an undercover detective asked her if she lived around here. So she told him she did and he asked what apartment so she told him and he just said ok and then headed down to the drug dealer's apartment that's a couple of doors away from me. My daughter came in and told me what happened so I looked out front and saw three cop cars parked out there. Then looked out my door and saw 2 cops hiding right around the corner of the building and they kept peeking around the corner. They did that for about 20 minutes before knocking on drug dealers door. There was a bit of an argument before drug dealer was told he had to open his security screen door or they would open it themselves. The cops were at his apartment for hours. 

I found out a few days later that police raided his apartment because of all the drug activity and they found heroine and a bunch of other drugs. Drug dealer was arrested but his wife wasn't for some reason. This is the same guy that was arrested over a year ago for attempted murder when he shot a guy that was in his apartment. I was hoping he would be gone for a while but he was out in a week. I waited a week to post this to see if he would be back and sure enough he's back home. I just don't understand how.

The wife was right back at it though before he even got out. There's a bunch of people going to her apartment, staying a few seconds and leaving. This happens all day and all night. It's so obvious she was still selling drugs from her apartment. Maybe the police will raid it again.

Oh and I was able to take a pretty good picture late at night with the phone my daughter gave me because the lights over the freeway have been changed and they are bright as hell! That's why it looks so lit up out where the police cars are, because it is. The light that is right there on the other side of the sound wall is close enough to the wall and taller than the wall that it lights up my street and my courtyard. The drug dealers around here really don't like that. 

Oh and On Thursday drug dealer's car was towed off the street. He's had the car for a couple of months and never put a license plate or tags on it so the cops finally saw it and towed it away.


On Sunday night around 10pm when I took Falcor out for the last time, I was walking back in my courtyard and watched a guy and girl come out of drug dealer's apartment and walk down the street. About 20 seconds later this woman storms out of drug dealer's apartment yelling after the guy. She kept screaming, "Where are you going?" But then I noticed that she was completely naked. Nothing on at all and she's just walking around outside not giving one f*ck about it. 

She walked back into the apartment and I walked to my apartment and told my daughter what I just saw. So we are standing outside and naked woman comes outside still naked but holding a towel in front of her. She goes back in and a few minutes later comes out with clothes on and starts screaming for that guy that is long gone now. She left and I didn't see her again until the next day when she was sitting in front of drug dealer's apartment with a couple of luggage type bags. WTH is going on in that apartment?


On the 16th someone *probably maintenance* changed my mailbox lock. The mail carrier said he didn't do it so it had to be the maintenance guy. I couldn't go to the post office because they wouldn't have had the key since the mailman didn't change it. I emailed the apartment manager and she said the maintenance guy said he didn't do it. Me and the mail carrier both think he did it and probably changed the wrong lock and didn't want to fess up about it. So on Tuesday the 22nd the mail carrier put the old lock back on my mailbox *because whoever changed it left the old one inside my mailbox*. So at least I can get my mail again. It only took a week this time. I really hope this is the last problem I have with my mailbox for a while. 

The high this week was 108F/ 42C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Aaaargh. That sounds like a truly dreadful week - and those temperatures wouldn't have helped at all. I do hope next week is better.

  2. Not something I'd want to be living in the midst of constantly, Mary. I know we're all different, but I couldn't live in an area with all this kind of activity.

    1. I guess I'm just really used to it.

  3. You live in one screwed up neighborhood.

  4. Hi, Mary!

    108 degree heat is the least of your worries, it seems. O, to be a fly on the wall in that drug dealer's den. (I'll bet there are plenty of flies on those walls.) If that woman didn't even care that she was walking around nekked in public, it might be a sign that her life is spinning out of control. (Just my wild guess.) Hopefully, the brighter street lights will act as a deterrent to crime in your neighborhood, but I wouldn't count on it. On a positive note, if you ever need a cop, you can always find one in seconds simply by stepping outside your door.

    Have a safe and happy week, dear friend Mary!

