Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week

I found this stink bug inside my apartment and very gently picked him up and relocated him to the wall outside. Why do his little eyes look like they're looking up at me? lol 


  1. Looks like that stinky bug which stinks up the place when you touch it LOL

  2. We had an explosion of the here. Always finding them on the ceiling.

    1. They're usually out when it's warm but we had a few warm days here recently so a few of them were around.

  3. I don’t have the gene that enables me to smell them, which is nice.

  4. Hi, Mary!

    I'm stopping in to see you one more time before breaking away until next month.

    I'm sure to another stink bug, the little guy smells like Old Spice. His little eyes are looking up at you in gratitude for gently ushering him out the door instead of killing him. Good for you!

    Happy V-Day and have a great few weeks, dear friend Mary. I will see you March 5 when I publish my next post and return to blogging.

    1. Thank you. I hope the rest of the month is good for you.

  5. Great pic. We always find one in the house and my daughter calls it Paul. Always Paul. I keep telling her that it can't be the same one, but she thinks it's funny.

  6. Glad you saved him!

  7. oh you have deal with these in the winter too, yuck. Luckily mine are gone til next year

  8. He's saying "thank you kind lady for not squishing me!" We get them a lot around here and my cat tortures them if I don't get them in time.

    1. Falcor doesn't usually bother the bugs.

  9. He is pretty cute for a bug. :D

  10. Better outside than in!
    Well done.

    All the best Jan

  11. HA! Yep, he was watching you!

  12. Not a bug girl, but glad you put him outside. Me I'd be screaming for someone to save

  13. In the fall, these little guys get in and I put two or three out the door every day. I find them in the weirdest places, too.

  14. It's great that you relocated the stink bug instead of squishing it!
    Happy Valentine's Day, Mary!

  15. That's nice you bought him outside. And you got a good picture of him too.

  16. I wish I knew more about bugs. Our naturalist group offers a specialization in entomology. I'd love to take those classes one of these days.

  17. He's definitely taking you in! We had a giant spider in our garage this week, who I relocated to our garden. I was pleased to see she was spinning a web there and seems quite comfortable.

  18. They are so prehistoric looking. I always move them outside too. Learned my lesson that if you squash them, they smell really bad. It's funny how sticky their little legs are. It usually takes me a second so push them off my hand and into the grass because their feet are like rubber cement.

    1. Yeah they do smell bad. I relocate all the bugs outside.


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