Friday, November 24, 2023

Freebie Friday!


Welcome to another weekly Freebie Friday post, where I tell you what free samples and full sized products I received in the mail and how you can get them too. Someone asked me why I do a "Freebie Friday" each week, so I'll tell you.

A while back I listed all the free samples and wins that I had received that previous year and so many people didn't believe that I could have gotten so many free things. So I decided to prove it by taking a picture every week and sharing the sites that I found the links to the freebies at. So now you too can get great free samples coming to your mailbox each week.

  You can find links to great samples at Hey It's Free and Freebie Shark.

This week I received: 

Two books from a blog giveaway. 
I received a sample size mascara. It works well so that was nice. 
Falcor received a sample size of Lil' Plates wet dog food and he liked it. 

Did you receive any freebies this week?


  1. I got a free bottle of Earth Choice toilet cleaner - which I haven't yet tried.

  2. You scored well this week. Books are always welcome.

  3. Getting free books is always a win.
    Hugs and blessings, Mary

  4. Nice win. Hope the books are fabulous. I read the Burton book. I liked it.

  5. No freebies this week, but two weeks ago I received a couple of books (but they would like reviews...)

  6. Woo hoo! There's nothing like a free book!

  7. Fun that Falcor got a free treat this week. And yay for free books! I always love those. :D

  8. No freebies, but I did get a few money off coupons from the local supermarket which will come in handy :)

    All the best Jan

  9. That was a good freebie week for you and Falcor too!

  10. Nice score. It's been forever and a day since I've won a book :)

    1. I need to enter more blog contests.

  11. Nice haul, Mary! I love winning books.

  12. Books are always great to receive especially when they are free. Yay for Falcor and his fanatastic freebie.

  13. Goodies for you and Falcor! It was a good freebie week!


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