Sunday, April 28, 2024

Apartment Life #316

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

Early Monday morning while out with Falcor, I spotted an ambulance and police car across the street from where I live. There was a lot of yelling and arguing going on and a woman was brought out and put in the ambulance. Then the police left.

Less than 2 hours later the police were back and I just happened to see them again because I was once again walking Falcor. Another ambulance was parked around the corner from the police cars. No one was brought out into the ambulance this time though. The police were there for about an hour. I'm not sure what happened. 

Wednesday I spotted a police officer, truancy officer and someone else wearing a badge at my neighbors door. The guy that lives there has a 2 year old daughter with his ex girlfriend. So I was curious why CCSD (Clark County School District) truancy officer would show up with the police. But they will sometimes do that when there's an allegation of abuse even if the child isn't school age. I haven't seen the little girl visiting her dad next door in a couple of weeks, so I have no idea what happened. 

On Friday this couple who moved in with one of the new neighbors were fighting. He was inside and wouldn't open the door for her so she started trying to kick the door in. When that didn't work she broke the living room window which you can hear towards the end. Some of the neighbors were outside watching and a couple of the women yelled at her when she broke the window. 

He finally came outside when the window broke. This is the seconds time that she's gone off yelling like this. The same thing happened about 3 weeks ago. The guy who actually rents the apartment was at work and the boyfriend called a glass place and had the window repaired in less than 2 hours, before the guy who rented the apartment got home. I don't know if he even told him about the incident. It wasn't our apartment maintenance that fixed the window so I know that he called and had it repaired himself and it was fast. 

A hour later they were all lovey dovey again sitting outside talking. Boy, run! Because she's crazy. 

The high this week was 93F/33C
The low this week was 57F/13C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. "On Friday this couple who moved in with one of the new neighbors were fighting"
    Old neighbours, new neighbours...they're all the same, aren't they? It sounds like your neck of the woods is attracting all the bad apples lately...I hope that kid is alright at least. But if she's in the middle of a parental fight, probably not so much ☹️.

    1. I knew there would be at least one crazy neighbor with the new ones moving in,

      Hopefully the kid is fine.

  2. You make our neighbourhood sound really, really subdued - though I am quite sure that things happen we don't know about.

    1. Probably. I'm sure more happens around here that I don;t see too.

  3. Hi, Mary!

    I'm on my way back to the blog scene this coming week and happy to be here for your weekly State of the Neighborhood address.

    Not much has changed since I was here a month ago. I believe it was that same couple, the ones crashing at your neighbor's pad, that got into a scuffle last time I stopped by. Roomies from hell! The boyfriend did the right thing by getting the window repaired promptly, but it doesn't bode well. The Bickersons' violent outbursts are likely to continue or even escalate. It's a shame one of your new neighbors brought those two rowdies onto the block. No one should have to listen to that horrible screaming, and I feel sorry for you and your neighbors. Almost makes you miss the peaceful drug dealer and his wife. :)

    Hope that little girl isn't being abused in one of the other units. I hope you and my buddy Falcor are well and in good spirits and invite you to swing by and check out my new post which begins running Tuesday. Have a quiet and restful Sunday, dear friend Mary!

    1. Nope, not much has changed. It's pretty much normal these days for things like this to go on each week.

  4. That was fast. Eventually the guy renting the apartment is going to find out about the fights, maybe when she finally destroys the door.

  5. Amazingly fast repair!!!

    1. Yes it was that's one of the reasons I knew it wasn't our maintenance fixing it. lol

  6. That lady sounds mentally off

  7. This is A LOT lol. The most my neighbors have done is break a few bottles of beer when drunk. I don't think I'd survive living in a neighborhood with this much chaos happening in just the span of a week. 😂 The window breaking incident is wild!!

    1. And this is an every week occurrence. lol I'm just so used to it now. I figured I would document most of what I see to share with everyone else.

  8. I love these Sunday posts. Living in an apartment myself, I can surely empathize with you. I've had a refrigerator sitting in the lobby across from my apartment for a month now.

    1. Oh yes, apartment living is not for the faint. lol I can see that happening here too. We had a guy living in a tent in the middle of the courtyard for a few weeks years ago.

  9. The main character in this cozy mystery series of books will be the apartment dweller who has lived there forever, is friendly and helpful with her neighbors, and solves the mysteries. And since it's Nevada, of course the mob will enter in now and then along with the main character's favorite set of detectives. I'd read those books!

    1. lmao That would make for a gret series.

  10. A bit complicated with the new people

    1. 5 new people moved in, I knew there were good odds that at least one of them would be trouble and I was right.

  11. One damned thing after another, as they say!

  12. Wow! The new neighbors seem nice, LOL.

    1. The funny thing is, she is nice in passing. But damn, she's crazy. lol

  13. I don't know if even state of Idaho even have truancy officer.

    1. No? I thought every school district did.

  14. There was a lot of crazy going on at your place this week!

  15. That lady does sound crazy! Yes, run!! Hope the little girl isn't being abused.

    1. But they're back together already. Hopefully she's fine.

  16. Dare I ask.... If you could move to any place in the world, where would you go?

    1. Some place quiet, with lots of tree's and a lake to go sit at and relax.


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