Sunday, May 19, 2024

Apartment Life: #318

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

On Monday the police were in my courtyard at the apartment 2 doors away from mine. I didn't hear anything happening there before they showed up so I don't know what was going on. No one was arrested. 

The new guy who just moved in across from me works at the liquor store next door. So he knows a bunch of people from this neighborhood. After talking to a few of the women in my courtyard, I found out he's been flirting aggressively with some of them and won't leave them alone. So they are going to complain to management about him. He also plays his music really loud and disturbs the woman 2 doors from him when she works graveyard shift. So she's going to complain to management about that too. 

Monday night about 10PM, I was out walking Falcor for the last time that night and saw the ambulance driving up and down my street. There are 10 buildings in my apartment complex and ever since this place was painted a couple of months ago, they have never replaced the building numbers on the buildings. So delivery drivers are having a hard time finding the right address, postal carriers are having a hard time finding the right address and now the paramedics are having a hard time finding the right building numbers. 

They came to my door twice and said they were looking for building number 209 but that building was torn down years ago when they built the sound wall. I told them that. They continued to drive up and down the street and even got out of the ambulance at one point with their flashlights. They searched for almost an hour before coming back to my door and the other number 3 in my courtyard because they were looking for number 3. 

There is one of the paramedics approaching my door. As he was standing there they got the call that it wasn't building number 209 it was 109 and they went running off to that building. That poor person waited almost an hour for an ambulance. 

I caught one of the managers outside over a week ago and told them that delivery people were having a hard time finding the right address because the building numbers have not been painted back on the walls and he told me some lie about how they were waiting for the painters to come back out and do touch ups before they hung the building numbers back up. They do not care.

The high this week was 97F/36C
The low this week was 63F/17C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more


  1. It might be worth an email to local news stations. Here we have 2 on your side, it can be helpful to call them out and shame them a bit

    1. The last time someone here called the news for a problem they were evicted 30 days later.

  2. Sigh. And if someone dies because the numbers haven't been put up will they care then? Or only if they are sued.

  3. Wow that's terrible. I feel so bad for the person waiting for the ambulance!

  4. I'm surprised that's even legal, leaving the apartment numbers off. Somebody could die because an ambulance crew or police couldn't find the right place.

    Sounds like the new tenant is an additional new variety of asshole for an already asshole-rich environment. Just what you all needed. If the management doesn't do anything, the victims should try calling the police. Harassment and excessive noise are illegal, and the police are more likely to respond if it's a pattern of behavior rather than just one incident.

    1. Yeah they are talking about calling the police if this place doesn't do something about it.

  5. Good to hear the police still hasn't caught you LOOOL

  6. You could stick a sign on your own door that says what building and apartment - might at least help them narrow it down when searching. I'd think the cops would tell management they had to mark the buildings for safety reasons.

  7. Never a dull moment

  8. That's absolutely horrifying. I hope the person who needed the ambulance was reached in time... Management needs to do something about this mess!

  9. I’m sorry the new neighbor sucks. And yeah, it sounds like management is making excuses.

  10. That's sad that the missing numbers are causing so much confusion.

  11. How bizarre that no new numbers have been added so nobody knows where to find an address and they're left scratching their heads. You would thought new numbers were an obvious priority.

    1. You would think. I even said something to them and they still haven't done anything about it.

  12. I think they can get in trouble if they don't have the numbers clearly marked. It's a safety issue obviously! What if that person died because of the wait? Sounds like you have a new creepy neighbor! I'll be interested to hear if management would even do anything about those types of complaints. I think it's more a police issue.

    1. Since he hasn't really done anything except be a creep, I doubt the police will do anything. I've emailed the office again to ask about the building numbers being put back on. So far they haven't responded.

  13. It's too bad that no one cares enough... I am pretty sure it's a law that the buildings must be identifiable for safety reasons. But if no one is going to force management to fix it, then it won't get fixed. I hope that person is okay. I hope you have a good week.

    1. I've emailed the office again to ask about the building numbers being put back on. So far they haven't responded.

  14. Residents should get markers and paint in their numbers in until management gets around to doing it, because that's ridiculous someone could die because the ambulance can't find the address.

    1. I've emailed the office again to ask about the building numbers being put back on. So far they haven't responded.

  15. For goodness' sake, the person waiting for the ambulance could have died. If I were them, I'd report the manager to the police.

    Also...the new guy doesn't seem to have improved the situation around there. Keep your taser on hand...

    1. I've emailed the office again to ask about the building numbers being put back on. So far they haven't responded.

      I always have my taser.


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