Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Favorite Picture of the Week

I was out walking Falcor and was watching these clouds roll in. 

Within 10 minutes as we were getting back home it was getting a lot darker. We did get a few rain drops out of it but nothing big. 


  1. How quickly it can change in the desert.

  2. Hi, Mary!

    it's a good thing you and my buddy Falcor weren't blocks away from your apartment when the rain started coming down. If he is like my Toto was, he doesn't like getting wet I suppose when you see those clouds starting to roll in, you know it's time to cut the walk short, turn around and head back.

    Just a reminder that I am in day 2 of my 3-day blogging stint and have a new post running. Hope you can come over and join the fun while I am on active duty. Enjoy the rest of your day, week and month, dear friend Mary!

    1. I'm glad you reminded me. I have too much on my mind right now.

  3. Glad you avoided the bad weather

  4. That's looks straight out of a sci-fi flick. Cool and spooky.

    PS: My blog feed has changed.

  5. I like that streak of blue peeking through!

  6. Looks like it would have been a lot of rain from the clouds that rolled in- but a few drops isn't bad. ;) ~Jess

  7. Those are great photos of the clouds. It rained here off on and yesterday afternoon. I was kind of disappointed it wasn't more.

  8. I would expect a full downpour with those ominous looking clouds!


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