Sunday, October 08, 2023

Apartment Life #287


This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

On Sunday, 4 guys from across the street got into a heated argument that turned into fist fighting a few times. This is just a small snippet of the 5 minute video I took because Blogger won't let me upload a longer video. But most of the video is like this. They were out of camera shot while throwing punches. But the loud arguing went on for over an hour. 

On Monday the police were at the end of my street. At one point there were 5 cop cars down there. I stopped walking all the way to the end of the street because of the gang member looking guys that are always down there. I see a lot of red bandanas being worn down that way, which makes me believe they are probably Bloods. The police arrested 2 guys for something this day. 


I realize this is an open carry state meaning that if you have a gun, you can wear it openly on your belt, holster ect. But I've been seeing several guys around my street wearing guns in their waist bands. I'm hoping there won't be any shootings going on in the future. 

The high this week was 89F/31C
The low this week was 58F/14C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Red Bandanas??? Firearms??? Maybe you were better off with the drug dealer.

    1. lol Having both in the area would have been awful.

  2. And here I though that the drug dealer going away meant some quiet around there. But no - from bad to worse. Stay safe...

    1. Yeah, this street is bad right now.

  3. I am so grateful that gun ownership is restricted here. Stay safe.

  4. Those particular guys probably didn't get their guns legally either.

  5. That is scary, Mary! Stay safe!

  6. Another day in paradise. Stay safe, Mary.

  7. Fighting and guns, yeah, thats not going to escalate or anything. Fun times in paradise.

    1. Right? I just know one of these days I;m going to hear gun shots. The police are here all the time.

  8. We Britons are totally bemused by the US open carry policy. We're not even very keen on gun ownership. I hope you aren't caught in any shootings.

    1. I'm sure it's quite crazy to you all.

  9. Guns and angry men, a bad combination. Stay safe.

  10. I have a lot of mean things buzzing around in my head to be said about these men..
    But I'll choose to keep my comments focused on the piece of music your choose instead.. great instrumental beginning.

  11. Scary with the guns.

    1. I'm just glad I haven't heard any gun shots lately.

  12. Gang activity... that's not good. We're open carry too with some restrictions.

    It's 53 here now!

    1. No, it's not good but as long as they stay down there, I don't care. I'm hoping for some 50's during the day soon.

  13. Seeing gang members openly carrying guns is very scary. Stay safe this week!

  14. That area can be so scary

  15. Sounds like an eventful week and not in a good way! Wearing a gun in your waistband sounds like a supremely stupid thing to do. If they shoot their bits off, that's on them! The Bloods are close to your neighborhood? That's scary! Stay safe, Mary! :)

    1. You can actually Google what h=gangs are in your area and the Bloods seem to be big in this area and from the red bandanas I would agree. I don't care if they shoot their bits off, it would be funny if they did.

  16. Those are not bad temps for October, we went down to 6*C two nights ago. And today I went downtown in my padded vest and a hoodie although I did have shorts on the bottom LOL

    1. Shorts and a hoodie. Lol You sound like some of the teenage boys around here during Winter.

  17. It's sounds like those fighting neighbors needed some major cooling off. They have some serious anger issues to go on so long.

    I don't blame you for not wanting to get too close to the gang members.

    Take care, Mary. Stay safe and have a good week.

    1. They were really angry for a while.

  18. That's awful. I hope you're right.

    1. I'm fine. I stay away from it all.

  19. I swear, it's non stop over there. It must feel like Christmas when you have nothing to report.

    1. That's the truth. There are two apartment complexes on my side of the street and 4 apartment complexes on the opposite side so on this street there are a lot of people. So it's really no wonder something is always goin on.

  20. Hey, I've been crazy busy at home - my son was home from college and we were busy. So now I'm trying to catch up. Sorry things are a bit scary around you. I hope there are no shootings!

    1. So far no shootings. Real life comes first. Hopefully things are a bit less busy now.


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