    1. Yeah, there's always a cop around here that's for sure.

  5. If they know he is a drug dealer why isn't he permanently in jail?

    1. He might be out on bail waiting for a trial for all I know.

  6. I really don't get how this guy keeps getting out so quickly, and how the woman can boldly keep selling out of the same apartment and stomping around stark naked! You definitely live in apartment hell!

  7. Hell in so many ways! I can’t even with that naked woman. It must be hard not to say anything!

    1. Oh I wish I could say something but I don't want to get on the bad side of drug dealer.

  8. What a mess in your neighborhood, and scary too!

    1. Yeah, it's a mess but it's only one apartment that's causing problems unlike a few years ago when it was several.

  9. Prisons are over-flooded with bad guys, so these guys are let to live among decent, law-abiding people. All the neighborhoods are gradually becoming like your neighborhood.

  10. Selling drugs right after the cops left takes some guts. I am glad that you are able to get your mail again!

    1. I'm so happy the mail issue got fixed.

  11. It seems like a game, lock up the drug dealer, a few hours later, let him out again. Makes no sense.

  12. So crazy to have drug dealers living next door. I'm sorry you're surrounded by such winners for neighbors.

  13. My stars! Getting caught dealing must not be the severe offense it used to be or the guy has a slicko lawyer. Yay for the free security light you have now.

    That was kind of the postal carrier and glad you can get to your mail.

    1. I just don't understand it at all but he could be out on bail I guess.

      I was so pleased with my mail carrier this week.

  14. In so many countries, it seems the "war on drugs" is getting nowhere and drug-dealing just keeps increasing, along with associated violence. Countries that have stopped treating drug-taking as a crime and started treating it as a health issue seem to getting on top of the problem.

    1. Maybe that's what needs to happen.

  15. The drug dealer and the type of people that visit there is just scary. And your temperature is scary too!

    1. He has all kinds of crazy people going to his apartment. I keep my door locked at all times.

  16. wow many things this week. I'm surprised for how long they kept him, it's not a lot.

    1. I know. I don't know how he keeps getting out.

  17. All those cars for one drug dealer and then he's out so soon? Very suspicious that. Maybe he got a get-out-of-jail card by giving the cops the name of a bigger fish to fry.

    1. That very well could be. I think all the cars showed up because he's known to have a gun. He shot some guy in his apartment last year.

  18. You think they'd do something about this drug dealer. I mean come on! It seems like people get in a lot of trouble for far less.

    Glad to hear you got your mail issue sorted. I'd be ticked!

    1. I keep hoping that they do something about him but he's still here.

  19. Yikes that place, and omg so hot

    1. Yeah, the Summers here are brutal.

  20. Ugh, we suffered through a year of having drug and prostitution activity in an apartment in the building next door a few years ago; and same thing, everyone in the neighborhood was reporting suspicious activity and loud parties, but nothing much was ever done. Finally after someone moved in who had small children who were left outside alone after dark and improperly clothed did they start giving out significant jail time. Here in NYS they send arrest information to the landlords for more than misdemeanors, and they were kicked out. Now we have hillbillies that yell at each other all the time and make a lot of noise "fixing" their cars. 🙄

    1. The police just don't seem to do much and the landlord doesn't care.

  21. So many crazies in this world, but I think your neighborhood takes the cake!

    So hot! Stay inside and avoid the crazies and the heat!

    1. Yeah, these neighbors are something else.

  22. Drug Dealer Guy sounds like a C.I. and he's probably engaging in more than trafficking Drugs by the sound of it. We've got record breaking heat this year, Global Warming is no joke.

    1. Ya know I hadn't thought of that. But that's possible.

  23. Holy heat! Hope you are able to stay cool.

    I can't get over all the things that go on at your apartment complex. It sounds like the activity hasn't died down after the police came- but those bright lights could be a help in the end. All those lights makes it a little harder for people!

    Hope everyone keeps their clothes on this week!

    1. I have 2 good Ac's so we are staying cool. The bright lights haven't deterred anyone yet. lol


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