Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Favorite Picture of the Week

More rain clouds but not right over where I live. I spotted this really white cloud peeking up behind the building and behind it was some really dark clouds. The contrast looked really neat to me. So I snapped a picture.

A little while later, off in pretty much the same direction the skies were looking dark in some places and really bright blue in others. If that palm tree wasn't in the way it would have been better but I laughed at myself when I looked at the picture and realized I had a big palm tree right in the center of the picture. I didn't even realize it when I was taking the picture. How? lol 

The sky was bright blue behind and above that dark cloud. We didn't get any rain but I liked how it looked. Oh and I snapped these pictures with my tablet. I've had the tablet for a couple of years but never thought to use it to take pictures. The pictures are better than my phone.


  1. I never tire of clouds and am often blown away by them.
    No tablet here.

    1. During the Winter months we do get some great clouds to picture.

  2. The white cloud peeking up was nice. LOL @ the palm tree thing.

    1. The palm tree just kinda appeared all of the sudden.

  3. Hi, Mary!

    Your tablet pictures look great, dear friend! The sky off in the distance was 50 Shades of Grey that day, with blue serving as a brilliant background color for the composition. It's a shame all those clouds didn't yield any rain. Here in Florida, we have had very little moisture for many weeks now and the lawns are baking.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Mary!

    1. We don't get a lot of rain here each year.

  4. Pretty cloud pictures. I have a tablet too, and never think of using it to take pictures. I think my cell is just more handy.

    1. My cell phone is more handy but takes terrible pictures. lol

  5. I really like that first one with the white clouds peeking over the houses. So cute!

  6. I love clouds. There are never two that are the same and they create wonderful atmosphere. Love your pics. Thanks for sharing
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. Nice captures of the clouds and sky, they change so fast sometimes I miss them. :)

  8. There's nothing like white clouds against that blue of a sky!

  9. Cool pictures. It looks like the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man popping up.

  10. Cloud look like cotton in the last photo.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  11. I love when I see big contrasts like that in sky and clouds. LOL, you were really focused to miss that palm tree.

    1. it was so funny when I looked at the picture and noticed the palm tree.

  12. I love clouds! Thanks for sharing your photos. ☁☁☁

  13. Such an amazing cloud! Nice capture!

  14. The series of shape-shifters is always interesting. That last cloud is a shelf cloud, and they are amazing.

  15. Love the cloud photos.
    Hugs and blessings, Mary


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